Vampyre Magick

Book Description

Since the dawn of civilization, the vampire has danced through the dreams and nightmares of every culture, expressed in folklore, literature, and art. Today, this fascination resonates in pop-culture through hit television shows, movies, and bestselling books. In Vampyre Magick, Father Sebastiaan reveals the hidden rituals and spells of the Living Vampires. This companion volume to Sebastiaan’s Vampyre Sanguinomicon, is intended for initiates of the Stigoii Vii, but will appeal to any scholar of magickal arts, The Golden Dawn, or other Western Mystery Traditions.

AKHKHARU - Vampyre Magick

Book Description

AKHKHARU - Vampyre Magick is a complete grimoire of Vampyric Magick - from beginner to Advanced. The Vampyre Magickian explores foundational techniques, practice and the mindset needed to transform consciousness into a Godlike state. The grimoire presents actual Ancient Sumerian and Chaldean Sorcery lore and Magick - Vampyrism and demonology, A chapter on the Daemonic Feminine and powerful devotionals - including the Daemonic Feminine version of the Azal'ucel working. Akhkharu also features the rituals of the Gates of the Qlippoth and their sigils - presented here for the first time. A section on the VAMPYRE TAROT, Vampyre Dictionary and the final chapter deals with the possibility of surviving consciousness after physical death. Akhkharu is a MUST for those interested in serious left hand path magick and Luciferianism.

Vampyre Sanguinomicon

Book Description

Since the dawn of civilization the vampire has danced through the dreams and nightmares of every culture, expressed in folklore, literature, and art. Today, this fascination resonates in pop-culture, through hit television shows and movies and bestselling books. But what does it mean to be a vampire, a living and modern vampire? What many do not realize is that the Living Vampyre is on a serious, lifelong spiritual path. Best known as Strigoii Vii, the Living Vampyre is one who has embarked on a serious and lifelong spiritual path. Not just “kids in capes,” the members of this magickal community seek to live in glamour and ritual every day. The Vampyre Sanguinomicon provides a profound perspective on the Vampyre culture, traditions, movement and philosophies, which are intended to challenge and inspire your views. Chapters include Vampyre Ritual, Vampyre Sensuality, Beginning Vampyrism, and The Vampyre Wedding.

Energy Magick of the Vampyre

Book Description

• Explains how a Vampyre is not a blood-sucking mythical figure but a shaman who is skilled in gathering, using, and storing energy for magical power and personal liberation • Reveals how to gather and store energy from the world around you and shares magical techniques, manifestation methods, and practices to utilize the energy you have collected • Looks at servitors and familiars, vampyric runes, dream architecture, money magick practices, and sex magick techniques as well as advanced practices such as healing with vampyric magick In this initiatory guide, Don Webb explains how to learn from the myth of the vampire to gather, use, and store energy for magical power, manifestation, and personal liberation. A Master of the Order of the Vampyre within the Temple of Set, the author shares a 9-month process to awaken and initiate you as a Vampyre and allow you to actualize your hidden potential. Webb begins by explaining how to gather energy from the world around you and store it in the body, in artifacts and talismans, and in groups of people, such as a coven. Through the 9 stages of initiation, the author offers guided magical techniques, manifestation methods, and experiments to utilize the energy you have learned to gather and store. He also examines familiars, Vampyric runes, money magick practices, and sex magic techniques. Sharing more advanced practices, Webb looks at the creation and destruction of egregores and how to fight off psychic vampires--those who steal your power and energies. Achieve greater self-knowledge, a deeper connection with the energies that surround you, and the power to manifest your deepest desires by walking the path of the Vampyre.

