VAT Aspects of Electronic Invoicing and E-commerce

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Currently European Community legislation and national legislations do not allow using electronic invoicing in a business friendly way. Electronic invoicing frequently reflects cross border transactions and related VAT issues. Electronic invoicing means that an invoice is processed and sent by the supplier's ITsystem and received and processed by the customer's ITsystem. Hence, electronic invoicing is not simply sending an invoice by e-mail. Companies cannot work efficiently within the EC as long as there are as many different legal systems as Member States. Although expert systems like iVAT will help companies to automate invoicing and assist them in tackling their daily struggle with complex VAT rules, EC legislation needs to be harmonised in order to facilitate the use of electronic invoicing. This book gives an overview of the current status in the different Member States as well as some propositions relative to the harmonisation of EC regulation with respect to electronic invoicing. Contents: PART I: VAT AND LEGAL ASPECTS Electronic invoicing in a European and national context Content of the electronic invoice Transmission of the electronic invoice Preservation of electronic invoices PART II: EDI IN EUROPE PART III: SURVEY ON THE USE OF ELECTRONIC INVOICING IN EUROPE PART III: VAT AND E-COMMERCE E-commerce and VAT aspects Proposal for a directive on VAT and electronic commerce Annex: Directive on certain legal aspects of electronic invoicing

Digitalization to Improve Tax Compliance: Evidence from VAT e-Invoicing in Peru

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This paper examines the impact of e-invoicing on firm tax compliance and performance using administrative tax data and quasi-experimental variation in the rollout of VAT electronic invoicing in Peru. We find that e-invoicing increases reported firm sales, purchases and value-added by over 5 percent in the first year after adoption. The impact is concentrated among smaller firms and sectors with higher rates of non-compliance, suggesting that e-invoicing enhances compliance by lowering compliance costs and strengthening deterrence. The reform’s positive effects on tax collection are hindered by shortcomings in the VAT refund mechanism in Peru, suggesting that digital tools such as e-invoicing should be complemented by other reforms to improve revenue mobilization.

Electronic Invoicing in Latin America

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The electronic invoicing (EI) of taxes is one of Latin America’s contributions to international taxation in support of the fight against evasion, global efforts towards tax transparency, and the digitization of tax administrations (TAs). Initially, EI was conceived as an instrument of documentary control over the invoicing process, so as to avert both the omission of sales and the inclusion of false purchases. The original idea was extended to other areas of tax control, such as payroll, goods in transit, and new services such as factoring. To some extent, EI can be regarded as the start of the process of digitizing the TAs in the broad sense. This publication addresses the pioneering experience of EI in Latin America, from its implementation to its extensions and impact on tax collection.

Enable Compliant Electronic Invoicing with IBM Sterling e-Invoicing

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Many countries that are outside of the United States have a value-added tax (VAT) and rely on the invoice document as a key mechanism for VAT auditing and fraud prevention. IBM® Sterling e-Invoicing automates buyer and supplier electronic invoice processes in compliance with country-specific tax regulations. This compliance reduces corporate risk and exposure while improving operational efficiencies. This IBM Redbooks® Product Guide describes the key requirements and challenges of global e-invoicing and the ways IBM Sterling e-Invoicing enables customers to address these challenges. This publication explains the business value of the product, provides an overview and high-level architecture of the product, and includes a usage scenario.

E-commerce and EU VAT

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E-commerce and EU VAT: Theory and Practice Rosamund Barr, Jeroen Bijl, Nils Bleckman, Gijsbert Bulk, Ethan Ding & Matthias Luther The new EU rules governing online sales of goods and services affect all businesses that sell online to EU customers, no matter where the seller is based. This timely book, written by leading tax professionals from various EU countries, is the first to clearly explain the VAT compliance obligations and options that businesses and tax practitioners worldwide must understand in order to adapt to the new system. In addition to describing the legal framework, the authors provide examples of how the rules work in practice and illustrate available choices for businesses, with particular attention to avoiding pitfalls. Thoroughly describing the rules affecting place of supply, liability, and accounting procedures in all relevant contexts, the book covers such areas of VAT compliance as the following: • distinction between goods and services; • differences between imported goods and goods sold intra-EU; • filing and invoicing obligations under the new one-stop shop scheme; • reclaiming foreign VAT; • mitigating fears of fraud and hijacking; • distinction between business-to-customer and business-to-business transactions; and • navigating through appeals, mistakes, and adjustments. Also covered are the particular VAT variations applicable to transactions involving the major European non-EU states – Norway, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. The important distinction between the concept of ‘nexus’ in the United States state and local tax rules and ‘place of supply’ under EU law is also fully explored. Because a very large number of remote sellers of goods and services will need to understand and comply with the changes in the EU VAT e-commerce rules, it goes without saying that this book is indispensable to in-house corporate counsel worldwide. Tax administration officials, professionals in indirect tax management, corporate tax and finance directors and other tax professionals, and academics concerned with indirect tax law are sure to welcome this essential resource.

