Vision of the Creator

Book Description

Isaiah 2:4 “And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” AKJV (Psalms 67:4). The Holy Bible is the most widely distributed, least understood book in the history of creation. Due to early understandings and handed down traditions of world renowned teachers, the Holy Bible was falsely interpreted in many areas (James 3:1-6). To this day, many of the past, incorrect teachings are still being upheld and taught (2 Peter 3:15-16). The spreading of misinformation, throughout the world, has failed the masses (Jeremiah 8:8-16, Matthew 7:24-27, Romans 2:24-25). Since the beginning of time, mankind has searched for the meaning and purpose of life, to gain understanding of the very purpose of existence (Acts 17:21-23). Knowing the true destiny of humanity enlightens the conscience in the way of true reality (Luke 11:34-36). Discovering the very origin and voyages of life, removes all non essential searching. Oneness with the origin of life, brings one to a place of true comfort and healing for the entire body (Proverbs 3:7-10, 22). Humanity is more than ever before seeking connectivity and oneness with alien spirits of higher dimensions, energies, forces of the earth, universe and realms beyond (Deuteronomy 4:19, 2 Chronicles 28:22-23, Daniel 12:4, Romans 1:25). The existence and condition of the creation before the earth was created, the realm beyond the universe, the fulfillment of the destiny that awaits mankind, causes of the human condition are made known. Is GOD MALE AND FEMALE? This book clearly and thoroughly brings out the revelent facts of such topics and much more (Jeremiah 33:2-3). This book, without leaving any doubts, reveals how to invoke and have proper communion with THE CREATOR, how THE CREATOR is blessing, saving, glorifying the Gentiles (Romans 3:29-30) and how GOD chooses HIS first fruits (Leviticus 27:32). Inspiration received is to provide true doctrine which leads to understanding (Luke 24:28-32), regarding matters such as transcendency through fire, the milllenial ages, the last days etc. Understanding numerical cycles, values, patterns, alignments, as written in the Holy Bible, unlocks essential information regarding the physical and spiritual purposes for life on earth. This work explains relationships between humanity and the unseen spirit, alien world, the generations, closing of the ages, the afterlife (John 5:1-4, Acts 1:9-11, Revelation 3:21). For the first time in history, many unknown mysteries of THE CREATOR, hidden from ages past, are made known (Isaiah 46:9-10, Ephesians 1:3-10). THE VISION OF THE CREATOR consists of the revealing of HIS very CHARACTER and works, through HIS creation (Psalm 22:19-25, Jonah 2:2-10). Proof of what the writings of the Holy Bible actually reveal, through the SPIRIT of the letters, is obtainable in this must read book (John 6:63, Ephesians 3:1-9). Revelation 21:4 “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” AKJV (Psalm 22:27-31).

I Believe in the Creator

Book Description

Year of the Creator: A Guide to Create Your Vision with GOD.

Book Description

Creating YOUR ultimate year starts here.Year of the Creator is a reminder to not be afraid, step into your power each day and do it with God, the ultimate creator. Having this foundation as you navigate each day will help set the expectation that everything is working out for your good, and though you may be going through adversity, you will not only prevail but have the power to do so, NOW! In other words, right now: -You have the power to create your ideas.-You have the power to shift your circumstance(s).-You have the power to experience the abundance of God. Year of the Creator's intent is to encourage you to create the ideas meant for you to create.Creating opens a life journey filled with love, healing, opportunities, and blessings which typically come wrapped up in life circumstances.Year of the Creator is a short read, following the experiences of Denisha Ferguson, Author and Creator. This no fluff book outlines 11 ways to create with God each day.Having a "YEAR OF THE CREATOR MINDSET" is the ULTIMATE way to create your ideas for impact, income and to build legacy.Year of the Creator is now and every year that God blesses you with. Choose to embrace God's calling on your life, surrender to doing it all by yourself and do it with God. You already have what you need right now to get started

Shalom and the Community of Creation

Book Description

Materialism. Greed. Loneliness. A manic pace. Abuse of the natural world. Inequality. Injustice. War. The endemic problems facing America today are staggering. We need change and restoration. But where to begin? In Shalom and the Community of Creation Randy Woodley offers an answer: learn more about the Native American 'Harmony Way,' a concept that closely parallels biblical shalom. Doing so can bring reconciliation between Euro-Westerners and indigenous peoples, a new connectedness with the Creator and creation, an end to imperial warfare, the ability to live in the moment, justice, restoration -- and a more biblically authentic spirituality. Rooted in redemptive correction, this book calls for true partnership through the co-creation of new theological systems that foster wholeness and peace.

I Am Vision Creator

Book Description

Beer, cigarettes, and maybe a dirty magazine to pass the time. That’s all Paul wants when he steps into the local gas station. Instead, he witnesses a supernatural event. Definitely not on his list for the night. Now Paul is discovering things he wasn’t ready the fact that he now seems to have bizarre powers. Instead of embracing his gift and fighting to save the world, Paul finds himself questioning his destiny. Everyone who knows him would agree—Paul is not the person you’d bet on to save the world. While he wants to prove those people wrong, he can’t help but agree with them. He’s not cut out for the job. All he wants to do is go back to that night at the gas station and change the “choose your own adventure” option. Even as he thinks this, something is pushing him in another direction. His life path is changing toward one he’s subconsciously avoided his entire life. As the world crumbles into chaos, Paul finds himself clinging to the possibility of redemption, even if he doesn’t want to admit it to himself. Paul has one big question for the divine comedian running the show: how the hell is someone who can’t keep a house plant alive supposed to save the world?

The Creator's Plan and Pertinence

Book Description

The theme of this book is 'higher ground.' The book's message entertains an approaching dispensation allowing the Church to overcome and unify. It is God's justice that a sacrificial 'Body' be set forth; an exemplary 'Ecclesia' manifest to an end generation. The writer embraces the idea that God-ordained officiation, not structure, will be the remedy for disunity and the lack of settlements. The several discussions in this book contain understanding that will benefit the reader toward gaining that 'higher ground.'

The Book of Divine Works

Book Description

Completed in 1173, The Book of Divine Works (Liber Divinorum Operum) is the culmination of the Visionary’s Doctor’s theological project, offered here for the first time in a complete and scholarly English translation. The first part explores the intricate physical and spiritual relationships between the cosmos and the human person, with the famous image of the universal Man standing astride the cosmic spheres. The second part examines the rewards for virtue and the punishments for vice, mapped onto a geography of purgatory, hellmouth, and the road to the heavenly city. At the end of each Hildegard writes extensive commentaries on the Prologue to John’s Gospel (Part 1) and the first chapter of Genesis (Part 2)—the only premodern woman to have done so. Finally, the third part tells the history of salvation, imagined as the City of God standing next to the mountain of God’s foreknowledge, with Divine Love reigning over all.