Valence Instabilities and Related Narrow-Band Phenomena

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Those well-intending workers, especially theorists, who have viewed hungrily the mixed valence problem, but have not yet made the bold leap, might be comforted to learn that the Rochester conference left the virginal state of that problem essentially intact. That is not to say that the event was prosaic. Indeed, the conferees exhibited a level of effervescence appropriate to the freshness and challenge of the problem at hand. If the meeting failed to solve major questions, it at least established several guidelines. One is that future experimental efforts, at least on a short time scale, might be spent most profitably on those substances which exhibit consistent, and hence probably intrinsic, behavior from laboratory to laboratory. A recurring message, not always subtle, to the·theorists was that piecemeal approaches to the mixed valence problem, characteristic of much of the work to date, are of limited usefulness. For at the core of the problem one has a melange of boot-strapping interac tions which must be sorted out and dealt with properly. Para phrasing Phil Anderson (see Epilogue), the mixed valence problem is in the same category of problems which are failing to be done in field theory these days.

Valence Instabilities

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Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Valence Fluctuations and Heavy Fermions

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During the Koln meeting (August 28-31, 1984), Irdia was chosen as the venue for the next International Conference on Valence Fluctuations. lhis was in recognition ard appreciation of the work done, both experimental ard theoretical, by the Irdian scientists in this area during the last decade. We decided to hold this Conference in the month of January, 1987 at Bangalore. lhe subject of Valence Fluctuations has kept itself alive ard active as it has provided many shocks ard suprises particularly among the Ce- ard U-based intermetallies. lhe richness of many interesting physical phenomena occurring in mixed valent materials, the flexibility of modifying their physical properties (by alloying, for example) ard the possibility of synthesizing a wide variety of new such materials seem to be the key factors in this regard. Barely six months before this Conference, an International Conference on Anomalous Rare Earths and Actinides (ICAREA) had been held at Grenoble (July, 1986) which also focussed on mixed valence ard heavy fermion phenomena. In spite of this, the response to this' Conference was very enthusiastic and encouraging. Many interesting ard important results were presented at this Conference which have been included in this volume.

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High-Pressure and Low-Temperature Physics

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High pressure science is a rapidly growing diverse fi. e1d. The high pressure technique has become a powerful tool for both the study and preparation of materials. In spi. te of the many high pressure conferences held in recent years, I felt that there was a need for scientists within a well-defined area (not bound merely by the common experimental technique) to meet in an atmosphere conducive to frank exchange and close interaction. In this spirit, the Cleveland State University hosted such a conference from July 20 to 22, 1977, in which the physics of solids under high pressures and at low tempera tures was specifically examined. Both the original and review papers presented at the conference and the candid discussions following their presentations appear in this volume. They clearly cover a rather complete spectrum of current research in the physics of solids at high pressures and low temperatures. I wish to thank the National Aeronautics and Space Administra tion, the Office of Naval Research and the National Science Founda tion for their financial support of the conference. In addition, I wish especially to thank Steinar Huang for his unceasing assistance in arranging this conference. I also wish to thank him and Francis Stephenson for their assistance in preparing this book. C. W. Chu, Chairman, International Conference on High Pressure and Low Temperature Physics v Contents HYDROGEN AND METAL-HYDRIDES (Chairman: I. Spain) PROSPECTS FOR METALLIC HYDROGEN 1 A. L.