Vampyre Magick

Book Description

TWO UNDERGROUND CLASSICS RETURN! Collected works from "The Vampyre's Bible: Moroi Book of V" and "The Cybernomicon" by Joshua Free together in one volume for the first time ever! "A Vampyre's Bible: The Moroi Book of V" shatters the gateway to the subconscious wherein lies an insatiable mortal fascination with "Vampires" and the Undead. Here is REAL vampyrism at your fingertips! The code of silence is broken... Modern day Creatures of Night are coming out of their coffins and crypts to reveal the Legacies of the "true" Darksiders throughout history; from Lilith and Cain in ancient Mesopotamia to futurist "Goths" and CyberVamps. Prolific author and world renowned occult expert, Joshua Free, presents a unique revolutionary volume drawn from 20-years practical experience and a hereditary family tradition of Living Vampyres - the Moroii ad Vitam - an authentic spiritual system existing for centuries underground in Central Europe, emphasizing balance, transformation and our relationship with the Universe. Drink deeply from the True Blood of our history, traditions, magical theory, Egyptian practices, energy work, dark mysticism, and ethical Moroi techniques of "astral feeding" for "energy vampyrism" in the 21st Century. Here is your own personal Vampire Academy all in one place! The Ultimate "fangs-on" Guide to the Creatures of Night & Living Undead! Embrace the Dark Covenant of Eternity... Awaken Your True Immortality... Come Forth Among Gods! Since the age of Babylon & Egypt, magical tradition appeared as innate and indigenous forms of cultural and religious expression to give "order" to the human psyche. The Ancient Mystery School from which all occult lodges are founded is Necromancy. Deep rooted magical organizations all demonstrate active participation with "The Other," bridging a communication between what is Visible and Invisible. Inner Circles maintain Dead Names and Knowledge from the Past. These are the Teachings of the Ages, Secret Wisdom of the Past... and a recovery of what is Dead. Humans have been trying to crack the code on "Death" since the beginning of time. In Egypt, especially, the funerary process was central to the whole tradition-meaning the relationship (and promise) made between the "sky gods" and the people of Earth. Most of the oldest cuneiform writings in Mesopotamia are either an effort to preserve posthumous legacies of gods and kings, or investigations into the landscape of the Underworld and nature of the Abyss. Mystics and Magicians demonstrate an upper hand in life by manifesting their will and finding themselves in synchronistic circumstances that seem magical. Understanding energy fields, their interactions and its affect on perceived reality is what makes this possible. Ancient Mysteries, Babylonian Mythology, Books of the Dead, Biomagnetism, Chaos Magic, Controversial Knowledge, Darksider Diseases, Dragon Legacy, Egyptian Magic, Energy Work, Futurist CyberVamps, Hermetic Magic, Immortality, Kabbalah, Lycanthropic Shamanism, Magical Warfare, Metapsychology, Necronautics, Neuromancy, Ninth Gate, Psychic Vampyrism, Rosicrucianism, Sexual Magic, Sumerian Stargates, Talmudic Judaism, Tartaria Studies, Transhumanism, Vodou Zombies, White Tantra & More! ---Edition Notes--- The Complete Rites & Teachings of the Moroii ad Vitam Paramus: Living Vampyres Preparing for a Second Life. Mardukite Vampyre Academy. A CyberVamps Publication.

The Psychic Vampire Codex

Book Description

The Psychic Vampire Codex is the first book to examine the phenomenon and experience of modern vampirism completely from the vampire's perspective. Father Sebastiaan, a fellow vampire writes in the foreword that Michelle Belanger's system "introduced a breath of fresh air into the vampire subculture. It freed us to look at ourselves in a new light, and it also helped those outside our community to view us differently. No longer were we parasites or predators . . . we could use our inborn abilities to help people heal." Psychic vampires are people who prey on the vital, human life energies of others. They are not believed to be undead. They are mortal people whose need for energy metaphorically connects them to the life-stealing predators of vampire myth. In The Psychic Vampire Codex, Michelle Belanger, author and psychic vampire, introduces readers to the fascinating system of energy work used by vampires themselves and provides the actual codex text widely used by the vampire community for instruction in feeding and other techniques. Belanger also examines the ethics of vampirism and offers readers methods of protection from vampires. The Psychic Vampire Codex explodes all preconceptions and myths about who and what psychic vampires really are and reveals a vital and profound spiritual tradition based on balance, rebirth, and an integral relationship with the spirit world.

AKHKHARU - Vampyre Magick

Book Description

AKHKHARU - Vampyre Magick is a complete grimoire of Vampyric Magick - from beginner to Advanced. The Vampyre Magickian explores foundational techniques, practice and the mindset needed to transform consciousness into a Godlike state. The grimoire presents actual Ancient Sumerian and Chaldean Sorcery lore and Magick - Vampyrism and demonology, A chapter on the Daemonic Feminine and powerful devotionals - including the Daemonic Feminine version of the Azal'ucel working. Akhkharu also features the rituals of the Gates of the Qlippoth and their sigils - presented here for the first time. A section on the VAMPYRE TAROT, Vampyre Dictionary and the final chapter deals with the possibility of surviving consciousness after physical death. Akhkharu is a MUST for those interested in serious left hand path magick and Luciferianism.

