Value Creation in Alliance Portfolios

Book Description

We draw on the resource-based view of the firm and the alliance benefits and costs literature to advance a model of value creation in firms that access network resources through multiple simultaneous strategic alliances with different partners. Our model suggests that value creation on the alliance portfolio level is a function of the benefits created through synergistic combinations of network resources accessed through alliances with different partners and of the costs generated by the substitutability of resource combinations between the focal firm and its alliance partners. We specify the conditions under which firms can leverage their network resources accessed from alliances with different partners to create benefits above and beyond the benefits they create at the level of any individual alliance. We conclude that the value creating potential of network resources should not only be evaluated on the basis of each individual alliance but also from an alliance portfolio perspective.

Managing Alliance Portfolios and Networks

Book Description

Managing Alliance Portfolios and Networks is a volume in the book series Research in Strategic Alliances that focuses on providing a robust and comprehensive forum for new scholarship in the field of strategic alliances. In particular, the books in the series cover new views of interdisciplinary theoretical frameworks and models, significant practical problems of alliance organization and management, and emerging areas of inquiry. The series also includes comprehensive empirical studies of selected segments of business, economic, industrial, government, and non-profit activities with wide prevalence of strategic alliances. Through the ongoing release of focused topical titles, this book series seeks to disseminate theoretical insights and practical management information that should enable interested professionals to gain a rigorous and comprehensive understanding of the field of strategic alliances. Managing Alliance Portfolios and Networks contains contributions by leading scholars in the field of strategic alliance research. The 9 chapters in this volume deal with significant issues relating to the management of alliance portfolios and alliance networks. These issues range from value creation in alliance ecosystems, management lessons from social enterprise, and a configurational perspective on alliance management capabilities, to the competition dynamics of alliance networks, internationalization of an alliance portfolio, and structural embeddedness of alliance networks during industry convergence. The chapters contain empirical as well as conceptual treatments of the selected topics, and collectively present a wide-ranging review of the noteworthy research perspectives on managing alliance portfolios and alliance networks.

Strategic Alliances for Value Creation

Book Description

Strategic Alliances for Value Creation is a volume in the book series Research in Strategic Alliances that will focus on providing a robust and comprehensive forum for new scholarship in the field of strategic alliances. In particular, the books in the series will cover new views of interdisciplinary theoretical frameworks and models, significant practical problems of alliance organization and management, and emerging areas of inquiry. The series will also include comprehensive empirical studies of selected segments of business, economic, industrial, government, and non-profit activities with wide prevalence of strategic alliances. Through the ongoing release of focused topical titles, this book series will seek to disseminate theoretical insights and practical management information that will enable interested professionals to gain a rigorous and comprehensive understanding of the field of strategic alliances. Strategic Alliances for Value Creation contains contributions by leading scholars in the field of strategic alliance research. The 14 chapters in this volume cover a number of significant topics that encompass value creation through strategic alliances in recent times. The chapters cover both the broader topics, such as multi-partner alliances, technology parks, intellectual property rights, knowledge management and culture, portfolio theory, learning in alliances, and open innovation, and the more focused problems of transparency in interfirm accounting, local partner perspective of management control, knowledge in intra-district networks, and alliance partners for entrepreneurial firms. The chapters include empirical as well as conceptual treatments of the selected topics, and collectively present a wide-ranging review of the noteworthy areas of research on employing strategic alliances for value creation.

Alliance Portfolios and Firm Performance

Book Description

This study reveals the multifaceted contribution of alliance portfolios to firms' market performance. Extending prior research that has stressed the value-creation effect of network resources, it uncovers how prominent partners may undermine a firm's capacity to appropriate value from its alliance portfolio. Analysis of a comprehensive panel dataset of 367 software firms and their 20,779 alliances suggests that the contribution of network resources to value creation varies with the complementarity of those resources. Furthermore, the relative bargaining power of partners in the alliance portfolio constrains the firm's appropriation capacity, especially when many of these partners compete in the focal firm's industry. In turn, the firm's market performance improves with the intensity of competition among partners in its alliance portfolio. These findings advance network research by highlighting the tradeoffs that alliance portfolios impose on firms that seek to manage and leverage their alliances.

Strategic Orientation and Alliance Portfolio Configuration

Book Description

Following the resource-based view, social network theory and transaction cost theory, Katharina Wratschko shows the complex relationship between a firm’s business strategy and its alliance portfolio.

