Motoryacht Alva

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Construccion de identidades masculinas y su relacion con la violencia intrafamiliar: Guia de proceso de capacitacion a los y las adolescentes

Book Description

El enfoque.- El proceso de formacion.- La logica del proceso.- El rol de la facilitacion.- Guias de trabajo: la discriminacion, como aprendemos a ser varones y a ser mujeres, como aprendemos la violencia mientras jugamos, la violencia en la sociedad y en nosotros, los hombres tambien lloramos.

Nacidos para ser salvajes?

Book Description

Juventud, identidad y violencia. Programa Diálogos del Pensamiento 140

Book Description

No es necesario hablar de violencia para que todos reconozcamos que tiene una fuerte presencia en nuestra vida diaria, las alarmantes cifras dan cuenta de ello: durante el 2013 hubo 22 mil 732 homicidios en el país, es decir 19 muertes por cada 100 mil habitantes a escala nacional ó 62.2 homicidios al día. Entre 2006 y 2012 los feminicidios en México aumentaron 40%, de los cuales 95% permanecen impunes. En 2012 fallecieron aproximadamente 36 mil jóvenes. En los momentos actuales por los que atraviesa el país, en los que pareciera que el Estado moderno educa para la violencia, nos proponemos indagar en esta emisión en torno a los proyectos de intervención en jóvenes y adolescentes vulnerables que desarrolla la asociación civil AXIOS. Para ello nos acompaña Lizette Lupercio Briones Maestra en Gestión y Desarrollo Social por la UdeG y Coordinadora de Proyectos Sociales en Axios, además de Claudia, Julia y Sofía, tres jóvenes que nos comparten su experiencia como delegadas frente a la ONU. En una sociedad que cada vez otorga menos certezas y posibilidades de futuro a los jóvenes ¿Cómo apoyarlos, acompañarlos, orientarlos ante las circunstancias adversas que se les presentan? ¿Cuáles son las posibles vías de salida de esta espiral de violencia? ¿Cómo ayudan/enriquecen las tareas que realizan asociaciones de la sociedad civil en el involucramiento de los jóvenes en la toma de decisiones? ¿Cuál debiera ser el papel de los jóvenes en la construcción de una sociedad más justa, solidaria y equitativa?

Identity in a Hyperconnected Society

Book Description

This book is about the formation of identity, primarily in adolescents, and the danger inherent in creating that identity in the context of a hyperconnected world. It provides scientific and regulatory pedagogical knowledge associated with these risks in creating identity, primarily among young people, arising from increasing, and increasingly important, screen connection times. It proposes solutions to the educational challenges of constructing identity in a hyperconnected society. The book focuses especially on the process of identity formation in this instance, where both adolescents and the adults who teach them have forgotten the vital need to incorporate educational theories and principles, novel, experimental and basic, kn any discussion of adolescent identity work.

Citizen Media and Practice

Book Description

This groundbreaking collection advances understanding of the concept of media practices by critically interrogating its relevance for the study of citizen and activist media. Media as practice has emerged as a powerful approach to understanding the media’s significance in contemporary society. Bringing together contributions from leading scholars in sociology, media and communication, social movement and critical data studies, this book stimulates dialogue across previously separate traditions of research on citizen and activist media practices and stakes out future directions for research in this burgeoning interdisciplinary field. Framed by a foreword by Nick Couldry and a substantial introductory chapter by the editors, contributions to the volume trace the roots and appropriations of the concept of media practice in Latin American communication theory; reflect on the relationship between activist agency and technological affordances; explore the relevance of the media practice approach for the study of media activism, including activism that takes media as its central object of struggle; and demonstrate the significance of the media practice approach for understanding processes of mediatization and datafication. Offering both a comprehensive introduction to scholarship on citizen media and practice and a cutting-edge exploration of a novel theoretical framework, the book is ideal for students and experienced scholars alike.

Exploring Ibero-American Youth Cultures in the 21st Century

Book Description

The authors collected here address youth street cultures in different cities from the Ibero-American world, bringing together contributions on Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Portugal, Spain, and beyond. This overseas approach bridging the European and American contexts is justified by the range of (complex) social, cultural and economic relationships that have shaped this transnational geographical space since the beginning of the colonial period. The chapters collected here focus on three key concepts—creativity, resistance and transgression—that form a threefold dispositive to locally and globally confront, contest and even fight against the hegemonic, punitive and oppressive powers (re)produced by (white, male) dominant classes of the city. The book ensures a high diversity of geographical and social/cultural research contexts by focusing on one, two or multiple spatial contexts (the public space, the street, the city) and, at the same time, by emphasizing the different economic, social, cultural, symbolic specificities of youth cultures (including gender, sexuality and race) in their particular urban contexts.


Book Description

The Darkening Nation

Book Description

•It analyses culture during the Argentinian crisis from an interdisciplinary angle (literature, cinema, art and music). •Wide-ranging material: ‘highbrow’ art (Leonel Luna), popular culture (cumbia villera), cultural products that challenge these distinctions (César Aira, Martín Rejtman), and political art (Grupo de Arte Callejero). •The only book in English to focus comprehensively on race and nation in contemporary Argentina from a cultural studies perspective. •A broad understanding of the crisis (late 1990s to mid-2000s), which implies a more comprehensive account of this event. •Due to its analysis of white middle-class identity in Argentina, the book is also a contribution to the emerging field of whiteness studies in Latin America. •The book looks at a trend that would eventually affect the US and Europe in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis: how disaffection caused by neoliberalism triggered in people a concern with national identity which, in many cases, led to a rise of nativism and racism (e.g. Brexit, Trump’s election).