Warring in the Spirit

Book Description

Prophetess Loretta Harrell is an ordained minister of In His Presence Cathedral of Praise, a church founded by Apostle Leonard E. Cohen located in the great city of Tallahassee, Florida. She gave her life to the Lord at the age of 18 years old and diligently sought the face of God for instruction and direction in His righteousness. It was evident that she was born to fight; it was through her own trials and tribulations that she began to see the mighty hand of God move on her behalf. Growing up in a dysfunctional home she learned at a very young age, that God will answer the sincere prayers of His beloved. "Warring in the Spirit" "Preparing for Spiritual Battle" was inspired by her life story and how she has fought to proclaim her inheritance. She is a peculiar woman that walks in a strange anointing that comes directly from God. As you read this book on spiritual warfare, your heart and mind will engage in a realm that has been closed to so many; for so long. You will be enlightened and empowered by the revelation that will come forth from the word of God and from the spirit of a warrior who has stood the test of time.

The Rogue Christian

Book Description

Status quo Christianity has failed. The Rogue Christian provides an in depth look at where we are today, why the church has lost its salt, and what we should do about it.

Warring with Wisdom

Book Description

Spiritual warfare impacts more than just your spirit. Spiritual warfare is not limited to the spiritual realm, but can affect the entirety of your life–your spirit, your soul, and even your body. Satan and his demons are launching a full-on assault against you, attacking every part of your being. Author, speaker, and...

The Armor of God - Bible Study Book

Book Description

The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer's inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.

Rules Of Engagement

Book Description

DIVDIVBeat the devil at his own game and wage warfare with confidence!/div/div

Territorial Spirits

Book Description

The Battle Is Ours! “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world” (Eph. 6:12 NIV). For generations when Christians have engaged in spiritual warfare, most of the time they have focused on “satan” as the main opponent. However, C. Peter Wagner has gathered together a number of ministers who teach from personal experience that the “principalities and powers” are more than just satan—there is an entire hierarchy of demons in this world. Often, missionaries and ministers are finding that they have far more success in an area when they first go to war in the spirit and in prayer against the evil power that rules a certain region. C. Peter Wagner has compiled this book of many voices, speaking from Scripture and personal experience, teaching the reality of territorial spirits and the necessity of waging targeted, powerful warfare against them in order to reach the souls these evil powers have held captive for too long. You will learn:· There is an entire hierarchy of demons in this world, many with specific geographic territories.· Once a territorial spirit’s power is broken, ministry in that area can be far more effective.· How to go to war against evil spirits to break their power over the people of a region. Christians must take to heart what the Bible teaches about spiritual warfare.Arm yourself with this book!

The Art of Spiritual War

Book Description

Over 2000 years ago, Sun Tzu wrote ‘The Art of War’, a book which is widely accepted as one of the greatest military war strategy books in history. As Christians, we still fight wars today – they are just a little different to the ones that Sun Tzu wrote about. Our wars are spiritual wars. Th e Art of Spiritual Warfare shows us how to fight these spiritual wars in our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. Many of us are too easily defeated by the devil’s schemes. But we don’t need to be. Jesus died and left His Holy Spirit so that we might have victory over the devil. The Art of Spiritual War will help to equip you to be a powerful Christian, full of the Spirit so that when you are engaged in battle, you can fight with authority and claim victory in your life.

Discerning the Spirit Realm

Book Description

Partner with angelic activity and release God’s breakthrough answers through prayer! Rebecca Greenwood believes that the key to effective warfare prayer is discerning what spiritual forces are at work around you. When you can sense the movement of God’s Spirit and identify the enemy’s tactics, you can pray with power...

Warring Unclean Spirits

Book Description

Spiritual Warfare and the Armor of God

Book Description

Armor Up! Take Your Stand in the Word of God…The Battle Belongs to the Lord! Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. (Ephesians 6:11) Have you recognized the spiritual warfare that surrounds us as Christians and as a nation? We are in times that we have never known before. These are not the days for casual Christianity, for we are in an unseen war! If we do not recognize our enemy, we will misunderstand where the anger, bitterness, relational issues, despair, and fear are coming from. Those who are not paying attention to the battle will be deceived in the fight! God has given us His weapons to fight this spiritual war. In The Armor of God: The Battle Is Real…The Victory Is Sure, you will discover that putting on the armor of God is putting on Jesus. Satan is a liar and a deceiver, and he is well-trained in lies and deceit. Being clothed in God’s armor keeps the battle where it belongs…in the hands of our powerful God. We can’t fight a spiritual war with emotions or the flesh, or we will quickly become casualties. We must let our enemy know that we choose to stand our ground against his onslaught and to walk in Christ’s victory every day!