Victor Vicuna's Volcano Vacation

Book Description

Shiver River, Vampire Cave, Stove-Top Volcano, and a mysterious raven named Nevva Moore. . . . Victor Vicuna is in for some very exciting adventures during his family’s vacation at Verna Aardvark’s Volcano Village!

Umma Ungka's Unusual Umbrella

Book Description

Umma Ungka stumbles and bumbles. She trips and tumbles! The summer sun is making her feel dizzy and muddled! But Uncle Ungka might have just the solution to keep Umma cool as a cucumber all summer long.

Xavier Ox's Xylophone Experiment

Book Description

Xavier Ox loves music. But sometimes his drumming is rather EXPLOSIVE! So Alpha Betty and Xavier's classmates start an exciting experiment to build an extra-strong xylophone—just for Xavier Ox.

Alexander Anteater's Amazing Act

Book Description

Get to know Alpha Betty’s class in the award-winning, 26-book alphabet series ANIMAL ANTICS A TO Z! From Alexander Anteater to Zachary Zebra, it’s one adventure after another. Zip along with these zany characters as they find new friends, test their talents, and have a rip-roaring good time! Alexander wants to have an amazing act for the talent show. He can already stand on his hands—but can his pals help make his act even more fantastic? This series is a perfect read-aloud choice to help kids discover the joy of letter sounds and give them the phonics building blocks they need for reading success. With delightful illustrations by Paddington Bear illustrator R.W. Alley, ANIMAL ANTICS A TO Z is an excellent resource for parents and educators alike. Activities in each book plus free activities online add to the fun.

Nina Nandu's Nervous Noggin

Book Description

Nina Nandu has just moved to a new neighborhood, and she does NOT want to go to a new school. But Granny Nandu and teacher Alpha Betty have other ideas—plus a big surprise for Nina!

Eddie Elephant's Exciting Egg-Sitting

Book Description

Eddie Elephant loves telling stories. So when he egg-sits for his neighbors, the Emus, he entertains the egg with his enchanting tales . . . and gets an enormous surprise!

Zachary Zebra's Zippity Zooming

Book Description

ZIP! ZAP! ZOOM! Zachary is usually a zippity zooming zebra! But today he snoozes through his alarm clock and has a blitz of bad luck at school. What’s making Zachary’s zippity zooming fizzle out?

Oliver Otter's Own Office

Book Description

Oliver Otter loves his little sister and brother. But the twins are always tearing or poking or losing or soaking Oliver’s homework. What will Oliver do about his double dose of trouble?

Rosie Raccoon's Rock and Roll Raft

Book Description

It’s the Rocky River Raft Race, and Rosie Raccoon is rarin’ to go! Will her Rock and Roll Raft and some clever thinking get her through the Roller Coaster Rapids . . . and all the way to the finish line?

Kylie Kangaroo's Karate Kickers

Book Description

Kylie Kangaroo is ready to let her kicker fly at Koora's karate club. There's just one tricky trick—will Kylie ever learn to break a brick?