
Book Description

Psychosocial Implications of Poverty

Book Description

This book presents a multidimensional, psychosocial and critical understanding of poverty by bringing together studies carried out with groups in different contexts and situations of deprivation in Brazil, Mexico, Paraguay, Nicaragua and Spain. The book is divided in two parts. The first part presents studies that unveil the psychosocial implications of poverty by revealing the processes of domination based on the stigmatization and criminalization of poor people, which contribute to maintain realities of social inequality. The second part presents studies focused on strategies to fight poverty and forms of resistance developed by individuals who are in situations of marginalization. The studies presented in this contributed volume depart from the theoretical framework developed by Critical Social Psychology, Community Psychology and Liberation Psychology, in an effort to understand poverty beyond its monetary dimension, bringing social, cultural, structural and subjective factors into the analysis. Psychological science in general has not produced specific knowledge about poverty as a result of the relations of domination produced by social inequalities fostered by the capitalist system. This book seeks to fill this gap by presenting a psychosocial perspective with psychological and sociological bases aligned in a dialectical way in order to understand and confront poverty. Psychosocial Implications of Poverty – Diversities and Resistances will be of interest to social psychologists, sociologists and economists interested in multidimensional studies of poverty, as well as to policy makers and activists directly working with the development of policies and strategies to fight poverty.

The Blackwell Companion to the Bible and Culture

Book Description

The Blackwell Companion to the Bible and Culture provides readers with a concise, readable and scholarly introduction to twenty-first century approaches to the Bible. Consists of 30 articles written by distinguished specialists from around the world Draws on interdisciplinary and international examples to explore how the Bible has impacted on all the major social contexts where it has been influential – ancient, medieval and modern, world-wide Gives examples of how the Bible has influenced literature, art, music, history, religious studies, politics, ecology and sociology Each article is accompanied by a comprehensive bibliography Offers guidance on how to read the Bible and its many interpretations

Principles and concepts for development in nowadays society

Book Description

Temos o prazer de lançar o primeiro livro internacional do ano de 2022 voltado a área do desenvolvimento, que tem como título Principles and concepts for development in nowadays society, essa obra contém 152 artigos voltados a área multidisciplinar, sendo a mesma pela Seven Publicações Ltda. A Seven Editora, agradece e enaltasse os autores que fizeram parte desse livro. Desejamos uma boa leitura a todos

International Handbook of Curriculum Research

Book Description

Continuing its calling to define the field and where it is going, the Second Edition of this landmark handbook brings up to date its comprehensive reportage of scholarly developments and school curriculum initiatives worldwide, providing a panoramic view of the state of curriculum studies globally. Its international scope and currency and range of research and theory reflect and contribute significantly to the ongoing internationalization of curriculum studies and its growth as a field worldwide. Changes in the Second Edition: Five new or updated introductory chapters pose transnational challenges to key questions curriculum research addresses locally. Countries absent in the First Edition are represented: Chile, Colombia, Cypress, Ethiopia, Germany, Iran, Luxembourg, Nigeria, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, and Switzerland. 39 new or updated chapters on curriculum research in 34 countries highlight curriculum research that is not widely known in North America. This handbook is an indispensable resource for prospective and practicing teachers, for curriculum studies scholars, and for education students around the world.

A New Social Contract in a Latin American Education Context

Book Description

A New Social Contract in a Latin American Education Context is committed to what has become known as "perspective of the South:" understanding the South not as a geographical reference but as a vindication of the existence of ways of knowing and of living which struggle for their survival and for a legitimate place in a world where the respect for difference is balanced with the right for equality. The metaphor of the new social contract stands for the desire to envision another world, which paradoxically cannot but spring out of the entrails of the existing one. Could the same contract under which the colonial orders were erected serve as a tool for decolonizing relations, knowledge, and power? Consequently, what kind of education could effectively help structure a new social contract? These are some of the questions Streck addresses.

Teaching Peter McLaren

Book Description

Teaching Peter McLaren, the first volume in the Teaching Contemporary Scholars series, focuses on the work of educational scholars on the left who have made major contributions to the field. In this book, editors Marc Pruyn and Luis M. Huerta-Charles have assembled a notable group of contributors who reflect on, analyze, and critique over two decades's worth of scholarship produced by Peter McLaren, one of the most influential and widely read leftist scholars working in academia today. Specifically, this book focuses on the nexus of education, critical theory, Marxism, globalization, and struggles for social justice via the work and theorizing of McLaren.


Book Description


Book Description

Como Escrever Teses e Monografias

Book Description

Tanto nos cursos de graduação, quanto nos de pós-graduação, mestrado ou mesmo doutorado torna-se necessária a monografia como requisito parcial para obtenção do diploma ou da certificação. Com a intenção de oferecer ao público universitário um livro que atenda às dificuldades com as quais o estudante se defronta quando é solicitado a construir idéias acerca de temas relevantes, elaborou-se, em detalhes, este livro, para que sirva como fonte de estudo sobre os diferentes tipos de produção científica, delimitando suas características. Este livro está dividido em tópicos. No primeiro, trabalha-se a o que é ciência e o sentido de neutralidade. No segundo, são detalhados os diferentes tipos de conhecimento. No terceiro, os requisitos necessários para elaborar diversos tipos de trabalhos científicos são detalhados a saber: o relatório, o resumo, o informe científico, o artigo científico, a resenha e a monografia. No quarto, aborda-se a pesquisa, apontando a natureza do trabalho científico e a ética. Apresenta-se ainda neste tópico, os diferentes tipos de pesquisa e a forma de elaboração de um projeto de pesquisa. No quinto tópico são apresentadas diferentes maneiras de manusear a bibliografia consultada, orientando na elaboração de fichamento. Os dois últimos tópicos, que encerram o livro, especificam as questões relacionadas aos aspectos gráficos e materiais do trabalho científico (organização dos originais, paginação etc.) e as referências, apresentando em detalhes como são registradas as fontes, segundo as normas da ABNT vigentes.