Water Pollution Risks Of Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (mtbe)

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Witnesses: Nancy Balter, Center for Environ. Health & Human Tox., & former assoc. prof. of pharmacol., Georgetown Univ. Med. Center; Nachman Brautbar, prof. of clinical med., Univ. of S. Calif. School of Med; Cynthia Dougherty, Dir., Office of Groundwater & Drink. Water, EPA; Stephen Hall, Assoc. of CA Water Agencies; Tom Hayden & Richard Mountjoy, CA State Senators; Gary Patton, The Planning & Conservation League; Craig Perkins; Dir., of Environment & Public Works Mgmt., City of Santa Monica, CA; Peter Rooney, & David Spath, Calif. State EPA; & John Zogorski, Chief of Nat. Synthesis on Volatile Organic Compounds & MTBE, U.S. Geological Survey.

Toxic Decisions

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