UTOPIAS - The Plague Wars

Book Description

The Plague Wars began in 2084 due to the Climate Crisis which caused many diseases to spring up worldwide. The World Federation (WF) sent Peacekeeper troops to hot spots around the world to try and reduce tensions among fighting countries. The United Americas Continent (UAC) sent soldiers from Fort Leonard Wood (FLW) to India to prevent the Chinese from forcing India to join the Eurasia Federation under the control of the autocratic leader, Premier Tung Wing. Colonel Luis Martin served with soldiers under General Bradley Clark from FLW in the disputed Ladakh Region in northern India. The Chinese Army invaded India from the north forcing the Indian Armed Forces and the WF Peacekeeper troops to retreat after a fierce battle as they tried to prevent the capital city, New Delhi, from falling into Chinese hands. Colonel Martin was tasked with a mission to rescue the UAC Ambassador and the WF Director-General Envoy in New Delhi from capture by the Chinese and take them to the nearest military base in Jaipur to return home. It didn’t take long for the Chinese to find them and attack. In the UAC, conditions have not gotten any better since Colonel Martin and the soldiers from FLW left to fight overseas two years ago. The Climate Crisis continued to worsen even faster than predicted. Humans were still facing extinction unless President Ricardo Carlos could implement the solutions he promised to save humanity and the world. UTOPIAS -The Plague Wars is a prequel story in the UTOPIAS Dystopian Series. It sets the stage for the beginning of Book Zero which explains in realistic and explicable detail how Climate Crisis began and what it will take to reverse the environmental damage caused by dependence on fossil fuels leading to mankind’s Sixth Mass Extinction Level Event. UTOPIAS - Books 1 & 2 continue the story when President Carlos and others wake up in 2199 after sleeping for one hundred years. The world has changed, but the future with androids and rightwing militia groups is still unpredictable.


Book Description

The Plague Wars began in 2084 due to the Climate Crisis which caused many diseases to spring up worldwide. The World Federation (WF) sent Peacekeeper troops to hot spots around the world to try and reduce tensions among fighting countries. The United Americas Continent (UAC) sent soldiers from Fort Leonard Wood (FLW) to India to prevent the Chinese from forcing India to join the Eurasia Federation under the control of the autocratic leader, Premier Tung Wing.Colonel Luis Martin served with soldiers under General Bradley Clark from FLW in the disputed Ladakh Region in northern India. The Chinese Army invaded India from the north forcing the Indian Armed Forces and the WF Peacekeeper troops to retreat after a fierce battle as they tried to prevent the capital city, New Delhi, from falling into Chinese hands.Colonel Martin was tasked with a mission to rescue the UAC Ambassador and the WF Director-General Envoy in New Delhi from capture by the Chinese and take them to the nearest military base in Jaipur to return home. It didn't take long for the Chinese to find them and attack.In the UAC, conditions have not gotten any better since Colonel Martin and the soldiers from FLW left to fight overseas two years ago. The Climate Crisis continued to worsen even faster than predicted. Humans were still facing extinction unless President Ricardo Carlos could implement the solutions he promised to save humanity and the world.UTOPIAS -The Plague Wars is a prequel story in the UTOPIAS Dystopian Series. It sets the stage for the beginning of Book Zero which explains in realistic and explicable detail how Climate Crisis began and what it will take to reverse the environmental damage caused by dependence on fossil fuels leading to mankind's Sixth Mass Extinction Level Event. UTOPIAS - Books 1 & 2 continue the story when President Carlos and others wake up in 2199 after sleeping for one hundred years. The world has changed, but the future with androids and rightwing militia groups is still unpredictable.

