Warning! This Book Is Offensive and Politically Incorrect

Book Description

This book is an invitation to every American. It is not the work of a political party or special interest group. It is a challenge to learn the facts, connect the dots, and think for yourself. Evelyn Cross is an ordinary American. Stories from her life reveal simple truths, such as the fact that dogs and cats can get along in the same house. Can humans? She also highlights how unrestrained anger escalates into violence and abuse. Every abuser blames his victim saying, “If he, or she, hadn’t said, or done this or that; I wouldn’t have needed to kick, punch, beat, or otherwise injure him.” The abuser feels justified. She urges everyone to read the Bible and learn its principles, regardless of personal belief. Why experiment using trial and error? The Bible tells stories of how people throughout history confronted challenges, how good people made bad mistakes, and the consequences they experienced as a result. Gain insights to make life better for yourself, your children, and your community. Ask the right questions. Learn the facts. Build a strong America based on wisdom and truth.

Trigger Warning: Is the Fear of Being Offensive Killing Free Speech?

Book Description

Concise and Abridged Edition In this blistering polemic, veteran journalist Mick Hume presents an uncompromising defence of freedom of expression, which he argues is threatened in the West, not by jackbooted censorship but by a creeping culture of conformism and You-Can’t-Say-That.

Politically Incorrect Guide to the Middle East

Book Description

The Middle East is almost never off the front pages, yet most Americans know little about the region. Why? The mainstream media and Ivy League academics, instead of helping, only make matters worse by casting everything in the usual politically correct mold: Arab terrorists are just desperate freedom fighters, and the region's one free democracy -- Israel -- is the oppressor, not least because of its alliance with America. And if Islamic extremism is a problem, the establishment tells us, it's only because it's rooted in that source of all evils: religion. A different strain of political correctness has seeped into some minds on the right -- most notably the Bush administration, which, so ready to buy into the egalitarian myths we are all taught, believed that Western-style democracy could flourish anywhere. Now, in The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Middle East, veteran Middle East correspondent Martin Sieff puts the lie to all these myths and clichés, giving you everything you need to know about the region to understand its past, its present, and its possible future.

If I Ran the Zoo

Book Description

Gerald tells of the very unusual animals he would add to the zoo, if he were in charge.

Everything Is Racist

Book Description

From the Black Lives Matter movement to liberal white guilt and white privilege to pandering democratic politicians, Everything is Racist ridicules the Progressive Left's Politics-of-Race ideology... because apparently in this, the current year, everything is racist. *Trigger Warning: May contain potentially offensive material. Snowflake discretion is advised.

Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible

Book Description

In the beginning, the Bible was regarded as the “Good Book,” but today it is under relentless attack from left wing audiences, novelists, and screenwriters to justify their own political agendas. But fear not: award-winning religious journalist Robert J. Hutchinson refutes the mockers, skeptics, and deniers in his new book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible. Using historical evidence and thorough analysis, Hutchinson not only proves the Bible to be true (and the liberal Left wrong), but also takes the truth one step further–showing how the Bible built and shaped Western civilization. The Bible is the source for the Western ideas of justice, science, and democracy, Hutchinson argues, and without it, Western civilization would not exist.

The Politically Incorrect Guide to English And American Literature

Book Description

Citing declining coverage of classic English and American literature in today's schools, a "politically incorrect" primer challenges popular misconceptions while introducing the works of such core masters as Shakespeare, Faulkner, and Austen, in a volume that is complemented by a syllabus and a self-study guide. Original.

The Dirty Joke Book

Book Description

SOMETHING TO OFFEND EVERYONE BUT YOU WON’T STOP LAUGHING!The Second Edition. More edited and streamlined than the First Edition, revised to reflect reader input and add more jokes.Here it is, a collection of the funniest and most offensive jokes across a cross-section of popular topics:– Religion– Race, Ethnicity– Sex– Sluts– Blondes– Gays– Rednecks– PoliticsAnd More!WARNING TO THE SENSITIVEThe reader should be aware this is a compilation of the most funny, irreverent, and politically incorrect jokes from at least the last 60 years. They will be funny to many but offensive to some. If you are in the latter category, stay away.Harvey Dickman

The Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization

Book Description

Everything you should know--but PC professors won't teach--about Western heritage. Western civilization is the envy of the globe. It has given to the world universally accepted understandings of human rights (rooted in Judeo-Christian principles), created standards for art, music, and literature that have never been equaled, and originated political and social systems that have spread all across the planet. Political correctness now obscures these and other truths about Western civilization. Leftists and Islamic jihadists find common cause in assailing Western "colonialism," "imperialism," and "racism" as its defining characteristics. Guilt-ridden Western leaders and public figures speak of their cultural patrimony in disparaging terms they would never dare to use about a non-Western culture. And in universities, "multicultural"-minded professors flatter students into believing they have nothing really to learn from Sophocles or Shakespeare. But now, Professor Anthony Esolen--one of the team-teachers of Providence College's esteemed Development of Western Civilization Core Curriculum--has risen to the West's defense. The Politically Incorrect Guide(TM) to Western Civilization takes on the prevailing liberal assumptions that make Western civilization the universal whipping boy for today's global problems - and introduces you to the significant events, individuals, nations, ideas, and artistic achievements that make Western civilization the greatest the world has ever known. Today, defending the West has become an urgent imperative: if we don't value what we have and what we have inherited, we will surely lose it. The Politically Incorrect Guide(tm) to Western Civilization is an essential sourcebook for that defense.

Hookers, Midgets, and Fire Trucks

Book Description

How often do you rock through life thinking everything is grand, and then out of nowhere, smack, you get hit hard? How do you make it through the bad stuff the really bad stuff ? In her memoir, Hookers, Midgets, and Fire Trucks: An Invitation to Our Party, Linda Gayle Thompson shares how laughing, loving, crying, and honest-to-God begging for answers got her through the absurdity of life, which she equates to a party. Lindas honest connection with people and her ability to blend zany real-life humor with her passion to motivate others causes the lives she touches to be changed forever. Through the toughest times of her life, Linda discovered her guardian angels and overcame overwhelming grief and depression. Based on the information she has learned, she believes we truly are eternal. Linda grew up as an insecure child, not realizing her own inner strength until she married her own personal quadriplegic Don Quixote and became his sole caregiver. Thompson shares how absurd humor, tenacious spirit, and guardian angels carried her through a lifetime of one catastrophic blow after another. Hilarious, freakish anecdotes woven together with tragic, real-life experiences and lessons learned from both produce a magical blend of inspiration, tears, and laughter.