Visiones docentes en las aulas de hoy

Book Description

Hablar de los docentes en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) es una responsabilidad ineludible a la luz de las nuevas exigencias que la sociedad global, del multiculturalismo, los fenómenos migratorios y las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, que en conjunto imponen nuevos desafíos a la tarea de educar. Ante estos desafíos y más allá de los métodos y técnicas que se asuman como propios para adecuarse a los diversos estilos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes, se encuentra la urgencia de una práctica educativa sustentada en la ética del educador. Sin esta premisa de sentido humano y social, no será posible cumplir con el propósito sustantivo de educar para construir un mundo más habitable para todos, en que existan perspectivas de futuro sustentadas en el sentido de responsabilidad que se logre transmitir desde las aulas a cada uno de los estudiantes. Responsabilidad con el presente que necesariamente implica responsabilizarse del futuro, de los que están por venir. Esta es la premisa que se encuentra detrás de los trabajos reunidos en el presente libro. En cada uno de ellos es posible identificar el compromiso de los investigadores y educadores con la mejora de las condiciones de aprendizaje de sus estudiantes, acompañado de una preocupación con generar situaciones de formación universitaria capaces de conectar al estudiante con su entorno comunitario más inmediato y con sus compañeros. En el fondo de las inquietudes de investigación que dieron como resultado los estudios que aquí se presentan, el lector atento encontrará la condición de enseñar y aprender desde un enfoque grupal, en el que todos tienen algo que decir y hacer para que cada uno aprenda lo que necesita. Tanto en América Latina como en Europa, se han producido transformaciones importantes en los enfoques educativos y los modelos de aprendizaje que las instituciones educativas de tipo superior adoptan para la formación de los estudian...

