We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land

Book Description

President Carter has been a student of the biblical Holy Land all his life. For the last three decades, as president of the United States and as founder of The Carter Center, he has studied the complex and interrelated issues of the region's conflicts and has been actively involved in reconciling them. He knows the leaders of all factions in the region who will need to play key roles, and he sees encouraging signs among them. Carter describes the history of previous peace efforts and why they fell short. He argues persuasively that the road to a peace agreement is now open and that it has broad international and regional support. Most of all, since there will be no progress without courageous and sustained U.S. leadership, he says the time for progress is now. President Barack Obama is committed to a personal effort to exert that leadership, starting early in his administration. This is President Carter's call for action, and he lays out a practical and achievable path to peace.

We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land

Book Description

In this urgent, balanced, and passionate book, Nobel Peace Laureate and former President Jimmy Carter argues that the present moment is a unique time for achieving peace in the Middle East—and he offers a bold and comprehensive plan to do just that. President Carter has been a student of the biblical Holy Land all his life. For the last three decades, as president of the United States and as founder of The Carter Center, he has studied the complex and interrelated issues of the region's conflicts and has been actively involved in reconciling them. He knows the leaders of all factions in the region who will need to play key roles, and he sees encouraging signs among them. Carter describes the history of previous peace efforts and why they fell short. He argues persuasively that the road to a peace agreement is now open and that it has broad international and regional support. Most of all, since there will be no progress without courageous and sustained U.S. leadership, he says the time for progress is now. This is President Carter's call for action, and he lays out a practical and doable path to peace.

Elusive Peace

Book Description

Ehud Barak's election as Prime Minister of Israel on 17th May 1999 and his determination to conclude a peace deal with the Palestinians inspired both Israeli voters and the international community. So where did it all go wrong? How did it end, less than two years later, in the total failure of Barak's peace efforts, his defeat at the polls and ejection from office? How did he open the way not to peace, but to Ariel Sharon? Drawing on exclusive interviews with all the major international figures involved, this book traces the history of the Middle East peace process from Barak's election, through the peace talks at Camp David to the current Road Map. It illuminates the characters of Clinton, Arafat, Sharon and many others, and offers many insights into one of the most complex political political situations in the world today.

Faithful Witness

Book Description

Each chapter of Faithful Witness, a collection of Michel Sabbah’s essential writings, contains a theme developed during his twenty-year tenure as Patriarch of Jerusalem. Beginning with “Reading the Bible in the Land of the Bible,” Faithful Witness proceeds from God’s Grace and the Nativity to Lent and Jesus’ Resurrection. In between, Patriarch Sabbah addresses other important topics, including the role of the Church in the Holy Land, Jerusalem, ecumenism, Christian-Muslim dialogue and Palestinian-Israeli relations. “For anyone who wants to understand the complex status quo of the Holy Land today, this careful and thoughtful selection from the work and teaching of Patriarch Sabbah is a useful and most insightful guide. The first Palestinian to be called to the dignity and the challenging ministry of Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, this brilliant and courageous religious leader has been for 20 years a father to his community and a test to his adversaries. As you read his words … you see a man … who never gives up hope that the power of God will ultimately bring a new day of harmony to this land where the ancient prophets lived and died and where the children of Abraham—Jewish, Christian and Muslim—must find a way to live in peace together.” Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick, Ph.D., D.D. Archbishop Emeritus of Washington Patriarch Sabbah’s inclusive vision embraces all peoples, including Palestinians and Israelis. He courageously extends himself to open dialogue with leaders who do not share his vision of “peace with justice.” His friendship and conversations with Palestinian and Israeli leaders do not diminish his objectivity, search for dialogue and truth and calls for peacemaking, peace building and reconciliation.

Christians and a Land Called Holy

Book Description

Fair-minded and sympathetic to Jewish, Muslim, and Christian concerns, Lutz and Smith provide a clear account of the Israeli-Palestinian situation and a compelling plea for Christian involvement in the area. Carefully sorting out the tangled historical and religious roots of the problems, they reveal the strong forces at work in the conflict and lay out the driving biblical notions of election and covenant, the historical causes of the bitter and divisive clashes of the last 50 years, the complex demographic and political issues today, how Palestinians (particularly Christians) have been affected by the turmoil, and how, finally, Christians must engage the future of justice and peace. Includes maps and twelve black and white photos.

The One Year Holy Land Moments Devotional

Book Description

This year, learn to see Scripture in a whole new way as you embark on a deeper understanding of its history--and your faith's deep roots in the land, events, people, and faith of Israel. The One Year Holy Land Moments Devotional contains 52 weeks of reflections from both a Jewish rabbi and a Christian theologian, demonstrating the timeless and universal themes in both the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and New Testament. Each day offers a fascinating glimpse into the Jewish faith, history, and perspective, while exploring the Christian interpretation of beloved biblical verses, places, people, and events. Spend a reflective moment each day contemplating the history of God's work in the world, celebrating his word and love for you.

Finding Peace in the Holy Land

Book Description

The daughter of a Jewish model and troubled TV star Lauren Booth survived a house fire, lived through the excesses of the nineties as an aspiring actress, welcomed ‘our’ Tony Blair into her family, put her life as a parent at risk to report on Palestine, twice, found faith in a mosque in Iran – unsure before she entered whether they would be slaughtering goats or screaming with rage – and then as a new Muslim sobered up, started praying and became a hajji. Part adventure, part awakening, Lauren’s memoir is an inspirational journey through politics, the press, parenthood and the importance of meaning in a broken world, full of injustice and lacking in faith. Wryly written, with her British humour striking throughout, what her story also shows is the evolving relationship between culture and religion, and how to embrace the past whilst praying for a better future.

We Belong to the Land

Book Description

We Belong to the Land, the gripping autobiography of Nobel Peace Prize nominee Elias Chacour, capture his life's work toward peace and reconciliation for Israeli Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Nominated several times for the Nobel Peace Prize, world-renowned Palestinian priest, Elias Chacour, narrates the gripping story of his life spent working to achieve peace and reconciliation among Israeli Jews, Christians, and Muslims. From the destruction of his boyhood village and his work as a priest in Galilee to his efforts to build school, libraries, and summer camps for children of all religions, this peacemaker’s moving story brings hope to one of the most complex struggles of our time.

Holy War, Holy Peace

Book Description

The use of religion in inflaming the Palestinian/Israeli conflict represents one understanding of the Abrahamic traditions. Marc Goplin argues for a greater integration of the Middle East peace process with the region's religious groups.

A Land Full of God

Book Description

A Land Full of God gives American Christians an opportunity to promote peace and justice in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It shows them how to understand the enmity with brief, digestible, and comprehensive essays about the historical, political, religious, and geographical tensions that have led to many of the dynamics we see today. All the while, A Land Full of God walks readers through a biblical perspective of God's heart for Israel and the historic suffering of the Jewish people, while also remaining sensitive to the experience and suffering of Palestinians. The prevailing wave of Christian voices are seeking a pro-Israeli, pro-Palestinian, pro-peace, pro-justice, pro-poor, and ultimately pro-Jesus approach to bring resolution to the conflict.