Book Description

The American democracy will be under stress, for decades to come. If the American people do not take action, to save it, it will almost certainly cease to exist, at some point in the future. A nation's democracy is not held in place, by the laws of physics. It is an abstract concept that each person has in his or her mind. In our nation's history we have always had the problem of the people, who are living happy lives declaring that the United States is a great democracy, while the people living in slavery, and later under segregation, declaring, just the opposite. In my view the United States did not become a legitimate democracy, until the civil rights victories of the 1960's, were achieved. How can you say that my people were living in a democracy, when most of them were not allowed, to vote?


Book Description

Our democracy is now under attack from within and without as it has never been since the Civil War. Yet, the evidence is clear that Americans are, as a whole, civically illiterate, and woefully unprepared for the assault our democracy is undergoing. For Americans to be prepared to function effectively as constructive citizens in their democracy in the 21st century and beyond, they must be equipped with knowledge and a skill set that is not effectively taught today. Fighting for Democracy is a call to deconstruct our civics education in this country and reconstruct it to meet the complex needs and pressures our democracy faces today. Certainly, the civics of tomorrow must include continuing what we teach today about the structure, organization, and how (at least in theory) our government is supposed to function. But there is far, far more that must be taught to deal with the siege our democracy is now under. Fighting for Democracy provides a roadmap for improving our civic education so we can withstand this anti-democratic movement now underway here. We must teach Americans about servant leadership and how to recognize counterfeit leaders who wish to lead us with leadership styles that are toxic and antithetical to democracy including autocracy, fascism, kleptocracy, and populism. We must return to a national consensus as to the importance in a democracy of a free news media that is an arbiter of truth and not simply a funnel for one-sided biased opinions and editorials masquerading as factual news. Americans must relearn how to think critically, recognize major change in the public square, as well as readily identify when we are not being told the truth, are being gaslighted, and worse, becoming willing to accept conspiracy theories and radicalization of our political parties as being normative. We must gain a clearer understanding of the multi-dimensional concept of freedom, democratic norms and values, our history, as well as to once again value public service. We must reconnect with a love for the idea of democracy itself which includes a keen appreciation for the “glue” that holds it together- the common good. At the same time, we must rediscover why our Founders believed democracy, while sometimes “messy”, was ultimately the one form of government that could truly serve We the People and provide Americans with the best means possible for pursuing as a nation our hopes, dreams, our freedom, and the pursuit of happiness. All these concepts, ideas, truths, and more, are a must for Americans to know in order to be able to fight, and for us to keep, our democracy in today’s increasingly anti-democratic world. That is the purpose of Fighting for Democracy. Make no mistake about our democracy, We the People must learn now, and quickly, how to improve our civically literacy, including how to become better informed and more constructively engaged citizens. If we do not, we will not be able to effectively fight to keep our democracy and risk losing everything we have fought for since our nation’s birth. And American democracy is indeed worth fighting for- not just for us today, but most importantly for our children, grandchildren, and all future generations of Americans. Fighting for Democracy was written to equip us to do exactly that.

Democracy's Edge

Book Description

Three out of five Americans, both Republicans and Democrats, feel our country is headed in the wrong direction. America is at the edge, a critical place at which we can either renew and revitalize or give in and lose that most precious American ideal--democracy--and along with it the freedom, fairness, and opportunities it assures. Democracy's Edge is a rousing battle cry that we can--and must--act now. From Jefferson to Eisenhower, presidents from both parties have warned us of the danger of letting a closed, narrow group of business and government officials concentrate power over our lives. Yet today, a small and unrepresentative group of people is making vital decisions for all of us. But this crisis is only a symptom, Lappé argues. It's a symptom of thin democracy, something done to us or for us, not by or with us. Such democracy is always at risk of being stolen by private interests or extremist groups, left and right. But there is a solution. The answer, says Lappé, is Living Democracy, a powerful yet often invisible citizens' revolution surging in communities across America. It's not random, disjointed activism but the emergence of a new historical stage of democracy in which Americans realize that democracy isn't something we have but something we do. Either we live it or lose it, says Lappé.

