Living Without

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Vivir sin él

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Living Beautifully

Book Description

Instant bestseller: Buddhist teacher Pema Chödrön shares life-changing practices for living with wisdom, confidence, and integrity amidst confusing situations and uncertain times We live in difficult times. Life so often seems like a turbulent river threatening to drown us and destroy our world. Why, then, shouldn’t we cling to the certainty of the comfortable—to our deep-seated habits and familiar ways? Because, Pema Chödrön teaches, that kind of fear-based clinging keeps us from the infinitely more powerful experience of being fully alive. The Buddhist teachings she presents here—known as the “Three Commitments”—provide a treasure trove of wisdom for learning to step right into the unknown, to completely and fearlessly embrace the groundlessness of being human, for people of all faiths. When we do, we begin to see not only how much better it feels to live an openhearted life, but we find that we begin to naturally and more effectively reach out to help and heal all those around us.

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Obras Completas

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Voces de Protesta

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A collection of essays and poems focusing on the imbalances between rich and poor and the awful lot of Third World poor.

The Collected Works of J. Krishnamurti

Book Description

This first volume covers talks given in Italy, Norway and India. Krishnamurti begins with the statement "Friends, I should like you to make a living discovery, not a discovery induced by the description of others ... I am not going to try to describe what to me is truth, for that would be an impossible attempt. One cannot describe or give to another the fullness of an experience. Each one must live it for himself."


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"Miguel and Jimi Lead quiet, secure lives running their safe and lock-box store--unitl Martina appears. One love ignites while another fizzles, causing an explosion of irrational and jealus acts of a desperate man. Only strength of character--and the game of golf--provides escape from a lonely world where a secretive woman drives a wedge between two devoted friends."--Back cover.

Bachata and Dominican Identity / La bachata y la identidad dominicana

Book Description

Bachata--a guitar-based romantic music that debuted in Santo Domingo's urban shantytowns in the 1960s--is today one of the hottest Latin genres. Still, fans and musicians have not forgotten the social stigma the genre carried for decades. This book interweaves bachata's history and development with the socio-political context of Dominican identity. The author argues that its early disfavor resulted from the political climate of its origins and ties between class and race, and proposes that its ultimate acceptance as a symbol of Dominican identity arose from its innovations, the growth of the lower class, and a devoted following among Dominican migrants. La bachata--una musica de guitarra que se estreno en los barrios populares de Santo Domingo en los anos 60--hoy, es uno de los generos latinos mas populares. No obstante, sus aficionados y sus exponentes recuerdan el estigma social asociado que conllevo por decadas. Este libro entreteje la historia y el desarrollo de la bachata con el contexto socio-politico de la identidad dominicana. La autora plantea que su desaprobacion temprana resulto del clima politico en que nacio y los vinculos entre raza y clase social. Propone que su aceptacion final como simbolo de identidad dominicana surge de sus innovaciones, el crecimiento de la clase baja y sus seguidores leales entre los migrantes dominicanos.

Retroceder Nunca Rendirse Jamás

Book Description

Alexander P. Pucho. Nacido en Bolivia, Departamento de La Paz -Copacabana. Estudiante de teología y autor de los libros, "Dejemos Huellas en la Vida", "La Llave y la Fuente de la felicidad", y el tercer libro "Los Hábitos te hace o te deshace", está en redacción. Actualmente radica en California EE. UU. Apoyando a campañas evangelisticas.