Values in Sex Education

Book Description

An accessible, yet authoritative book, situating sex education both in the primary and secondary school, within the current focus on values and citizenship.

Sexuality in America

Book Description

Now available in a new paperback edition, this survey is different in both breadth and scope from all other reports on sexuality in the United States. It covers every topic imaginable, from a multicultural point of view, in order to reflect fully the complex society in which we live: the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of our sexual lives.

Sexuality and Human Values

Book Description

Values in Sexuality

Book Description

The authors believe that a new style of sex education can help students to attain a mature sexuality. The activities and exercises in this book are designed to directly involve high school and colleges students in the examination and evaluation of their personal feelings and beliefs.

Values Education on Human Sexuality

Book Description

PARENTS HANDBOOK SEXUALITY EDUCATION is, basically, CHARACTER EDUCATION, which in turn is founded on human dignity and encompasses formation in moral standards and human conduct; hence, covering the key elements of “life and love, and everything in between”. This book is intended for parents, the primary educators of children, and the most effective source of appreciation and understanding of love and sexuality, shaping minds and hearts to make good and responsible day-to-day decisions on key aspects of life. This is the third of an 11-volume series, the first dealing with the basics and nuances of sexuality education; the second addressed to teachers in the classroom; and the next eight intended as textbook series for Grades 5 to 12 (ages 11 to 18) of the K to 12 program. The book series in SEXUALITY EDUCATION is probably a most potent tool to help young people and their parents and other educators, regardless of creed, culture, and social status, to appreciate love, life, and everything in between. It is a book of and about love, in the setting of the home that nourishes future homes.

Invented Moralities

Book Description

This is an important intervention in debates on the family and sexuality, exploring clashes over sexual values and contemporary sexual dilemmas such as AIDS.

Values Education on Human Sexuality

Book Description

SPECIAL QUESTIONS (FOR GRADE 11, THE AGE OF DEEPENING) The book series is all about education in human sexuality, based on the nourishment and cultivation of the natural gift of a person’s character. The series is based on the premise that SEXUALITY EDUCATION is, basically, CHARACTER EDUCATION, which in turn is founded on human dignity and encompasses formation in moral standards and human conduct; hence, covering the key elements of “life and love, and everything in between”. Comprising an introductory volume for parents and teachers; a volume for classroom use of teachers; a volume for parents; and eight volumes for Grades 5 to 12, respectively, this current volume is specifically addressed to Grade 6 pupils, about 17 to 18 year olds in their late adolescence. It talks about SPECIAL QUESTIONS: on issues concerning life; sex; marriage; and human identity. Since men and women have been gifted with intellect and will, one becomes highly capable of using well or abusing these powers for the good or damage of self and fellowmen. It is thus extremely important that students at this age have a deep appreciation of the issues confronting the modern world, especially in the realm of sexuality and the channels of its development. The book series is characterized by sound, perennial concepts and by teaching and learning tools geared towards the age group being addressed.

Sexual Values

Book Description

Presents opposing viewpoints on such issues as the sexual revolution, homosexuality, sexual ethics, pornography, and sex education.

For Goodness Sex

Book Description

A progressive, effective, and responsible approach to sex education for parents and teens that challenges traditional teaching models and instead embraces 21st century realities by promoting healthy sexuality, values, and body image in young people. Sex education today generally falls into one of two categories: abstinence-only or abstinence-based education—both of which tend to withhold important, factual information and leave young adults ill-equipped to make safe decisions. Al Vernacchio, a high school sexuality educator who holds a Master’s degree in Human Sexuality from the University of Pennsylvania, has created a new category: sex-positive education. In For Goodness Sex, he refutes the “disaster prevention” model of sex ed, offering a progressive and realistic approach: Sexuality is a natural part of life, and healthy sexuality can only develop from a sex-positive, affirming appreciation. Curious yet fearful of being judged, young people turn to peers, the Internet, and the media, where they receive problematic messages about sex: boys are studs, girls are sluts; real sex should be like porn; hookups are better than relationships. Without a broader understanding to offset these damaging perceptions, teenagers are dangerously unprepared intellectually and emotionally to grow and develop as sexual beings. For Goodness Sex offers the tools and insights adults need to talk young people and help them develop healthy values and safe habits. With real-life examples from the classroom, exercises and quizzes, and a wealth of sample discussions and crucial information, Vernacchio offers a guide to sex education for the twenty-first century.

Values Education on Human Sexuality

Book Description

SEX AND SEXUALITY (FOR GRADE 9, THE AGE OF AWAKENING) The book series is all about education in human sexuality, based on the nourishment and cultivation of the natural gift of a person’s character. The series is based on the premise that SEXUALITY EDUCATION is, basically, CHARACTER EDUCATION, which in turn is founded on human dignity and encompasses formation in moral standards and human conduct; hence, covering the key elements of “life and love, and everything in between”. Comprising an introductory volume for parents and teachers; a volume for classroom use of teachers; a volume for parents; and eight volumes for Grades 5 to 12, respectively, this current volume is specifically addressed to Grade 6 pupils, about 15 to 16 years of age in their middle adolescence. It talks about SEX AND SEXUALITY: the beautiful gift of sex and sexuality; freedom and responsibility as applied to these powers; the challenges confronting today’s sexualized world; and developing and maturing in one’s sexuality. Sex and sexuality comprise the most intimate aspects of one’s person hood. The two complementary elements build and shape a future family towards “love, life, and everything in between”. The book series is characterized by sound, perennial concepts and by teaching and learning tools geared towards the age group being addressed.