The Slow Death of American Democracy

Book Description

Our democracy is under threat: Voter suppression, legalized bribery, the destruction of unions, poverty, racism, a partisan Supreme Court and much, much more - we are witnessing the deterioration of American democracy right before our eyes. It's time to fight back. In this book you'll find fifty problems with American democracy laid bare, encompassing everything from the Electoral College to the disproportionate make up of the Senate to our extremely skewed tax code to shadow organizations with enormous influence over our government. If you're a liberal, if you're a progressive, if you're part of the Resistance, this book will give you the intellectual ammunition you need to combat the extremist Republican Party and the injustices we're seeing all around us. We can no longer sit back while conservatives take names off of voting lists and add names to prison rosters.Bernie Sanders once said that we have to decide whether we want to be a democracy or an oligarchy. Right now we have an oligarch president in Donald Trump, the poster-child for greed and privilege. We have corporations not only influencing our politicians, but often writing the laws themselves. And we have a growing wealth gap between the richest 1% and the rest of us.Some of the information you'll find this book will truly shock you. But we can change things. It begins by defeating the lies from the other side. Let's get started.This book is available on Kindle Unlimited and is a must-read for anyone with an interest in politics, government, or history. If you're concerned about the state of democracy in America right now, you'll find this an alarming page-turner. Some of the topics include: the Electoral College, poverty, voter suppression, a disproportionate Senate, gerrymandering, overzealous prosecutors, money in politics, income inequality, the lack of a meritocracy, a partisan Supreme Court, political corruption, a skewed tax code, and mass incarceration.This isn't just about politics - it's about saving our republic. American democracy is indeed what's at stake.Topics: American democracy, voting, election of 2018, presidency, Donald Trump, voter suppression, the Electoral College, the Supreme Court, Congress, Republicans, Democrats, democracy, mass incarceration, the Senate, gerrymandering, inequality, government, Puerto Rico, elections, problems with American democracy, voting in America, politics government corruption, political parties, political corruption, the one percent

The Last Days of Democracy

Book Description

Elliot Cohen has political x-ray vision that cuts right through the turgid bullshit of corporate media ca-ca. Buy several copies and hand them out on street corners: This book could save America.-GREG PALAST, author of Armed MadhouseThe Last Days of Democracy is a compelling and alarming last call to awaken the slumbering promise of our Constitution - or to watch our freedom slither away forever. Corporate media has enabled tyranny to prevail over the truth, because they value profits over patriotism. This book is a wake-up call to save us from the final descent into an Orwellian world from which we will not be able to return.-MARK KARLIN, Editor and Publisher of BuzzFlash.comHow can America survive in the information age without any information? For too long, and at far too great a cost to the country's way of life, America's mainstream media have grasped at higher profits by sinking to disgraceful lows in standards and performance....Cohen and Fraser reveal the caustically unprincipled impostors of our industry, the owners and managers they shill for - and the damage they have done. Read this book. Get mad as hell and let's make certain we don't take it any more.-ARTHUR KENT, SkyReporter.comIn this chilling account of an America in political and cultural decline, media critics Elliot D. Cohen and Bruce W. Fraser show how mainstream media corporations like CNN, Fox, and NBC (General Electric) together with giant telecoms like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T have become administration pawns in a well-organized effort to hijack America. Cohen and Fraser show in blunt terms how incredible power, control, and wealth have been amassed in the hands of an elite few while the rest of us have been systematically manipulated, deceived, and divested of our freedom. Calling attention to the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a carefully devised plan for international dominion launched by high officials in the Bush administration, this book tells the story of an America quietly being stripped of its democratic way of life on its way to becoming a full-blown authoritarian state.The authors detail how mainstream media have failed us in covering issues crucial to the survival of American democracy - the Bush administration's domestic spying program; the facts about the September 11 attacks; presidential election fraud; the events leading up to the Iraq war; and the selling out of Internet freedom, to name just some. They reveal how corporate media have systematically attempted to dumb down and distract us from reality with sex and violence; how government has used corporate media to shock and awe Americans into surrendering their constitutional rights in the name of the War on Terrorism; and how media personalities have been complicit in the mass deception.The final chapter points out important ways in which Americans can counter the erosion of democracy by relying less on mainstream media and more on independent news sources, through grassroots activism, peaceful assembly, and exercising their free speech, and by using critical thinking to expose the dangers we face.Elliot D. Cohen, Ph.D. (Port St. Lucie, FL), is the director of the Institute of Critical Thinking, the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Applied Philosophy, ethics editor for Free Inquiry magazine, and the author or editor of many books in journalism, professional ethics, and philosophical counseling, including News Incorporated: Corporate Media Ownership and Its Threat to Democracy, Journalistic Ethics (with Deni Elliot), Philosophical Issues in Journalism, and What Would Aristotle Do? Self-Control through the Power of Reason.Bruce W. Fraser, Ph.D. (Vero Beach, FL), is founder and president of Americans for Moral Government, a political action committee devoted to the preservation and promotion of democratic values.

