Wastewater Engineering and Management Plan for Boston Harbor - Eastern Massachusetts Metropolitan Area EMMA Study. Technical Data Volume 13. Impact Analysis and Evaluation

Book Description

This Volume documents the New England Division of the Corps of Engineers impact assessment effort as a part of the development of alternatives for the BH-EMMA study area. It shows how the study's Technical Subcommittee, consisting of representatives of the Massachusetts Division of Water Pollution Control, Metropolitan District Commission, Office of State Planning, Department of Public Health, Metropolitan Area Planning Council, Corps of Engineers, Environmental Protection Agency and a Citizens Committee, considered both beneficial and adverse aesthetic, biological, hygienic and socio-economic impacts that would result from the various proposed alternatives for waste water management within the BH-EMMA study area.

Wastewater Engineering and Management Plan for Boston Harbor - Eastern Massachusetts Metropolitan Area EMMA Study. Technical Data Volume 13D. Visual, Cultural and Design Impact Analysis

Book Description

The intent of this report is to identify and assess the potential visual-cultural and design impacts resulting from the implementation of any of five regional concepts for wastewater treatment within the Boston Harbor - Eastern Massachusetts Metropolitan Area (BH-EMMA). In reality, this study will probably raise more issues and questions than it will address and attempt to answer. On its own, its value in determining either the need and/or desirability of a regional approach to wastewater management, or the selection of one concept over another, is minimum. The full value of this study cannot be realized until it is used in combination with other assessments as part of an overall screening and review process.

Wastewater Engineering and Management Plan for Boston Harbor - Eastern Massachusetts Metropolitan Area EMMA Study. Technical Data Volume 13C. Hygienic Impact Analysis

Book Description

The BH-EMMA Study Area, encompassing 109 communities within a 30 mile radius of the city of Boston contains 1760 square miles of land, and a population of over 3 million. Forty three of these communities are currently members of the MDC Metropolitan Sewerage District. A large portion of these 109 communities lie within the following regions: Boston Harbor, Mystic River Watershed, Neponset River Watershed, Charles River Watershed, Ipswich River-North Coastal, North River-South Coastal, Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Watersheds. The intent of this report is to determine the potential beneficial, neutral and adverse impacts which the implementation of each alternative concept for wastewater management may have on the public health of the study area.