Vertical File Relating to Interstate Highway I-35 in Minnesota

Book Description

Newspaper and journal articles on an I-35 tunnel extension in Duluth and its effect on traffic flow and local business (1988-1992), and on a few miscellaneous I-35 projects.

Vertical File Relating to Interstate Highway I-35W in Minnesota

Book Description

Extensive newspaper coverage of plans and projects to reconstruct and expand I-35W in Minneapolis, Bloomington, Burnsville and Richfield, including the Crosstown Commons interchange and incorporating a future light-rail corridor (1988-1998). A few later clippings discuss other I-35W matters. Also included: a brochure, "Moving People on Interstate 35W" (1973); a photocopy of the Highway Dept's Construction Project Log Record pages for T.H. 35W; and a typescript "History of Interstate Highway Development in Minneapolis: T.H. 35-W" (1963).

Vertical File Relating to Interstate Highway I-35E in Minnesota

Book Description

Newspaper articles and miscellany (1988-1992; 2000) on the controversial completion of the I-35E parkway through St. Paul and the activities of RIP-35E, the primary protest group; the U.S. District Court published opinion in Residents in Protest-I35E v. Elizabeth Dole et al. (583 F. Supp. 653, 1984); a typescript version of the opinion; the winter 2014 issue of Ramsey County History, which includes John W. Milton, "Citizens versus the Freeway: RIP-35E and the Pleasant Avenue Route Through St. Paul" (pp. 3-14); and a few articles on other matters concerning I-35E.

Vertical File Relating to Interstate Highway I-394 in Minnesota

Book Description

Proposal and related data for a public relations campaign on the construction of I-394 (1986); photocopy of Federal Highway Administration schematic and data sheet for I-394 (1989); report on the I-394 interim HOV lane (1986); Minnesota Real Estate Journal articles on construction issues (1992-1993); newspaper articles on the I-394 express lanes (1997).

Vertical File Relating to Interstate Highway I-94 in Minnesota

Book Description

Interregional corridor fact sheet for Highway I-94 from Collegeville to Maple Grove; newspaper coverage of plans for a Minneapolis expressway network (1956); transcript of public hearing on the proposed locations of the interstate freeway system in and around St. Paul (Dec. 13, 1956); information on the alignment of a freeway through Prospect Park in Minneapolis and Merriam Park in St. Paul (1958-1960); photocopy of the Highway Dept's Construction Project Log Record pages for T.H. 94; a few miscellaneous articles, including one on the I-94/694 bottleneck in Minneapolis.

Vertical File Relating to Minnesota Highway 62

Book Description

Several newspaper articles (1967, 2001) on plans to reconstruct the "Crosstown Commons" (Minnesota Highway 62).

Vertical File Relating to the History of Interstate Freeways in Minnesota

Book Description

Newspaper and journal articles, memoranda, timelines, bibliographies, and miscellany on the development of intercity freeways in Minneapolis-St. Paul in the 1950s-1970s, especially their effects on the Rondo, Merriam Park, Prospect Park, and other neighborhoods. A few articles pertain to freeway development in other parts of the state. There is also a transcript of a public hearing (Dec. 13, 1956) on proposed locations of freeways in and around St. Paul.