Democracy Unchained

Book Description

A stellar group of America's leading political thinkers explore how to reboot our democracy The presidential election of 2016 highlighted some long-standing flaws in American democracy and added a few new ones. Across the political spectrum, most Americans do not believe that democracy is delivering on its promises of fairness, justice, shared prosperity, or security in a changing world. The nation cannot even begin to address climate change and economic justice if it remains paralyzed by political gridlock. Democracy Unchained is about making American democracy work to solve problems that have long impaired our system of governance. The book is the collective work of thirty of the most perceptive writers, practitioners, scientists, educators, and journalists writing today, who are committed to moving the political conversation from the present anger and angst to the positive and constructive change necessary to achieve the full promise of a durable democracy that works for everyone and protects our common future. Including essays by Yasha Mounk on populism, Chisun Lee on money and politics, Ras Baraka on building democracy from the ground up, and Bill McKibben on climate, Democracy Unchained is the articulation of faith in democracy and will be required reading for all who are working to make democracy a reality. Table of Contents Foreword Introduction David W. Orr Part I. The Crisis of Democracy Populism and Democracy Yascha Mounk Reconstructing Our Constitutional Democracy K. Sabeel Rahman Restoring Healthy Party Competition Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson When Democracy Becomes Something Else: The Problem of Elections and What to Do About It Andrew Gumbel The Best Answer to Money in Politics After Citizens United: Public Campaign Financing in the Empire State and Beyond Chisun Lee Remaking the Presidency After Trump Jeremi Suri The Problem of Presidentialism Stephen Skowronek Part II. Foundations of Democracy Renewing the American Democratic Faith Steven C. Rockefeller American Land, American Democracy Eric Freyfogle Race and Democracy: The Kennedys, Obama, Trump, and Us Michael Eric Dyson Liberty and Justice for All: Latina Activist Efforts to Strengthen Democracy in 2018 Maria Hinojosa What Black Women Teach Us About Democracy Andra Gillespie and Nadia E. Brown Engines of Democracy: Racial Justice and Cultural Power Rashad Robinson Civic and Environmental Education: Protecting the Planet and Our Democracy Judy Braus The Supreme Court's Legitimacy Crisis and Constitutional Democracy’s Future Dawn Johnsen Part III. Policy Challenges Can Democracy Survive the Internet? David Hickton The New New Deal: How to Reregulate Capitalism Robert Kuttner First Understand Why They're Winning: How to Save Democracy from the Anti-Immigrant Far Right Sasha Polakow-Suransky No Time Left: How the System Is Failing to Address Our Ultimate Crisis Bill McKibben Powering Democracy Through Clean Energy Denise G. Fairchild The Long Crisis: American Foreign Policy Before and After Trump Jessica Tuchman Mathews Part IV. Who Acts, and How? The Case for Strong Government William S. Becker The States Nick Rathod Democracy in a Struggling Swing State Amy Hanauer Can Independent Voters Save American Democracy? Why 42 Percent of American Voters Are Independent and How They Can Transform Our Political System Jaqueline Salit and Thom Reilly Philanthropy and Democracy Stephen B. Heintz Keeping the Republic Dan Moulthrop The Future of Democracy Mayor Ras Baraka Building a University Where All People Matter Michael M. Crow, William B. Dabars, and Derrick M. Anderson Biophilia and Direct Democracy Timothy Beatley Purpose-Driven Capitalism Mindy Lubber Restoring Democracy: Nature's Trust, Human Survival, and Constitutional Fiduciary Governance 397 Mary Christina Wood Conclusion Ganesh Sitaraman