The Guardians - Threat Of Extinction

Book Description

The Guardians – Threat Of Extinction begins with a Lataran Guardianship leaving their home planet on a mission to investigate a report that one of their protector planets had been attacked by a new enemy alien race called the Tyrax who have invaded their star systems. First Commander Òmon is in charge of the Guardianship named Poltara. What Òmon finds on the mission is abhorrent to his species. The Tyrax would not negotiate for peace. They seemed intent upon eliminating any race they discovered to take control of the planet for themselves. This act of extreme annihilation could not be tolerated and the Latarans were now at war with the Tyrax. Not only were the Tyrax determined to destroy the Lataran people, they used a new terraforming weapon on every world they attacked to make it suitable for their species. Something about the Tyrax required the need for a different type of world than was currently present for their survival. Òmon was determined to find out just what the reason for this was. Later, Òmon was given a new mission by his superior commander. He was ordered to journey to a new star system to protect it from the Tyrax before it was discovered. The reason for this was unusual. It seemed the race in this star system called Sol was another warrior-like species. They fight each other to the point of extinction of the losing race. He must recruit them to fight on Lataran Guardianships and Starfighters if they hope to win the war against the Tyrax. Supreme Master Commander Galis is the leader of the Tyrax Empire located in the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy in the constellation Canis Major 42,000 light-years from the Galactic Center of the Milky Way galaxy. Their dwarf galaxy was in the process of being torn apart by the gravitational forces of the Milky Way galaxy. First Commander Eto is given a special assignment to test a new Doomsday weapon that can be used to terraform whole planets in a matter of days. He is assigned a new mission to use the weapon on the star system called Sol. This is a Novella Prequel story that introduces several main characters and situations that follow in The Guardians Series. Book 1 begins when the Tyrax attack Earth and send a Doomsday weapon that detonates multiple missile warheads over twenty-four sparsely inhabited land areas around the globe. It causes a biological transformation using nanobots that threaten to destroy all life forms on the planet within days. Only the Lataran Guardian Òmon can help save Earth from extinction. Book 2 continues the story when the Tyrax return to finish the job with a a new weapon they call the Destroyer, a large asteroid that will do more damage to the biosphere than the meteorite that wiped out the dinosaurs sixty-five million years ago. In Book 3, the Tyrax are building a large particle accelerator to create an antimatter weapon to use against Earth. The first opponent to build the weapon will win this Galactic Space War between good and evil alien races.

Alien Times – Book 2, Confrontation

Book Description

Alien Times – Book 2, Confrontation continues the efforts by Special Investigative Agent Sam Holden and Washington Post Senior Staff Reporter Julie Peterson to uncover the truth about alien coverup efforts by the Extraterrestrial Counter Threat Group (ECTG) and identify its leaders. Events spiral out of control as anti-alien protesters and militia supporters blame the world’s environmental crises on alien interference in human affairs. The final confrontation occurs on the grounds of the Washinton Monument in historic fashion before the real truth about alien involvement becomes evident. Alien Times – Book 2 begins with agent Sam Holden attempting to bring ECTG leader General Frank Roberts and his men to justice for the murder of Washington Post investigative reporter Joe Bingham and the kidnapping of Julie Peterson after her rescue at Area 51. Julie is working on her next story regarding anti-alien groups spreading conspiracy theories about aliens and planning a major demonstration at the UN General Assembly in New York City. Tarid’s hostility toward Idin and humans increases as U.S. Navy Fleets continue to operate near his underwater sea base in the Pacific Ocean. Tarid threatens Idin and chases him away from Earth. He then attacks the Navy Pacific Fleet with a high energy electromagnetic microwave weapon causing serious health issues to all crew members on board. Tarid warns the fleet to stay two hundred miles from their underwater base or he will attack again. A final rally takes place in front of the Washington Monument on the National Mall. Anti-alien demonstrators learn the terrible secret of alien interference on our planet. It causes a mass riot that forces President Zora Madison to take extreme security measures to protect herself and others during this historic event. The truth about what happened is hard to accept, but it only serves as a warning that more effort is needed to save the planet and humans from extinction.

1666: Plague, War, and Hellfire

Book Description

1666 was a watershed year for England. An outbreak of the Great Plague, the eruption of the second Dutch War, and the devastating Great Fire of London all struck the country in rapid succession and with devastating repercussions. Shedding light on these dramatic events and their context, historian Rebecca Rideal reveals an unprecedented period of terror and triumph. Based in original archival research drawing on little-known sources, 1666 opens with the fiery destruction of London before taking readers on a thrilling journey through a crucial turning point in English history as seen through the eyes of an extraordinary cast of historical characters. While the central events of this significant year were ones of devastation and defeat, 1666 also offers a glimpse of the incredible scientific and artistic progress being made at that time, from Isaac Newton’s discovery of gravity to the establishment of The London Gazette. It was in this year that John Milton completed Paradise Lost, Frances Stewart posed for the iconic image of Britannia, and a young architect named Christopher Wren proposed a plan for a new London—a stone phoenix to rise from the charred ashes of the old city. With flair and style, 1666 exposes readers to a city and a country on the cusp of modernity and a series of events that altered the course of history.