Search and research

Book Description

Descripción / Resumen (Inglés): The present volume represents a compilation of international teacher education practice and research with a focus on Teacher Education for Contemporary Contexts. It draws upon the diverse educational perspectives, teaching procedures, knowledge, and situated contexts where the discipline takes shape. The sections of this book comprise research papers accepted for presentation during the 18th International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) Biennial Conference that will take place from July 3rd to July 7th in Salamanca, Spain. Around 300 delegates from 57 countries across the globe and a large Scientific Committee of 80 colleagues have contributed academically and professionally to support our ability to share the contents of this volume. The main conference topic is search and research. Searching is the action of looking carefully at people, objects, and situations in order to find something concealed or to discover something beyond the ordinary. This is what teachers do in their classrooms and, primarily, ‘search’ represents their endeavours to construct professional knowledge as a result of developing practice. Researching is systematic inquiry that intends to discover new knowledge and/or to refute educational theories, a process typically rendered by teacher educators and other researchers. The focus of this 18th biennial ISATT conference is to bring together both “search” and “research”, connecting practice and theory (or ‘praxis’), with the purpose of offering relevant solutions to realistic classroom problems. The editorial process followed three differentiated phases: The first phase required abstract submission with the purpose of being accepted for the conference. A double (or triple) blind review was conducted to evaluate whether the papers submitted were suitable for the conference. A rate of 87% of the papers were accepted for presentation. The second phase encouraged authors to voluntarily submit a full paper of 3,000 words. A total of 111 full papers were then subjected to an open review process with the main purpose of suggesting to authors ways of further improving the presentation of their valuable research. A third phase, not yet completed and therefore beyond the scope of this book, was the review and selection of the outstanding papers, papers that were deemed eligible for the post-proceeding publication (i.e., less than 15% of the total). The central intent of the book is to contribute to fostering scholarly discussions and to inform future teaching trajectories, strengthen lines of research in teacher education and demonstrate the opportunities and constraints in our professional work. Its added value highlights the commonplace in international research that serves to depict how the field of teacher education is moving forward in an increasingly global society. All in all, teachers, teacher educators and researchers learn by effective communication processes, whether in in personal/professional interactions or in the use of digital technologies. Positive interactions lead to building strong communities of learners, which in turn, leads to the production of valuable knowledge and better understandings about learning and teaching. With the upcoming commemoration of its 800th anniversary in the year 2018, the University of Salamanca, as the oldest university in operation in Spain, is proud to host the ISATT 18th biennial conference and to support the exceptional work of many researchers in the field of Teacher Education by compiling and editing the work in this volume. Furthermore, the local Organizing Committee and the ISATT Executive Committee hope you will experience a rewarding intellectual experience as a result of your contributions and knowledge, as both academics and practitioners. Thank you very much for providing us this exciting opportunity to work with you. We warmly welcome you to Salamanca – a truly historic and a contemporary context! Descripción / Resumen (Español / Castellano): El presente volumen está integrado por una recopilación de prácticas e investigaciones internacionales de formación docente centradas en la formación de profesores en la sociedad actual. Se basa en las diversas perspectivas educativas, los procedimientos de enseñanza, conocimiento y contextos sociales. Las secciones de este libro comprenden trabajos de investigación aceptados para su exposición en las XVIII Conferencia Bienal Internacional de Estudios de Profesores y Enseñanza (ISATT) que tendrá lugar del 3 al 7 de julio en Salamanca, España. Alrededor de 300 delegados de 57 países de todo el mundo y un gran Comité Científico de 80 colegas han contribuido académica y profesionalmente en favor de este evento. El tema principal de la conferencia es la búsqueda y la investigación. «Buscar» es la acción de mirar cuidadosamente a las personas, objetos y situaciones para encontrar algo escondido o descubrir algo más allá de lo ordinario. Esto es lo que los maestros hacen en sus clases y, sobre todo, la búsqueda representa sus esfuerzos para construir conocimiento profesional como resultado del desarrollo de la práctica cotidiana. La «investigación» es una investigación sistemática que pretende descubrir nuevos conocimientos y/o refutar teorías educativas, un proceso que suelen dar los educadores de profesores y de otros investigadores. El objetivo de esta 18ª conferencia ISATT es reunir tanto la «búsqueda» como la «investigación», conectando la práctica y la teoría (o praxis) con el propósito de ofrecer soluciones relevantes a los problemas reales de la clase. El proceso editorial siguió tres fases diferenciadas: 1. Requirió el envío de resúmenes con el propósito de que fuesen aceptados para la ser expuestos en la conferencia. Se realizó una revisión doble ciego (o triple) para evaluar si los artículos presentados eran adecuados. Se aceptó una tasa de 87% de los trabajos para su presentación. 2. La segunda fase requirió de los autores en envío en período voluntario de un trabajo completo de 3.000 palabras. Un total de 111 trabajos fueron sometidos a un proceso de revisión abierta con el propósito principal de sugerir a los autores formas de mejora. 3. Una tercera fase, aún inconclusa, y por lo tanto fuera del alcance de este libro, fue la revisión y selección de los documentos pendientes, los documentos que se consideraron electos para la publicación posterior al procedimiento (es decir, menos del 15% del total). La intención central de esta obra es contribuir a fomentar el debate académico e informar sobre futuras trayectorias de enseñanza, fortalecer las líneas de investigación en la formación del profesorado y demostrar las oportunidades y limitaciones en nuestro ámbito. Su valor es el de destacar el lugar común en la investigación internacional que sirve para describir cómo el campo de la formación de maestros avanza en una sociedad cada vez más global. En general, los maestros, los educadores de educadores y los investigadores aprendan mediante procesos de comunicación eficaces, ya sea en interacciones personales/profesionales o en el uso de tecnologías digitales. Las interacciones conducen a la construcción de comunidades fuertes de estudiantes, que a su vez, conduce a la producción de conocimientos valiosos y mejores sobre el aprendizaje y la enseñanza. Con la próxima conmemoración de su 800 aniversario en el año 2018, la Universidad de Salamanca, como la decana de las españolas, se enorgullece en acoger la XVIII Conferencia Bienal de ISATT y apoyar el trabajo excepcional de muchos investigadores en el campo del Profesor Educación Investigador, editando la obra. Además, el Comité Organizador Local y el Comité Ejecutivo de ISATT esperan que experimente una lectura gratificante como resultado de sus contribuciones y conocimientos, tanto académicos como profesionales. Muchas gracias por brindarnos esta emocionante oportunidad de trabajar con usted. ¡Les damos la bienvenida a Salamanca un contexto verdaderamente histórico y a su vez contemporáneo!

Teaching Tech Together

Book Description

Hundreds of grassroots groups have sprung up around the world to teach programming, web design, robotics, and other skills outside traditional classrooms. These groups exist so that people don't have to learn these things on their own, but ironically, their founders and instructors are often teaching themselves how to teach. There's a better way. This book presents evidence-based practices that will help you create and deliver lessons that work and build a teaching community around them. Topics include the differences between different kinds of learners, diagnosing and correcting misunderstandings, teaching as a performance art, what motivates and demotivates adult learners, how to be a good ally, fostering a healthy community, getting the word out, and building alliances with like-minded groups. The book includes over a hundred exercises that can be done individually or in groups, over 350 references, and a glossary to help you navigate educational jargon.

