Wake Up! You're Snoring...

Book Description

Are You Tired of Snoring? Doctors David O. Volpi and Josh L. Werber have drawn upon their experience as otolaryngologists to provide useful medical information including: · Case studies of patients who have found cures for their snoring · Lifestyle, environmental and anatomical factors that cause people to snore · How to track your snores · When to consult a doctor · The relationship between weight and snoring · Risks associated with sleep apnea, a medical problem that is much more serious than snoring · Information about diagnostic tests and treatment

How to Cope with Snoring - Easy Ways to Cure and Manage Sleep Apnea

Book Description

How to Cope with Snoring Easy Ways To Cure and Manage Sleep Apnea Table of Contents Introduction – Knowing More about Snoring Causes of Snoring How to Prevent Snoring Possible Causes of Sleep Apnea Cures for Sleep Apnea Snoring – When to See A Doctor Effects of Snoring On a Relationship Conclusion Introduction – Knowing More about Snoring Ask anybody who has had a sleepless night for a couple of days this question – How does he feel? He's going to answer you into a completely irritated manner that he's totally exhausted and he really does not have any time to pay any attention to your fool statements or answer your futile questions. That sort of short tempered and moody unpredictability is one of the most easily recognizable side effects of somebody who has not managed to get his full quota of eight hours of uninterrupted pleasant sleep. And one of the causes of these sleepless nights is the continuous sound of someone in the vicinity or in the room, happily asleep and snoring. Just imagine that it is 2 o’clock in the morning and you are staring at the ceiling, or at the alarm clock. You have tried stuffing your ears with cotton and even your pillow cannot muffle the sound of snoring reverberating through the room. Did you know that 30% of the people in their 30's and 40's out there snore? 59% of the people when asked admitted that their partners snored. 59% of the partners immediately replied indignantly that they did not snore! But it is true; and snoring is one of the reasons why so many people suffer from sleepless nights and doctors are looking for ways and means in which the snoring sound can be moderated or stopped.

The Lights, The Resurrection

Book Description

Back Cover Summary My Story I have heard people say that if you want to live, then you shouldn’t walk into the light. Some have said that if you want a better life, step into the light. There is where you will shine. Then there is that old saying, “There is a light at the end of every tunnel.” As for me personally, I say that searching for lights always leads to darkness. It always leads you back to the truth and the reality of it all. My whole life has been filled with lights that have led me down a path of both good and evil. Some were put out by others, some I turned off. I tried to stay in the excitement of the night lights in search of a way to ease the pain of all the things I have seen and done. I’ve tried to forget about the lights I saw at a young age for the very first time. I saw the taillights of my mother’s car as she drove off in search of her own light. That was the beginning of a new me. No one can know about the secrets that we keep buried deep down inside us, deep down where the light still flickers. I would like to share a story with you about heartache, mistrust, greed, and pain. A story about my search for happiness and how I had to walk through the flames. I was still in darkness even when I tried to walk in the light. Let me introduce myself. Hi, my name is Antonio Brown, a.k.a. 45, but you can just call me Tony.

Stop Snoring

Book Description

Do you want to stop snoring forever? Are you aware of what causes snoring and how to alleviate the symptoms? Snoring occurs due to partially obstructed breathing while sleeping. Occasional snoring is common, but if it is continuous, loud, and regular it should be investigated and treated. Snoring occurs when the inhaled airflow meets resistance. The resistance can occur at any point in the upper airways, from the mouth, nose, tongue to throat. Your Customers Will Never Stop Using This Awesome Book! With the comprehensive guide "Stop Snoring" you will not only stop this annoying habit but also track its cause and cut it out: - What causes snoring (age, physical structures, conditions related to the nose and sinuses, sleeping habits) - Diagnosis for snoring using a nose or a mouth breathing test - Self-help strategies to quit snoring Snoring leads to sleep disorders, as a result of which you wake up tired with impaired functionality for the rest of the day. However, there are other factors that increase the risk of snoring, which we will discuss in the book. What are you waiting for? Get your copy right away. Buy it NOW and let your customers get addicted to this amazing book.

The Snoring Unicorn

Book Description

Far beyond the horizon, there is a beautiful Enchanted Forest. The creatures who live there have nothing to fear or be scared of, because the beautiful Wizard of the North Mountain Lake protects them. But there is also a monstrous, evil Ghoul who along with his trolls, want the Enchanted Forest for themselves. They are evil and will stop at nothing to get the Forest. What will happen to the creatures of the Enchanted Forest if the Ghoul takes over? Will the heroes succeed at making the dangerous journey to the Wizard in time to save their Forest home, or will the Ghoul and his trolls finally have their revenge? Book Review 1: "What a well-crafted fantasy adventure book around a beautiful Enchanted forest filled with magical creatures and a snoring Unicorn who try to save their Forest home from the evil Ghoul and trolls. All the creatures live happily in the forest because the beautiful Wizard Aiyana of the North Mountain Lake protects them. Until one day, all the animals have been affected by some sort of illness due to poisonous water in the river by the evil Ghouls and trolls. They want the Enchanted Forest for themselves. Join Unicorn and their friends on their dangerous journey to the North Mountain to meet the Wizard Aiyana to save their magical forest from the evil Ghouls and trolls. This fascinating book has all the possible elements to keep the readers intrigued till the end. This book teaches children to keep courage and faith in themselves and highlights the importance of friendship and teamwork." Perfect for 6+ -- Kidlomag Review Book Review 2: "Friendship is an important value for children. It helps them grow as people and learn to trust others. The Snoring Unicorn by Cynthia Rand is a great story that illustrates this concept. The story takes place in the Enchanted Forest. Everyone lives in peace and harmony there. However, at the edge of the forest is the realm of the demon Gornoc, who lives banished with his trolls. One day, Gornoc finds a way to contaminate the water of the Enchanted Forest with a virus, which weakens the inhabitants and makes them sick in different ways. No one knows exactly what is happening. So Yazmin, a unicorn, embarks on an adventure with her friends to find Aiyana, Wizard of the North Mountain Lake, the forest's protector. I loved how each character learns something valuable during their adventure. Yazmin travels with diverse animals, each with a distinct personality. And being different, each one has an aspect to control. For this reason, they demonstrate various values, such as humility and teamwork. They discover how they all have quirks to deal with and seek to do what is best for each other. I liked how Cynthia Rand developed the idea in a fun way. Children will learn about life lessons and value interactions with their peers. This will allow them to empathize and make them more collaborative. In addition, the images are charming. The characters have realistic textures, making them eye-catching. For all these reasons, The Snoring Unicorn is ideal for teaching young readers about loyalty and support entertainingly." --Reviewed by Diana Lopez for Readers’ Favorite

Two Veterans

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How To Win Your War Against Snoring And Sleep Apnea

Book Description

Frustrated with yourself for snoring away to glory every night? embarrassed when people make lame excuses for not sleeping with you? Badly want to get rid of your snorring?