Popular Mechanics

Book Description

Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world. Whether it’s practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science -- PM is the ultimate guide to our high-tech lifestyle.

Microsoft Azure Essentials - Fundamentals of Azure

Book Description

Microsoft Azure Essentials from Microsoft Press is a series of free ebooks designed to help you advance your technical skills with Microsoft Azure. The first ebook in the series, Microsoft Azure Essentials: Fundamentals of Azure, introduces developers and IT professionals to the wide range of capabilities in Azure. The authors - both Microsoft MVPs in Azure - present both conceptual and how-to content for key areas, including: Azure Websites and Azure Cloud Services Azure Virtual Machines Azure Storage Azure Virtual Networks Databases Azure Active Directory Management tools Business scenarios Watch Microsoft Press’s blog and Twitter (@MicrosoftPress) to learn about other free ebooks in the “Microsoft Azure Essentials” series.

Working Mother

Book Description

The magazine that helps career moms balance their personal and professional lives.

Microsoft Azure Essentials Azure Machine Learning

Book Description

Microsoft Azure Essentials from Microsoft Press is a series of free ebooks designed to help you advance your technical skills with Microsoft Azure. This third ebook in the series introduces Microsoft Azure Machine Learning, a service that a developer can use to build predictive analytics models (using training datasets from a variety of data sources) and then easily deploy those models for consumption as cloud web services. The ebook presents an overview of modern data science theory and principles, the associated workflow, and then covers some of the more common machine learning algorithms in use today. It builds a variety of predictive analytics models using real world data, evaluates several different machine learning algorithms and modeling strategies, and then deploys the finished models as machine learning web services on Azure within a matter of minutes. The ebook also expands on a working Azure Machine Learning predictive model example to explore the types of client and server applications you can create to consume Azure Machine Learning web services. Watch Microsoft Press’s blog and Twitter (@MicrosoftPress) to learn about other free ebooks in the Microsoft Azure Essentials series.

Working Mother

Book Description

The magazine that helps career moms balance their personal and professional lives.

Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States

Book Description

Scores of talented and dedicated people serve the forensic science community, performing vitally important work. However, they are often constrained by lack of adequate resources, sound policies, and national support. It is clear that change and advancements, both systematic and scientific, are needed in a number of forensic science disciplines to ensure the reliability of work, establish enforceable standards, and promote best practices with consistent application. Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward provides a detailed plan for addressing these needs and suggests the creation of a new government entity, the National Institute of Forensic Science, to establish and enforce standards within the forensic science community. The benefits of improving and regulating the forensic science disciplines are clear: assisting law enforcement officials, enhancing homeland security, and reducing the risk of wrongful conviction and exoneration. Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States gives a full account of what is needed to advance the forensic science disciplines, including upgrading of systems and organizational structures, better training, widespread adoption of uniform and enforceable best practices, and mandatory certification and accreditation programs. While this book provides an essential call-to-action for congress and policy makers, it also serves as a vital tool for law enforcement agencies, criminal prosecutors and attorneys, and forensic science educators.

Flying Magazine

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Flying Magazine

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IBM PowerVC Version 2.0 Introduction and Configuration

Book Description

IBM® Power Virtualization Center (IBM® PowerVCTM) is an advanced enterprise virtualization management offering for IBM Power Systems. This IBM Redbooks® publication introduces IBM PowerVC and helps you understand its functions, planning, installation, and setup. It also shows how IBM PowerVC can integrate with systems management tools such as Ansible or Terraform and that it also integrates well into a OpenShift container environment. IBM PowerVC Version 2.0.0 supports both large and small deployments, either by managing IBM PowerVM® that is controlled by the Hardware Management Console (HMC), or by IBM PowerVM NovaLink. With this capability, IBM PowerVC can manage IBM AIX®, IBM i, and Linux workloads that run on IBM POWER® hardware. IBM PowerVC is available as a Standard Edition, or as a Private Cloud Edition. IBM PowerVC includes the following features and benefits: Virtual image capture, import, export, deployment, and management Policy-based virtual machine (VM) placement to improve server usage Snapshots and cloning of VMs or volumes for backup or testing purposes Support of advanced storage capabilities such as IBM SVC vdisk mirroring of IBM Global Mirror Management of real-time optimization and VM resilience to increase productivity VM Mobility with placement policies to reduce the burden on IT staff in a simple-to-install and easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) Automated Simplified Remote Restart for improved availability of VMs ifor when a host is down Role-based security policies to ensure a secure environment for common tasks The ability to enable an administrator to enable Dynamic Resource Optimization on a schedule IBM PowerVC Private Cloud Edition includes all of the IBM PowerVC Standard Edition features and enhancements: A self-service portal that allows the provisioning of new VMs without direct system administrator intervention. There is an option for policy approvals for the requests that are received from the self-service portal. Pre-built deploy templates that are set up by the cloud administrator that simplify the deployment of VMs by the cloud user. Cloud management policies that simplify management of cloud deployments. Metering data that can be used for chargeback. This publication is for experienced users of IBM PowerVM and other virtualization solutions who want to understand and implement the next generation of enterprise virtualization management for Power Systems. Unless stated otherwise, the content of this publication refers to IBM PowerVC Version 2.0.0.

Science, the Endless Frontier

Book Description

The classic case for why government must support science—with a new essay by physicist and former congressman Rush Holt on what democracy needs from science today Science, the Endless Frontier is recognized as the landmark argument for the essential role of science in society and government’s responsibility to support scientific endeavors. First issued when Vannevar Bush was the director of the US Office of Scientific Research and Development during the Second World War, this classic remains vital in making the case that scientific progress is necessary to a nation’s health, security, and prosperity. Bush’s vision set the course for US science policy for more than half a century, building the world’s most productive scientific enterprise. Today, amid a changing funding landscape and challenges to science’s very credibility, Science, the Endless Frontier resonates as a powerful reminder that scientific progress and public well-being alike depend on the successful symbiosis between science and government. This timely new edition presents this iconic text alongside a new companion essay from scientist and former congressman Rush Holt, who offers a brief introduction and consideration of what society needs most from science now. Reflecting on the report’s legacy and relevance along with its limitations, Holt contends that the public’s ability to cope with today’s issues—such as public health, the changing climate and environment, and challenging technologies in modern society—requires a more capacious understanding of what science can contribute. Holt considers how scientists should think of their obligation to society and what the public should demand from science, and he calls for a renewed understanding of science’s value for democracy and society at large. A touchstone for concerned citizens, scientists, and policymakers, Science, the Endless Frontier endures as a passionate articulation of the power and potential of science.