American Vampires

Book Description


Book Description

Richard is a modern vampire who likes to eat in. That's why he always keeps a fresh victim trapped in his home. All of his captives eventually die; Lenore hopes to be the first to escape. Life at Richard's is short but never dull.

Vampires and Victims

Book Description

The Humans of The Cauldron and the Vampires of Storm Hill have coexisted alongside one another in an uneasy truce ever since the signing of 'The Treaty' four hundred years ago. However, since the rebellion against Lord Harbinger, Cauldronians have, once again, begun to go missing.

Vampires, Burial, and Death

Book Description

Surveys centuries of folklore about vampires and offers a scientific explanation for the origins of the legends.


Book Description

Have you watched horror stories where vampires are the main characters? If you think that these supernatural beings are just part of your imagination, try to consider the possibility that they really exist. The night is filled with fear as a vampire could attack randomly. The extreme thirst for blood may turn anyone as the victim or prey. Having an encounter with a serial killer would be the worst experience ever. When we say "serial killer", this person murdered more than two people, not just by shooting a gun or stabbing them with a knife. It is horrible to know that sexual contact is involved in most serial killings.Among the stories you have read, you may not have found yet this peak level of intensity. The version where John Brennan is the vampire rapist is where you will discover his brutal acts and dark intentions. This man had criminal backgrounds like rape and kidnapping. Specifically, Crutchley killed 32 women in his entire venture. Considering the fact that he drained his victim's blood, he is indeed suitable for the title of "Vampire Rapist". John was part of a wealthy family, but not of a circle of friends. Instead of interacting with the other young children outside, he preferred to explore his gadgets and play games. With his interest on technology-assisted equipment, his career was related to electronics. John Crutchley was able to earn a decent income from rebuilding stereo systems and doing radio repairs. This man has great potentials, making him competent in the company he was part of. He completed his course in physics within a reputable school in Ohio. After earning his bachelor's degree, he never stopped learning. In fact, John Crutchley had his post-graduate schooling for the improvement of his skills in electronics. His diligence in studying is too far from his image of being a "Vampire rapist" and criminal. This man was feared due to his notorious acts. However, every individual has his own burden. By simply looking at him, we cannot instantly say that he is entirely bad and unreasonable for his deeds.

A Guide To Real Vampires

Book Description

"Is Vampires real? If they're real, where do they live? What do they eat and how can I identify a real vampire?" - If you wonder about these questions, this book will give you the answer. In this book, the author will guide you through various definitions of what a real vampire is, and how come they claim to be among us. This book will also bring up different vampiric activities, authentic violent crimes, diseases, research, and religious communities - everything you always wanted to know about vampires!


Book Description

In the modern world vampires come in all forms: they can be perpetrators or victims, metaphors or monsters, scapegoats for sinfulness or mirrors of our own evil. What becomes obvious from the scope of the fifteen essays in this collection is that vampires have infiltrated just about every area of popular culture and consciousness. In fact, the way that vampires are depicted in all types of media is often a telling signifier of the fears and expectations of a culture or community and the way that it perceives itself; and others. The volume’s essays offer a fascinating insight into both vampires themselves and the cultures that envisage them.


Book Description

Explores vampire lore in a wide range of cultures to offer insight into everything from their characteristics and habits to the ways they have been fought and how they compare to vampires popularized by Hollywood depictions.

Emotional Vampires

Book Description

Since ancient times, Vampire legends have had a powerful hold on the human imagination. This fascination continues today with the popularity of Bram Stokers Dracula, New vampire books and movies, and pop cultural phenomena. Daniel Rhodes and Kathleen Rhodes, D.N.Sc. believe that very real vampires are stalking their prey from the shadows – not the mythical bloodsuckers of folklore fame, but emotional vampires who deliberately drain others psychologically. Emotional Vampires are individuals we deal with in daily life who leave us feeling abnormally angry, confused, upset, or fatigued. These manipulative psychological leeches may be total strangers or our best friends, co-workers, or family members. By controlling situations and people for their own purposes, they prey upon their victims with deliberate aim of stealing emotional energy – just like mythical vampires. Many of these predators know exactly how much frustration, anger and anxiety they inflict, while others carry on virtually unaware of the damage they cause, and victims are many times unaware that they are being bled. These Vampire attacks may be one-time interactions, or they could go on for years. They can range from just being emotionally troublesome to threatening careers, mental health, and even the lives of their victims. Often, emotional vampires use a clever set of techniques: •Task – blocking: Have you ever worked on an important project with a co-worker who prevents you from finishing the task and then blames you? •Turnaround: Have you ever complained about a poor product or service only to have a clerk rudely abuse you? •Vectors: Have you ever felt fear from being tailgated or cut off by another driver, or anger at a difficult neighbor who seems to enjoy disturbing your pace with his barking dog or loud stereo? •The vampire signature: After having a run-in with one of these predators, has he or she shown you by a smirk or a smart remark that you’ve been had. Illustrated fascinating personal stories from victims, this insightful work identifies and classifies emotional predators, exposes the methods they use, describes the collective “vampirism” of groups, and offers ways to combat the effects of an emotional attack.