America: Unite or Die

Book Description

WHAT AMERICA MUST DO TO ACHIEVE UNITY AND SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY AMERICA: UNITE OR DIE is a real-time analysis of why American Democracy is crumbling and why both sides – Republicans and Democrats – are responsible for its collapse. This is the first objective, nonpartisan analysis of what has happened, and most importantly, explains what we can do to avoid impending doom for our system, and most of all, our nation. ONE NATION, INDIVISIBLE? America is the only country in the history of the world founded on an idea—and that idea is liberty. It’s an idea that resulted in the most flourishing citizenry in human history, but today that idea is under attack, not just from foreign adversaries but from within as the extreme right of the Republican Party and extreme left of the Democratic Party move further and further apart. These dangerous, corrosive positions pose a serious threat to the foundations of American democracy as we now face: · A political class that has lost touch with mainstream America. · Public loss of trust in the institutions of democracy. · The rise and mobilization of extremism on the right and left, both threatening violence. · The rise of social media, websites, and cable TV news that splinters audiences and creates alternate realities. · Inequality of opportunity that creates a two-tiered society of haves and have-nots. · Anti-democratic regimes ruling China and Russia that threaten freedom around the world. In an era of growing distrust, demonization, and hatred, as we live America’s tragic ‘Tale of Two Cities,’ our most inspired turn is to embrace the idea engendered in a true symbol of American democracy: the mighty woman with a torch, ‘the Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World’: “Give me your tired, your poor/ Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”. When citizens who work hard and play by the rules believe they have no shot at the American Dream — or conclude that the American values, identity, and the principles they grew up with are vanishing — a giant question mark hangs over the future of our democracy. If we hope to preserve our democracy, both sides must start by reaffirming their belief in the democratic principles of America so they can move from the fringes to the moderate middle-of-the-road positions that millions of Americans embrace. AMERICA: UNITE OR DIE is an inspired plan to turn the Divided States of America into the Reunited State of America. “America: Unite or Die is a must-read for anyone interested in politics and governing or in the current dysfunction of our political system. Douglas Schoen and Carly Cooperman are great scholars and practitioners of American politics. They are two of the country's finest pollsters and strategists who have seen it all—from advising presidents in the White House to analyzing the voters in the precincts across America. The polarization in this country today is explained clearly. Every citizen who cares about this extraordinary country of ours should read this book and be enlightened about what's going on around them.” —Ed Rollins, former assistant to President Reagan for political and governmental affairs, and former co-chairman to the National Republican Congressional Committee

Saving Democracy

Book Description

Saving Democracy presents a bold yet practical plan for reinventing American democracy for the twenty-first century. The book diagnoses contemporary political ills as symptoms of corruption in our large republic and develops a new understanding of representative democracy. Building on the ideas of James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, Saving Democracy shows how it is possible to combine the traditional town hall and the Internet to fashion a new theory of representative government that empowers citizens and bridges the enormous gap that now exists between the political elite and the average voter. Under the author's plan, in each of the nation's 435 congressional districts a local assembly of 100 citizens, selected by lot, would meet to discuss the major domestic and international issues. The role of this assembly would be deliberative and advisory and its views would constitute a second, more sophisticated and informed measure of public opinion than traditional public opinion polls. The next step would be the establishment of the People's House, which would hold actual legislative power.

The Future of American Democracy

Book Description

Former congressman Browder is worried that the current trends of American democracy might result in a "Union of Socialist States of America" or worse. He suggests that we're suffering from a "cumulative distemper" in which we may be tiring of America's "historic Great Experiment." He offers vague prescriptions about embarking on a "National Democratic Renaissance" and rediscovering the "essence of our American nation." Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.

Unrigged: How Americans Are Battling Back to Save Democracy

Book Description

The “wildly undersold story” (Lawrence Lessig) of the next American revolution, and the inspiring citizen activists fighting to save America’s fragile democracy. Our country is dominated by a political party that has no interest in governing, and that seeks to entrench its power by limiting democracy—going so far as to force people to the polls in the middle of a pandemic. Yet there is hope, as best-selling author David Daley argues in Unrigged, though it doesn’t lie in Congress, gerrymandered statehouses, or even the courts. We must, instead, look to the grassroots. Introducing us to groups that have pioneered innovative organizing methods—often combining old-school activism with new digital tools—Daley uncovers the story behind voting-rights victories nationwide and the new organizations reinventing our politics. The result is a vivid portrait of a new civic awakening, and an essential toolkit for reviving our democracy in the Trump era and beyond.