Virtuelle und ideale Welten

Book Description

Technik und technischer Wandel zählen zu jenen Faktoren, die unser (all-)tägliches Leben entscheidend prägen. Dieser Sachverhalt dürfte in unserem technischen Zeitalter kaum einer besonderen Begründung bedürfen. Es liegt auf der Hand, dass die Menschheit von Technik und technischem Fortschritt abhängig geworden ist, und dies nicht erst in unserer Zeit. Seit jeher war es der Technik entwickelnde und zielgerichtet einsetzende Mensch, der vermittels ,seiner' Technik Lebensräume gestaltete, veränderte, revolutionierte, oder auch zerstörte. Unglaublicher Wohlstand auf der einen, aber auch bitterste Armut auf der anderen Seite waren dabei mögliche Konsequenzen, die der technische Wandel hervorzubringen vermochte. Die Einsicht, dass technischer Wandel als gesellschaftliches Phänomen zu interpretieren sei, uns technische Zukunftsentwürfe gerade auch gesellschaftliche Zukunftsentwürfe darstellten, vermochte sich hingegen erst langsam Bahn zu brechen.

Real Virtuality

Book Description

Increasingly, the virtual became reality by a hybridization of the world as we knew it: the process that went on in recent years is one of a technically assisted hybridization of both space and self, the »old« world is becoming virtualized and functionalized to a degree never experienced before. For the first time in human history, we have reached a threshold where we have not only to re-assert but to redefine ourselves, as regards our fundamental terms of understanding what world means for us, our base of existence and now an assemblage of mixed realities; and connected, what being human means. With a Preface by Gerd Stern.

Analyzing Art, Culture, and Design in the Digital Age

Book Description

Technological advancements have influenced many fields of study, and the visual arts are no exception. With the development of new creative software and computer programs, artists and designers are free to create in a digital context, equipped with precision and efficiency. Analyzing Art, Culture, and Design in the Digital Age brings together a collection of chapters on the digital tools and processes impacting the fields of art and design, as well as related cultural experiences in the digital sphere. Including the latest scholarly research on the application of technology to the study, implementation, and culture of creative practice, this publication is an essential reference source for researchers, academicians, and professionals interested in the influence of technology on art, design, and culture. This publication features timely, research-based chapters discussing the connections between art and technology including, but not limited to, virtual art and design, the metaverse, 3D creative design environments, cultural communication, and creative social processes.

Spirits and Animism in Contemporary Japan

Book Description

This book draws attention to a striking aspect of contemporary Japanese culture: the prevalence of discussions and representations of “spirits” (tama or tamashii). Ancestor cults have played a central role in Japanese culture and religion for many centuries; in recent decades, however, other phenomena have expanded and diversified the realm of Japanese animism. For example, many manga, anime, TV shows, literature, and art works deal with spirits, ghosts, or with an invisible dimension of reality. International contributors ask to what extent these are cultural forms created by the media for consumption, rather than manifestations of “traditional” ancestral spirituality in their adaptations to contemporary society. Spirits and Animism in Contemporary Japan considers the modes of representations and the possible cultural meanings of spirits, as well as the metaphysical implications of contemporary Japanese ideas about spirits. The chapters offer analyses of specific cases of “animistic attitudes” in which the presence of spirits and spiritual forces is alleged, and attempt to trace cultural genealogies of those attitudes. In particular, they present various modes of representation of spirits (in contemporary art, architecture, visual culture, cinema, literature, diffuse spirituality) while at the same time addressing their underlying intellectual and religious assumptions.

Virtuelle Welten?

Book Description

Das Internet als Netz der Netze repräsentiert eine technische Infrastruktur, auf deren Basis heute eine weltumspannende Kommunikation zwischen Rechnern und zwischen den sie nutzenden Menschen möglich ist. Die Nutzungsformen des Internets sind vielfältig und beeinflussen die verschiedensten Lebensbereiche. Doch was am Internet ist virtuell und was real? Die Abgrenzungsproblematik zwischen Realität und Virtualität einerseits sowie die scheinbar unauflösbaren Zusammenhänge zwischen Virtualität und Realität andererseits sind das Leitthema dieses Bandes. Die unterschiedlichen Ansatzpunkte der Verfasserinnen und Verfasser aus verschiedenen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen ermöglichen vielfältige Einsichten in die Wirkungen der «virtuellen» Medien des Internets.

Rhetoric and Contingency

Book Description

Human life is susceptible of changing suddenly, of shifting inadvertently, of appearing differently, of varying unpredictably, of being altered deliberately, of advancing fortuitously, of commencing or ending accidentally, of a certain malleability. In theory, any human being is potentially capacitated to conceive of—and convey—the chance, view, or fact that matters may be otherwise, or not at all; with respect to other lifeforms, this might be said animal’s distinctive characteristic. This state of play is both an everyday phenomenon, and an indispensable prerequisite for exceptional innovations in culture and science: contingency is the condition of possibility for any of the arts—be they dominantly concerned with thinking, crafting, or enacting. While their scope and method may differ, the (f)act of reckoning with—and taking advantage of—contingency renders rhetoricians and philosophers associates after all. In this regard, Aristotle and Blumenberg will be exemplary, hence provide the framework. Between these diachronic bridgeheads, close readings applying the nexus of rhetoric and contingency to a selection of (Early) Modern texts and authors are intercalated—among them La Celestina, Machiavelli, Shakespeare, Wilde, Fontane.

Screening Gender

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