The Extraordinary Synod

Book Description

Vatican II

Book Description

History The death of John Paul II and the election of Benedict XVI constituted two important elements in the landscape of Catholicism, nourishing the journalistic and political dispute about the history and legacy of Vatican II. This book offers an attempt to go beyond "the clash of interpretations"-Vatican II as a rupture in the history of Catholicism on one side, and the need to read Vatican II in continuity with the tradition on the other-necessary indeed because the ongoing debate about Vatican II is largely misrepresented by the use of "clashing interpretations" as a tool for understanding the role of the council in present-day Catholicism. Book jacket.

The Rigging of a (2014) Vatican Synod?

Book Description

Intrigue or inexperience? Did key leaders of the recent Extraordinary Synod of Bishops try to manipulate the outcome to support a change in Catholic practice and perhaps in Catholic teaching on divorce and remarriage and same-sex activity? Did they undermine Pope Francis' vision of an "open" discussion? Critics claim Cardinal Baldissieri, the man Pope Francis trusted to oversee the Synod’s discussion of family issues, along with some of his associates, tried to predetermine the outcome of the Synod’s deliberations and its documents. Supporters say Cardinal Baldissieri was inexperienced at running a synod and any missteps were innocent mistakes. International reporter and analyst Edward Pentin investigates the allegations, accusations, and facts surrounding the controversial meeting of select bishops of the world.

Revelation, History, and Truth

Book Description

The general topic of this book concerns the ontology, epistemology, and teleology of the hermeneutics of dogma. In particular, the author addresses contemporary challenges faced by the necessity of maintaining the integrity of dogmatic truth of the Christian faith, of divine revelation and its transmission through tradition, particularly with respect to the relationship between history and doctrinal truth. The author integrates a theological hermeneutics, namely, the Lérinian hermeneutics of Vatican II, with a historically conscious hermeneutics. His aim is to show how we can consider the historical and contextual nature of dogmas, creeds and confessions while at the same time honoring their assertions of dogmatic truth that are permanent, valid and binding for all times.

Vatican II

Book Description

Original essays explore the effects and influences of the Second Vatican Council, particularly on its understanding of church, engagement with the modern world, and encounters with other religions. Contributors include: Philip A. Franco, St. John's University, New York Peter C. Phan, Georgetown University Christopher D. Denny, St. John's University, New York Harriet A. Luckman, College of Mount Saint Joseph Alice L. Laffey, College of the Holy Cross Francis Holland, St. John's University, New York Jason King, St. Vincent College William French, Loyola University, Chicago Christine Firer Hinze, Marquette University Victor Lee Austin, Saint Thomas Church, New York John Sniegocki, Xavier University Elaine Catherine MacMillan, University of San Diego Paul F. Knitter, Xavier University Reid B. Locklin, St. Michael's College, University of Toronto Elena G. Procario-Foley, Iona College Phillip Luke Sinitiere, University of Houston

Pope Francis

Book Description

Professor Echeverria does a thorough job of drawing from the pre-papal writings of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and the man's current papal writings, talks, and sermons to discover and document the continuity in thought Francis has with the councils.Echeverria compares Francis's discourse with that of his papal predecessors in the era since Vatican II. He draws heavily on the documents of Vatican II and the theology of doctrinal development stemming from the First Vatican Council and embraced by Vatican II. Not left out is the modern ecumenical movement from both the Reformed and Catholic side.