Vascular Plant Inventory of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area

Book Description

The primary objective of this study is to document the vascular plant flora of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (NRA). The secondary objective is to examine the rare, endemic, and nonnative species composition and distribution in Glen Canyon NRA(GLCA). Species that are rare, endemic, or nonnative often have management implications for land management agencies.

The Colorado Plateau IV

Book Description

Roughly centered on the Four Corners region of the southwestern United States, the Colorado Plateau covers some 130,000 square miles of sparsely vegetated plateaus, mesas, canyons, arches, and cliffs in Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico. With elevations ranging from 3,000 to 14,000 feet, the natural systems found within the plateau are dramatically varied, from desert to alpine conditions. This book focuses on the integration of science and resource management issues in this unique and highly varied environment. Broken into three subsections, this volume addresses conservation biology, biophysical resources, and inventory and monitoring concerns. The chapters range in content, addressing conservation issuesÑpast, present, and futureÑon the Colorado Plateau, measurement of human impacts on resources, grazing and wildland-urban interfaces, and tools and methods for monitoring habitats and species. An informative read for people interested in the conservation and natural history of the region, the book will also serve as a valuable reference for those people engaged in the management of cultural and biological resources of the Colorado Plateau, as well as scientists interested in methods and tools for land and resource management throughout the West.

Vascular Plant Inventory of North Cascades National Park Service Complex

Book Description

North Cascades National Park Service Complex (NOCA) is located in northwestern Washington State and encompasses 275,684 hectares of the Cascade Mountain Range, extending from the Canadian border south approximately 50 miles to the head of Lake Chelan (Figure 1). NOCA is comprised of three management units: North Cascades National Park, Ross Lake National Recreation Area and the Lake Chelan National Recreation Area. Approximately 93% of this area is managed as the federally-designated Stephen Mather Wilderness.

Vascular Plant Inventory of Mount Rainier National Park

Book Description

The National Park Service's primary mission is to conserve unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for the enjoyment of this and future generations. Currently, the Service is unable to attain its mission in many parks, owing to a serious lack of scientific information about the nature and condition of resources in those parks, especially biological resources. In 1992, the National Park Service's (NPS) Inventory and Monitoring Program identified a list of candidate elements and processes for initial inventory in all natural resource parks, proposed the establishment of prototype inventory and monitoring parks, and outlined national implementation guidelines. The National Parks Omnibus Management Act of 1998 recognized the need for good scientific information to manage parks. The act mandated a "program of inventory and monitoring of National Park System resources to establish baseline information and to provide information on the long-term trends in the condition of National Park System resources". Funding acquired through the Natural Resource Challenge (1999) provided the financial resources for National Park Service to initiate Species Inventory Programs focusing on vertebrates and vascular plants. The basic goal of this program is to provide park managers with comprehensive, scientifically-based information about the nature and status of selected biological resources occurring within park boundaries in a format that increases its accessibility and utility for making management decisions, for scientific research, and to share this information with the public.