Managing Dynamic Capabilities in Alliance Portfolios

Book Description

Dieses Buch modelliert die Vorteile eines systematischen Allianzmanagements. Allianzen bilden heute die wichtigste Form strategischer Instrumente im Kampf um Wettbewerbsvorteile, deutlich vor M&As und weit vor der internen Entwicklung. Dennoch wird dieses Thema von vielen Unternehmen stiefm tterlich behandelt. Das Buch zeigt auf, wie der bergang vom klassischen zusammenhanglosen Einzelallianzmanagement zu einem dynamischen Allianzportfoliomanagement gelingen kann und benennt konkrete Elemente dieses ganzheitlichen Managements. Allianzportfoliomanagement bezieht sich hierbei nicht nur auf das Management mehrerer Allianzen, sondern geht von einer Ressourcensteuerung ber die drei strategischen oben genannten Hauptinstrumente aus und bietet in diesem Zusammenhang eine koordinierende Stelle zwischen den verschiedenen Unternehmensebenen von Top-Management / normativen Management bis hin zu operativen Ebenen in den funktionalen / prozessualen o. . Bereichen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt wird hierbei auf die erfolgsentscheidende Generierung von Vorteilen durch eine Allianzportfoliofunktion/-abteilung und auf Wissensmanagement gelegt. Nachweislich stellt Wissensmanagement bzw. Allianzerfahrung den mit Abstand bedeutendsten Erfolgsfaktor f r renditewirksames Allianzmanagement dar. Das Buch realisiert durch pr gnante Grundlagenarbeit einen guten Einsteig, aber vor allem eine starke Vertiefung des Themas Strategische Allianzen mit klarer Ausrichtung auf Allianzportfoliomanagement. Die hier formulierten Erkenntnisse sind gewinnbringend f r Kleinunternehmen. Besonderes Potential birgt es jedoch f r Allianzmanager in mittelst ndischen, als auch in gro en Unternehmen. Akademiker mit Interesse am Allianzmanagement finden hier ebenso einen berblick ber wichtige Themen wie die Grundlagen des Allianzmanagement, Wissensmanagement in Allianzen, dynamischen F higkeiten uvm.

Management Dynamics in Strategic Alliances

Book Description

Management Dynamics in Strategic Alliances is a volume in the book series Research in Strategic Alliances that will focus on providing a robust and comprehensive forum for new scholarship in the field of strategic alliances. In particular, the books in the series will cover new views of interdisciplinary theoretical frameworks and models, significant practical problems of alliance organization and management, and emerging areas of inquiry. The series will also include comprehensive empirical studies of selected segments of business, economic, industrial, government, and non-profit activities with wide prevalence of strategic alliances. Through the ongoing release of focused topical titles, this book series will seek to disseminate theoretical insights and practical management information that will enable interested professionals to gain a rigorous and comprehensive understanding of the field of strategic alliances. Management Dynamics in Strategic Alliances contains contributions by leading scholars in the field of strategic alliance research. The 12 chapters in this volume cover a number of significant topics relating to the management of strategic alliances. The chapters discuss both the broader issues, such as governance structure choice, dynamics of alliance conditions, co-evolutionary dynamics, learning dynamics, and the management of internal tensions, and the more focused problems of controls in interfirm settings, dilemmas of cooperation, value creation in alliance portfolios, and alliance management experiences in the construction and automobile industries. The chapters include empirical as well as conceptual treatments of the selected topics, and collectively present a wide-ranging review of the management dynamics in strategic alliances.

A Process View of Alliance Capability

Book Description

This paper investigates the source of heterogeneity in the distribution of alliance capabilities among firms, and relates it to business processes that enable firms to generate collaborative value. Complementing the existing view of dyadic value creation, and the emerging experience and structural perspectives of alliance capabilities, we argue the importance of examining such a capability through the lens of organizational processes. Based on a theoretical framework of collaborative rents, we identify three processes - namely alliance proactiveness, relational orientation and portfolio coordination as constituting such a capability. Using data from 235 firms, and controlling for alliance experience and the presence of a dedicated alliance function, we show that the three processes play an important role in enhancing a firm's alliance portfolio capital. Further, we find that the alliance portfolio capital has a positive impact on firm performance. Thus we find evidence of heterogeneity in deriving value from alliance portfolios through an alliance capability emanating from organizational processes.

Strategic Alliance Management

Book Description

Strategic Alliance Management presents an academically grounded alliance development framework, detailing eight stages of alliance development with consideration for specific management challenges. For each stage, readers are presented with theoretical insights, evidence-based managerial guidelines and a business case illustration. Other chapters consider alliance attributes, alliance competences, and alliance challenges, and cover topics such as innovation, co-branding, co-opetition, business ecosystems, alliance professionals, alliance capabilities, societal alliances and a tension-based alliance mindset. This fully revised 3rd edition leverages the book’s strengths in marrying theory with practical insight. All the chapters have been updated to reflect the current academic literature, whilst new international case studies are incorporated throughout. Two new chapters feature in this edition, considering the importance of the mindset required to successfully navigate alliance arrangements, and emerging alliance practices, exploring how new technologies, sustainability and the external environment have disrupted alliance management. In-chapter text boxes discussing emerging themes provide opportunity for discussion and analysis. The textbook remains highly valuable core and recommended reading for postgraduate students of Strategic Management and Corporate Strategy, MBA and Executive MBA, as well as reflective practitioners in the field. Online resources include chapter-by-chapter lecture slides, two long case studies and short interviews with alliance executives.