Vision: The Approach Of Biophysics And Neuroscience - Proceedings Of The International School Of Biophysics

Book Description

The light sense is conceivably the key sense in both the animal and the plant kingdom. Vision research, undoubtedly a fast-growing field, is providing impressive results — thanks to modern theoretical and methodological advances. The approach of biophysics and neuroscience seems to be of great benefit and, for this reason, the present book gives an outline of recent acquisitions and updated advanced methods concerning this approach. Visual mechanisms and processes are analysed at several (molecular, cellular, integrative, computational and cognitive) levels by different methodologies (from molecular biology to computation) applied to different living models (from protists to humans, via invertebrates and lower vertebrates).


Book Description

The light sense is conceivably the key sense in both the animal and the plant kingdom. Vision research, undoubtedly a fast-growing field, is providing impressive results ? thanks to modern theoretical and methodological advances. The approach of biophysics and neuroscience seems to be of great benefit and, for this reason, the present book gives an outline of recent acquisitions and updated advanced methods concerning this approach. Visual mechanisms and processes are analysed at several (molecular, cellular, integrative, computational and cognitive) levels by different methodologies (from molecular biology to computation) applied to different living models (from protists to humans, via invertebrates and lower vertebrates).

Science of Vision

Book Description

Converging lines of biological, perceptual and theoretical approaches are brought together in The Science of Vision to give a new perspective on the brain sciences and vision in particular. The book contains contributions from experts in the fields of biophysics, physiology, psychology and computation. While reviewing some basic knowledge, it mainly presents fresh ideas and includes some new results. The topics range from cells through perception to neurocomputing and are treated in depth, taking the specialist to the frontiers of research. At the same time the book is written in a manner understandable to the nonspecialist, in keeping with the multidisciplinary appeal of the subject. A glossary of terms also makes the book easy to read. In our age of specialization, this integrated approach is a welcome addition to the literature which will further interdisciplinary research and shed new light on the vision sciences.

Biocybernetics of Vision

Book Description


Book Description

Understanding how the brain works is undoubtedly the greatest challenge for human intelligence and one of the most ambitious goals of contemporary science. We are certainly far from this goal, but significant advancements in several fields of Neuroscience and Neurobiology are being obtained at an increasing pace. The NATO ASI School in Neurobiology, held in Erice May 2-12,1995, as the 23rd Course of the International School of Biophysics, provided an update on three basic topics: Biophysics and Molecular Biology ofIon Channels, Sensory Transduction, and Higher Order Functions. Current knowledge on these subjects was covered by formal lectures and critical discussions between lecturers and participants. This book collects original contributions from those scientists who attended the School. Many students presented their results in poster sessions, steering lively informal discussions. A selection of these contributions is also included. A major portion of the program of the School was devoted to a general overview of current trends of thought and experimental approaches in neurobiology, emphasising the importance of understanding molecular aspects of the elementary events underlying sensory transduction and processing in the nervous system, without indulging however in a pure reductionistic view of such complex phenomena. Recent studies of molecular biology and the electrophysiology of heterologously expressed ionic channels, have shed new light on the molecular mechanisms underlying ionic permeation of excitable membranes and its regulation by physical and chemical parameters.

The Visual System

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The International Society for Clinical Electroretinography provides a link between scientists who are enlarging our understanding of the normal functioning of the visual pathway, and clinicians who investigate and treat visual disturbances. The chief function of the Society is to organise symposia, where, with skill born of long practice, the participants obtain the benefits of both social and scientific contact, without detriment to either. The result ing spread of information is documented both in the society's Newsletter, and by the publication of volumes such as this, the record of the 9th Symposium held at Brighton in 1971. This meeting was a joint Symposium of the ISCERG and the International Union of Physiological Sciences. The subjects covered represent merely the interests of the organisers. The biophysical studies are represented by chapters on such divers topics as the x-ray diffraction of receptor membranes and impedance properties of outer limb suspensions. Other papers deal with the problems of maintaining the retina in vitro in a physiological condition. Papers describing techniques for investigating the functional properties of the visual system shade into those which describe new aspects of human disease. In the past such serendipity has been of value as evidenced by compal-ison between this and previous volumes. In 1965 the physiological section of the Proceedings was largely devoted to a new elec trical response, the evoked potential of the visual cortex.

Biophysics From Molecules to Brain

Book Description

Radoslav K. Andjus was a founder of the modern field of biophysics, and this volume contains the proceedings of a meeting held in his honor in Belgrade, organized and attended by many of his former students and coworkers, including the Nobel laureate Stanley Prusiner. Andjus's ground-breaking work in tolerance to anoxia and hypothermia ranged from the cellular level to the behavior of freeze-tolerant and freeze-resistant vertebrates. The symposium renews a well-established tradition of annual meetings of the Yugoslav Biophysical Society, which had been suspended for several years as a result of the political situation in the region. These proceedings comprise contributions from the fields of neuro-, membrane, and molecular biophysics; neuroscience; biomedical science; rehabilitation; and emergency medicine, and should be of interest to basic researchers as well as clinical practitioners. NOTE: Annals volumes are available for sale as individual books or as a journal. For information on institutional journal subscriptions, please visit ACADEMY MEMBERS: Please contact the New York Academy of Sciences directly to place your order ( Members of the New York Academy of Science receive full-text access to the Annals online and discounts on print volumes. Please visit for more information about becoming a member.

Neuronal Bases And Psychological Aspects Of Consciousness - Proceedings Of The International School Of Biocybernetics

Book Description

For a few decades, the puzzle of consciousness, which for centuries was analysed by philosophers, has been finding a wide interest in the scientific field, where previously it was not entitled to be a member. It has become one of the most-debated problems in the cognitive sciences. The anatomical bases, neurophysiological correlates and elementary mechanisms underlying complex processes arising with consciousness have been compared with the psychological (perceptive, cognitive, volitive, emotional) aspects of conscious expressions, in normal and pathological conditions. Various theories, which attempt to fit systematically and coherently neural and psychological data, have been debated, proving the emergence of the phenomenon of consciousness.

Index of Conference Proceedings

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