Wage arrears and the distribution of earnings: what can we learn from Russia?

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We examine the implications for estimates of wage relativities and inequality when countries experience wage arrears on a substantial scale, using the Russian labour market as a test case. The increase in wage inequality in Russia during its transition process has far exceeded the increase in wage dispersion observed in other European countries undergoing transition. Russia also has much the largest incidence of wage arrears. Given data on wages and the incidence of wage arrears we show that it is possible to construct counterfactual wage distributions, derived from a variety of different methods. The results suggest that conventional measures of earnings dispersion in Russia would be some 20 to 30% lower in the absence of arrears. Since the incidence of arrears is not random, we then go on to show how wage gaps across gender, education, region and industry are influenced by a failure to allow for wage arrears. If those in arrears are distributed uniformly across the underlying wage distribution, as appears to be the case in Russia, then it may be feasible to use wage information on the subset of those not in arrears and still get close to the underlying population parameters. -- Wage Arrears ; Earnings Inequality ; Pay Gaps ; Counterfactual Estimates

Grime and Punishment

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The initial years of transition in the Russian federation have been characterised by relatively smaller falls in employment than observed in other reform-orientated countries of Eastern Europe. We show that for many Russian workers, the dominant form of labour market adjustment is instead the delayed receipt of wages. There are large regional variations in the incidence of wage arrears. Workers in the metropolitan centre are significantly less affected by delayed and incomplete wage payments than workers in the provinces. There is less evidence that individual characteristics contribute much toward the incidence of wage arrears, though unobserved heterogeneity has some role to play. Wage arrears are found across the skill distribution. As with the incidence of unemployment, however, there is evidence that the persistence of arrears is concentrated on a subset of the working population. We show that workers can only exercise the exit option of a job quit from a firm paying wages in arrears if the outside labour market is sufficiently dynamic.lt;brgt.

Grime and Punishment

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Grime and Punishment

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Using information from two complementary household survey data sets, we show that the dominant form of labor market adjustment in the Russian transition process has been the delayed receipt of wages. More than half the workforce is experiencing some form of disruption to their pay. Wage arrears are found across the private, state and budgetary sector. Workers in the metropolitan center are less affected by delayed and incomplete wage payments than workers in the provinces. There is less evidence that individual characteristics contribute much toward the incidence of wage arrears, but the persistence of arrears is concentrated on a subset of the working population. We show that workers can only exercise the exit option of a job quit from a firm not paying wages in full or on time if the outside labor market is sufficiently dynamic.

The Gender Wage Gap and Wage Arrears in Russia

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Using the RLMS, this paper re-examines the gender wage gap in Russia from 1994 to 1998. We find that the average gender wage gap was fairly stable during 1994-1996 but that it became wider following the financial crisis of 1998. In particular, low-income female employees were hardest hit by the financial crisis. Furthermore, we find that wage arrears and payment in kind acted as compensating mechanisms to reduce losses stemming from higher wage discrimination, suggesting that the allocation of wage arrears and payment in kind was driven by equity considerations for female workers. Yet the relationship between wage arrears and the gender wage gap was not linear: female employees suffering wage arrears at low levels of the wage distribution failed to enjoy such compensation.

Work Without Wages

Book Description

Focusing on the roots and scale of wage nonpayment, the book is an indispensable guide to understanding Russia's economic restructuring and of the social costs of the transition born by the general population. The seventy-year-old Soviet tradition of "wages without work" soon turned into "work without wages" when the planned economy began switching to a market system in 1992. Lack of budget discipline, the breakdown of contractual obligations at all levels, and the failure of state agencies to enforce laws among businesses led to pervasive wage nonpayment to workers in both the public and private sectors. In this book Padma Desai and Todd Idson combine econometric rigor, policy analysis, and empirical evidence to analyze wage nonpayment patterns across demographic groups defined by gender, age, and education, and in various occupations, industries, and regions of Russia. They also examine wage nonpayment to Russia's military personnel, in the wider context of a disintegrating military. Focusing on the roots and scale of wage nonpayment, the book is an indispensable guide to understanding Russia's economic restructuring and of the social costs of the transition born by the general population. Among the questions addressed are: How did Russia's factory managers decide who, among various categories of workers, would not get paid? Did wage denial push people below the poverty line? How did families survive when denied wages? Did strikes lead to reduced wage arrears? The authors describe a variety of survival strategies on the part of Russian families, including informal paid activity, the selling of family assets, home production for consumption and sale, and the receiving of cash from relatives.

The Social Crisis in the Russian Federation

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This book provides a detailed analysis of the social problems facing the Russian Federation, and develops proposals for continuing reform to improve the economic fundamentals, including the productivity, while at the same time ensuring that social and labour market policies become more effective.

Grime and Punishment

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