Weapons for Victory

Book Description

The highly acclaimed Weapons for Victory originally appeared in 1995, the fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War II. Now, in this paperback edition, Robert James Maddox provides a new introduction about the ongoing controversy related to the decision to bomb Hiroshima.

The Weapons of Our Warfare

Book Description

This book is a call for believers everywhere in the world to be awakened to the raging battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. Believers are called to be sober, be vigilant, because our adversary, the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. But at the same time, we are admonished by the apostle Peter to resist him, steadfast in the faith. (1 Peter 5:8,9) The antichrist spirit which has been at work in the world since the birth of the Church on the Day of Pentecost is now working ferociously in these last days! Let every believer wake up, take up your spiritual weapons and your armour and fight the good fight of faith; intercede in prayers for your family, your ministry, your church, and your nation in the name of Jesus!

Weapons for Victory

Book Description

On the morning of August 6, 1945, the American B-29 Enola Gay released an atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. On August 9 another bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Fifty years have passed since these catastrophic events, and the bombings still remain highly controversial. The official justification for using these weapons was that they prevented enormous losses on both sides by avoiding an Allied invasion of Japan. Many diplomatic historians, however, have asserted that the bombings were unnecessary. One extreme argument is that Truman knew the Japanese were ready to surrender but wanted to use the bombs to intimidate the Soviet Union. Robert Maddox examines all these claims in Weapons for Victory as he strives to dispel the many myths that have been accepted as fact. In addition to Maddox's valuable recasting of the circumstances leading to the bombings, he also confronts the proposed Smithsonian Enola Gay exhibit with careful historical analysis.

Weapons for Victory

Book Description

Description: Made for Brown Grocery, New Orleans, by the American Express Company.

Weapons for Victory

Book Description

The Bible declares in 2 Corinthians 10:4 that, "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of this world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds." The Christian is given automatic weapons, that when relinquished, are able to destroy everything in their path and lead the believer to ultimate victory. This book, by using Paul's description of the believer's fight and weaponry in Ephesians 6:10-18, will take the reader into the author's own journey, and reveal how God showed up as the covering needed on every terrain.

The Weapons of Our Warfare

Book Description

The Armor of God: Your Key to Victory Right now, there is a real spiritual battle going on in the unseen realm. Every Christian must equip themselves against the forces of darkness. Victory is possible when we use the full armor of God described in Ephesians 6. In Pastor Phil Hoppers first book, Defeating the Enemy, he helped identify the devils strategies. Now, in The Weapons of Our Warfare, Pastor Hopper takes readers to the next level of spiritual warfare! Learn how to: Break free from Satans strongholds: learn how to overcome destructive life patterns. Exercise your Kingdom authority: engage the enemy from a place of victory. Use the full Armor of God: understand the spiritual significance and practical application of each piece of the armor. Spiritual warfare is a call to arms. Use the Armor of God to claim your victory and demolish the enemys work in your life today!

WEAPONS OF SPIRITUAL WARFARE: Walking in Spiritual Victory

Book Description

Our Father in Heaven, has given us many weapons to fight the enemy with. It is up to us then, to pick up these weapons and learn how to use them effectively. If we, however follow our natural tendency and wait for a crisis to pick up our weapons, our lack of skill is likely to be exposed in great defeat. Our enemy is a highly skilled adversary. Satan and his demons are experienced veterans, having waged war on mankind for thousands of years. They surely know our weaknesses and how best to exploit them. God calls us to be good warriors, trained and skillful in using the weapons He has given us. This book is designed to give you a godly perspective on the spiritual war that is being waged around us - The battle between God and Satan, (good & evil), and the whole armor of God at our disposal, that we can use to fight back and win. Evil can only be resisted through the power and authority of the Cross, which is the central call of the gospel. You will never go the same way you came, after reading this book

Books As Weapons

Book Description

Only weeks after the D-Day invasion of June 6, 1944, a surprising cargo—crates of books—joined the flood of troop reinforcements, weapons and ammunition, food, and medicine onto Normandy beaches. The books were destined for French bookshops, to be followed by millions more American books (in translation but also in English) ultimately distributed throughout Europe and the rest of the world. The British were doing similar work, which was uneasily coordinated with that of the Americans within the Psychological Warfare Division of General Eisenhower's Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, under General Eisenhower's command. Books As Weapons tells the little-known story of the vital partnership between American book publishers and the U.S. government to put carefully selected recent books highlighting American history and values into the hands of civilians liberated from Axis forces. The government desired to use books to help "disintoxicate" the minds of these people from the Nazi and Japanese propaganda and censorship machines and to win their friendship. This objective dovetailed perfectly with U.S. publishers' ambitions to find new profits in international markets, which had been dominated by Britain, France, and Germany before their book trades were devastated by the war. Key figures on both the trade and government sides of the program considered books "the most enduring propaganda of all" and thus effective "weapons in the war of ideas," both during the war and afterward, when the Soviet Union flexed its military might and demonstrated its propaganda savvy. Seldom have books been charged with greater responsibility or imbued with more significance. John B. Hench leavens this fully international account of the programs with fascinating vignettes set in the war rooms of Washington and London, publishers' offices throughout the world, and the jeeps in which information officers drove over bomb-rutted roads to bring the books to people who were hungering for them. Books as Weapons provides context for continuing debates about the relationship between government and private enterprise and the image of the United States abroad. To see an interview with John Hench conducted by C-SPAN at the 2010 annual conference of the Organization of American Historians, visit: http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/id/222522.