Digitalization and Tax Compliance Spillovers: Evidence from a VAT E-Invoicing Reform in Peru

Book Description

Our study uses administrative data on firm-to-firm transactions and quasi- experimental variation in the rollout of electronic invoicing reforms in Peru to study the diffusion of e-invoicing through firm networks and its effect on tax compliance. We find that voluntary e-invoicing adoption is higher amongst firms with partners who are mandated to adopt e-invoicing, implying positive technology adoption spillovers. Spillovers are stronger from downstream partners and from export-oriented firms. Firms are less likely to continue transacting with a partner who has been mandated into e-invoicing, with the effect only partially reversed if both firms adopt e-invoicing, suggesting that network segmentation may occur. Smaller firms who transact with partners mandated into e-invoicing report 11 percent more sales and pay 17 more VAT in the year that their partner is mandated to adopt e-invoicing, suggesting positive spillovers in tax compliance behavior for this subset of firms.

eCommerce and the Effects of Technology on Taxation

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This book focuses on the impact of technology on taxation and deals with the broad effect of technology on diverse taxation systems. It addresses the highly relevant eTax issue and argues that while VAT may not be the ultimate solution with regard to taxing electronic commerce, it can be demonstrated to be the most effective solution to date. The book analyzes the application and the effectiveness of traditional income tax principles in contradistinction to VAT principles. Taking into account rapidly ameliorating technology, the book next assesses the compatibility between electronic commerce and diverse systems of taxation. Using case studies of and Second Life as well as additional practical examples, the book demonstrates the effectiveness of VAT in respect of electronic commerce and ameliorating technology in the incalculable and borderless realm of cyberspace.

VAT Aspects of Cross-border E-commerce

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Over the last five years, e-Commerce in Europe has grown by between 17% and 20% per year to become a key part of the digital economy and an important driver of economic growth. From 2009 to 2014, the contribution of e-Commerce to GDP has almost doubled. Recognising the importance of e-Commerce, the European Commission is committed to ensuring the free movement of goods and services and to ensuring that "individuals and businesses can seamlessly access and exercise online activities under conditions of fair competition" as set out in their Digital Single Market strategy. However concerns have been expressed by the Commission and other organisations, including business groups, that fragmentation and barriers continue to exist online, not least due to the burden associated with VAT compliance. The evidence presented in this report indicates that these concerns are justified, since the fixed costs associated with VAT compliance appear to represent a significant burden on firms, limiting the growth of cross-border e-Commerce in the EU. Moreover, non-compliance and VAT fraud continues to present a challenge to tax authorities across the EU.

VAT on E-commerce

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The value of internet sales (known as e-commerce) in the UK has more than trebled between 2002 and 2004 to £18.1 billion, with a further surge around Christmas 2005, and this level is expected to rise to nearly £60 billion a year by 2010. It is estimated that in 2005-06 HM Revenue and Customs collected over £1 billion in VAT on e-commerce goods and services. HM Revenue and Customs does not separately identify the exact amount of VAT collected from e-commerce because businesses are required to calculate and pay over VAT for their entire taxable activities, which include both traditional forms of business and e-commerce. In light of these developments, this NAO report examines the implications of the growth in e-commerce for VAT collection and the approach of HM Revenue and Customs to VAT collection. The report finds that HM Revenue and Customs has been alert to emerging areas of risk, such as the failure of e-commerce businesses to register for VAT and the non-payment or underpayment of import VAT on goods ordered over the internet from outside the EU. The report supports the assessment by HM Revenue and Customs that the overall risk to VAT revenue from on-line shopping is currently low, but as activity increases in this fast changing environment, it will be important that the Department builds on its work to keep abreast of possible changes in the patterns and levels of risk to VAT.

QFINANCE: The Ultimate Resource, 4th edition

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QFINANCE: The Ultimate Resource (4th edition) offers both practical and thought-provoking articles for the finance practitioner, written by leading experts from the markets and academia. The coverage is expansive and in-depth, with key themes which include balance sheets and cash flow, regulation, investment, governance, reputation management, and Islamic finance encompassed in over 250 best practice and thought leadership articles. This edition will also comprise key perspectives on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors -- essential for understanding the long-term sustainability of a company, whether you are an investor or a corporate strategist. Also included: Checklists: more than 250 practical guides and solutions to daily financial challenges; Finance Information Sources: 200+ pages spanning 65 finance areas; International Financial Information: up-to-date country and industry data; Management Library: over 130 summaries of the most popular finance titles; Finance Thinkers: 50 biographies covering their work and life; Quotations and Dictionary.