Trans/Forming Utopia

Book Description

Is the utopian project dead? Is it possible to imagine a utopian society or a utopian world in the aftermath of the collapse of ideologies? This book contains eighteen essays which are the result of the 7th International Conference of Utopian Studies held in Spain in 2006, either debating the subject, or suggesting alternative readings to some of the theoretical ideas raised within utopian studies. This volume focuses on the importance of narratives in utopian literature. They define the world we live in and the world we wish to live in. Through narratives of confession, and indeed through silence itself, the unconscious emerges and desire is articulated. The articles in this volume question and challenge the power of the word, the stability of meaning, and the relationship between thought and action in the construction of utopia and dystopia. They also point to the various literary frameworks of utopian and dystopian narratives, thus connecting stories from the past, present and future of both real and imaginary and communities.

Utopia and Dystopia in the Age of Trump

Book Description

Utopia and Dystopia in the Age of Trump focuses on utopias and dystopias that either prefigure or suggest alternatives to the rise of individuals such as Donald J. Trump and the changing conditions of America we now see around us. These topical studies provide compelling reading for both the general reader and the specialist.

(Re)Writing War in Contemporary Literature and Culture

Book Description

(Re)Writing War in Contemporary Literature and Culture: Beyond Post-Memory is an exploration of war narratives through the lens of postmemory, offering a critical re-evaluation of how contemporary literature and cultural products reshape our understanding of past conflicts. This volume presents a rich tapestry of perspectives, drawing from an array of conflicts and incorporating insights from international experts across various disciplines, including contemporary literature, film studies, visual arts, and cultural studies. It critically builds upon and extends Marianne Hirsch's concept of postmemory, engaging with complex themes like the ethical dimensions of war writing, the authenticity of representations, and the creative power of art in reimagining traumatic events. This study not only challenges traditional boundaries in war literature and memory studies but also resonates with contemporary concerns about societal engagement with violent pasts, making it a significant addition to scholarly discourse and essential reading for those interested in the intersection of history, memory, and literature.

Nanomachine War - Nanotech Terror Weapon

Book Description

The Qumru are a peaceful alien race. They are advanced spacefaring people who never interfere with other alien races and try to avoid hostile races such as the Yoyka. For the past two centuries the two races have left each other alone in peace. This changed suddenly when the Yoyka attacked Qum without warning with a new nanotech terror weapon. The weapon was made of semi-intelligent nanomachines that are contagious upon contact. The nanomachines are designed to only attack a specific race based on their genome DNA. The nanomachines replicate inside the body, invade the mind and can be controlled over quantum transmission links (QTL). Once infected, the person becomes highly infectious and the nanomachines spread rapidly by touch or by breathing the air around them. The Yoyka use the nanomachine weapon to enslave other races for the purpose of providing materials and resources for building Yoyka warships, military forces and expanding the Yoykan Empire. The Yoyka plan to attack, capture and enslave all alien races within the galaxy if not stopped. The Qumru have two advantages the Yoyka are not fully aware of. First, the Qumru created sentient androids for providing security, military functions and other services for the people of Qum. They live on a separate planet called Holtu thirty light years away. Second, they possess an advanced scientific achievement called Onutu which can prolong their lives. These two advantages will decide the outcome of the devastating war with the Yoykan Empire. This is a Novella Prequel story that introduces several main characters in the Nanomachine War Series trilogy. Book 1 continues the saga of the first Qumru starship encounter with humans on Mars. Books 2 and 3 culminate in a space war with the Yoykan Empire to settle the question of whether or not the Yoyka will enslave the peoples of Qum, Holtu and Earth.