Teachers as Learners

Book Description

In Teachers as Learners, a collection of landmark essays, noted teacher educator and scholar Sharon Feiman-Nemser shines a light on teacher learning. Arguing that serious and sustained teacher learning is a necessary condition for ambitious student learning, she examines closely how teachers acquire, generate, and use knowledge about teaching over the trajectory of their careers. Together, these essays bear witness to the evolution and development of a body of scholarship about teacher learning in which the author herself played a catalyzing role.

European Perspectives on Inclusive Education in Canada

Book Description

Featuring leading voices in the field from across Canada and Europe, this edited collection offers empirical analyses of the historical, social, cultural, and legislative determinants of inclusive education in Canadian schools. Covering four thematic areas including the structure, culture, and practices of inclusive education, the volume offers comparative insights from a European perspective, engaging critically with widely held views of Canada as a world leader in inclusive education. Providing rich comparisons with educational systems in Germany, Spain, and Finland, chapters explore in-depth the assessment structures and curricula specific to Canada, as well as educational policy, and explore attitudes and practices in relation to diverse student populations, including refugee and indigenous peoples, and students with special educational needs. This volume will benefit researchers, academics, and educators with an interest in multicultural education, international and comparative education, as well as educational policy more specifically. Those involved with inclusion and special educational needs will also benefit from this volume.

Return to Aztlan

Book Description

Return to Aztlan analyzes the social process of international migration through an intensive study of four carefully chosen Mexican communities. The book combines historical, anthropological, and survey data to construct a vivid and comprehensive picture of the social dynamics of contemporary Mexican migration to the United States.

Qualitative approaches to research on plurilingual education / Enfocaments qualitatius per a la recerca en educació plurilingüe / Enfoques cualitativos para la investigación en educación plurilingüe

Book Description

This handbook is a guide for researchers in plurilingual education. It introduces notions of collaborative research, action-research, ethnography, conversation analysis and mediated discourse analysis. It also discusses ethics, how to collect and organize plurilingual and multimodal corpora, and write up research papers.Aquest manual és una guia per a la recerca en educació plurilingüe. S'hi introdueixen conceptes de recerca col·laborativa, recerca-acció, etnografia, anàlisi de la conversa i anàlisi del discurs mediat. També s'hi discuteixen qüestions d'ètica, maneres de recopilar i organitzar corpus plurilingües i multimodals, i d’escriure textos de recerca.Este manual es una guía para la investigación en educación plurilingüe. Se introducen conceptos de investigación colaborativa, investigación-acción, etnografía, análisis de la conversación y análisis del discurso mediado. También se discuten cuestiones de ética, maneras de recopilar y organizar corpus plurilingües y multimodales, y de redactar textos de investigación.

International Handbook of Educational Change

Book Description

The International Handbook of Educational Change is a state of the art collection of the most important ideas and evidence of educational change. The book brings together some of the most influential thinkers and writers on educational change. It deals with issues like educational innovation, reform, restructuring, culture-building, inspection, school-review, and change management. It asks why some people resist change and what their resistance means. It looks at how men and women, older teachers and younger teachers, experience change differently. It looks at the positive aspects of change but does not hesitate to raise uncomfortable questions about many aspects of educational change either. It looks critically and controversially at the social, economic, cultural and political forces that are driving educational change. School leaders, system administration, teacher leaders, consultants, facilitators, educational researchers, staff developers and change agents of all kinds will find this book an indispensable resource for guiding them to both classic and cutting-edge understandings of educational change, no other work provides as comprehensive coverage of the field of educational change.

Engaging People in Sustainability

Book Description

The book is based on the exchange of professional experiences which featured in an IUCN CEC workshop in August 2002. Practitioners from around the world shared their models of good practice and explored the challenges involved in engaging people in sustainability. The difficulties facing practitioners vary between country and context but some challenges are universal: A lack of clarity in communicating what is meant by sustainable development; An ambition to educate everyone to bring about a global citizenship; Social, organisational or institutional factors constrain change to sustainable development, yet there is an emphasis on formal education, and community educators do not receive the same support; A lack of balance in addressing the integration of environmental, social and economic dimensions leading to an interpretation that ESD is mainly about environment and conservation issues; New learning (rather than teaching) approaches are called for to promote more debate in society. Yet, few are trained or experienced in these new approaches. Practitioners need support to explore new ways of promoting learning. [Foreword, ed].