Akhkharu - Vampyre Magick

Book Description

AKHKHARU - Vampyre Magick is a truly grimoire of forbidden, guiding and inspiring the aspirant towards the heretical and considerably 'secretive' initiatory rites formulated from the Black Order of the Dragon, beginning in the mid-1990's. Vampyre Magick is founded on the core and foundation of Luciferian Philosophy, with a decidingly deep alignment of the daimonic totality of predatory spirituality. The formulation of Vampyre Magick is founded on the essence behind the mythological vampire: Life Force (QI) is the reality behind the symbol of blood: Energy is formulated by thoughts, moods, focus, beliefs, outlook and so supports or diminishes the living body. Sorcerous detachment from the physical body, shaping the Body of Shadow and transitioning from the mental realm to the astral plane, this involves the alignment with demonic and predatory spirits and deities, including Lamastu, Lilith, and the Udug-hul. Balance is existent within the two-fold experience of initiation, the aspirant becomes aware of the occurrence of the mind, including philosophical beliefs, gradually enhances and accumulates insight and power which is a gate-opening subtlety towards a metaphysical framework of the control and accumulation of the energy so generated by the thoughts and perception of consciousness. The rational and disciplined calculation of the Black Adept, shaping and conquering earthly life so visualized with Vampyric Awareness (the transformation from the mundane to the predatory mastery of energy via the meditative and will-to-power unity of Will-Desire-Belief) elevates the Vampyre Magickian towards the hidden levels of liminal experience. Akhkharu guides the aspirant with beginning steps: philosophic transformation, self-mastery, and the strengthening of will; the techniques of feeding and draining energy (Life Force) from the living by unnoticeable techniques. Initiation into the Nightside, the alchemy which manipulates fantasy, imagination, will, desire and belief to attain power and liberation by the "drinking" of energy. The initiatory path of the Gates of the Qlippoth and Vampyre teachings are unveiled, gaining the path to Infernal Apotheosis, Baptized as a Vampyre Magickian whose potential has now glimpsed the anti-cosmic liberation of chaos and the abyss. These The contents

Sekhem Apep

Book Description

SEKHEM APEP is both a recent modern study and magical grimoire exploring 20 years of the darker traditions of Typhonian and Vampyric Magick of the Black Order of the Dragon. Destined to be one of the most controversial magickal books of recent years, SEKHEM APEP unveils the theory and practice of vampyrism and the dark current of Typhonian Thelema from a Luciferian perspective. Presenting the foundation and beginning structure of the BOTD in the early 1990's, including the original manifesto, published for the first time since 1994, techniques and the mental technology of astral vampyrism is clearly presented including the Sigils of the Vampyre Cultus and their meaning. Techniques of feeding and accumulating Astral Energy from the physical body, astral projection and transforming life force according to the goal and desire of the Vampyre Adept, SEKHEM APEP is a gateway to those interested in the darker path of predatory spirituality.

Book of the Witch Moon Choronzon Edition

Book Description

Presenting the forbidden works of Chaos, Vampiric and Luciferian Sorcery. A grimoire which explores the dark feminine current of HECATE, Witch Moon explores ritual and dream Lycanthropy, Chaos Sorcery and Luciferian Ritual practice as well as the darksome practice of Vampirism and Predatory Spirituality. The Nine Angles and the Trapezoid workings, inspired by Anton LaVey and presented around the cult of Daeva-Yasna, the persian demon-sorcery of Yatuk Dinoih. Contains the Rituals of Dream, ritual and astral vampirism as an initiatory tool, other Cabalistic workings presenting the Qlippoth. Contains the Grimoire based on Ancient Egyptian Vampirism, LIBER AAPEP, Luciferian Magick practice, The Chaos Cult Workings of Choronzon as Vampire, The Rites of Hecate, the Infernal and Luciferian Sabbat, and the foundations of Satanic practice in Magick.