WCNN'93, Portland

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WCNN '93, Portland

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First Published in 1994. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

WCNN '93 - Portland

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WCNN'96, San Diego, California, U.S.A.

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Book Description

This book contains the proceedings of the International Confer ence on Artificial Neural Networks which was held between September 13 and 16 in Amsterdam. It is the third in a series which started two years ago in Helsinki and which last year took place in Brighton. Thanks to the European Neural Network Society, ICANN has emerged as the leading conference on neural networks in Europe. Neural networks is a field of research which has enjoyed a rapid expansion and great popularity in both the academic and industrial research communities. The field is motivated by the commonly held belief that applications in the fields of artificial intelligence and robotics will benefit from a good understanding of the neural information processing properties that underlie human intelligence. Essential aspects of neural information processing are highly parallel execution of com putation, integration of memory and process, and robustness against fluctuations. It is believed that intelligent skills, such as perception, motion and cognition, can be easier realized in neuro-computers than in a conventional computing paradigm. This requires active research in neurobiology to extract com putational principles from experimental neurobiological find ings, in physics and mathematics to study the relation between architecture and function in neural networks, and in cognitive science to study higher brain functions, such as language and reasoning. Neural networks technology has already lead to practical methods that solve real problems in a wide area of industrial applications. The clusters on robotics and applications contain sessions on various sub-topics in these fields.

Current Trends in Connectionism

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In order to build "intelligent" machines, many researchers have turned to the only naturally occurring intelligent system: the brain. For quite a while now, both the function and architecture of the brain have served as inspiration to philosophers, psychologists, computer scientists, neurobiologists, physicists and others in their quest for solving problems that seem to require intelligence in their own particular domain. The progress in the field of connectionism -- or artificial neural networks -- has had its ups and downs during its maturing years. Advocates of the field pointed out the virtues of connectionist systems, dealing with low-level cognitive tasks such as visual recognition and pattern completion, and inherent properties such as generalization, fault tolerance and parallel processing. However, research in the field virtually came to a halt at the end of the 1960s when Minsky and Papert published their critical analysis of connectionist systems, Perceptrons. In the beginning of the 1980s, the field was reborn with the appearance of new powerful learning methods which overcame many of the computational problems identified by Minsky and Papert. This volume is characterized by a number of different research directions distinguished by their perspectives on systems comprising interconnected sets of simple processing elements. Scientists who have strong backgrounds in neurobiology concentrate on the issues involved when modelling natural systems. Researchers with philosophical and psychological backgrounds stress other aspects which might not always be intuitively relevant to biology but instead are concerned with the mind and its higher-order cognitive capabilities. On the other hand, many researchers and engineers in industry take advantage of the wide applicability and mathematical properties of connectionist systems in order to solve practical problems, sacrificing even more of the principles underlying the basic idea of mimicking the function and architecture of the brain. None of these directions are right or wrong, but there has perhaps been too little exchange of knowledge and experience between them. The main purpose for organizing this conference was to bring together researchers with different backgrounds to exchange ideas and visions in the broad field of connectionism -- providing means for new insights that may push this area to another major breakthrough.

VLSI Artificial Neural Networks Engineering

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Engineers have long been fascinated by how efficient and how fast biological neural networks are capable of performing such complex tasks as recognition. Such networks are capable of recognizing input data from any of the five senses with the necessary accuracy and speed to allow living creatures to survive. Machines which perform such complex tasks as recognition, with similar ac curacy and speed, were difficult to implement until the technological advances of VLSI circuits and systems in the late 1980's. Since then, the field of VLSI Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have witnessed an exponential growth and a new engineering discipline was born. Today, many engineering curriculums have included a course or more on the subject at the graduate or senior under graduate levels. Since the pioneering book by Carver Mead; "Analog VLSI and Neural Sys tems", Addison-Wesley, 1989; there were a number of excellent text and ref erence books on the subject, each dealing with one or two topics. This book attempts to present an integrated approach of a single research team to VLSI ANNs Engineering.

From Neural Networks and Biomolecular Engineering to Bioelectronics

Book Description

This volume represents the fIrst of a series of proceedings of the EL.B.A. Forum on Bioelectronics, a scientifIc discipline at the frontiers of Advanced Electronics and Biotechnology. The name for these forums derives not only from the place (the Isle of Elba in Italy), where the conferences have been held every 6 months since 1991, but also from an acronym: Electronics and Biotechnology Advanced. Bioelectronics is intended as "the use of biological materials and biological architectures for information processing and sensing systems and devices down to molecular level" and focuses its attention on three major areas: I New hardware architectures borrowed from the thorough study of brain and sensory systems down to the molecular level, utilizing existing semiconductor inorganic materials (both GaAs and Si) and giga-scale integration; II Protein Engineering, especially of systems involved in electron transfer and molecular recognition, integrated with Metabolism and Chemical Engineering, to develop new biomaterials by learning basic rules of macromolecular folding and self-assembly; m Sensors, thin film and electronic devices utilizing organic compounds and biopolymers, and by implementing nanotechnology bottom up through manufacturing and characterization at the atomic level.