Web Document Analysis: Challenges And Opportunities

Book Description

This book provides the first comprehensive look at the emerging field of web document analysis. It sets the scene in this new field by combining state-of-the-art reviews of challenges and opportunities with research papers by leading researchers. Readers will find in-depth discussions on the many diverse and interdisciplinary areas within the field, including web image processing, applications of machine learning and graph theories for content extraction and web mining, adaptive web content delivery, multimedia document modeling and human interactive proofs for web security.

Digital Document Processing

Book Description

This book brings all the major and frontier topics in the field of document analysis together into a single volume, creating a unique reference source that will be invaluable to a large audience of researchers, lecturers and students working in this field. With chapters written by some of the most distinguished researchers active in this field, this book addresses recent advances in digital document processing research and development.

Document Analysis Systems VI

Book Description

Thisvolumecontainspapersselectedforpresentationatthe6thIAPRWorkshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2004) held during September 8–10, 2004 at the University of Florence, Italy. Several papers represent the state of the art in a broad range of “traditional” topics such as layout analysis, applications to graphics recognition, and handwritten documents. Other contributions address the description of complete working systems, which is one of the strengths of this workshop. Some papers extend the application domains to other media, like the processing of Internet documents. The peculiarity of this 6th workshop was the large number of papers related to digital libraries and to the processing of historical documents, a taste which frequently requires the analysis of color documents. A total of 17 papers are associated with these topics, whereas two yearsago (in DAS 2002) only a couple of papers dealt with these problems. In our view there are three main reasons for this new wave in the DAS community. From the scienti?c point of view, several research ?elds reached a thorough knowledge of techniques and problems that can be e?ectively solved, and this expertise can now be applied to new domains. Another incentive has been provided by several research projects funded by the EC and the NSF on topics related to digital libraries.

Graphics Recognition: Achievements, Challenges, and Evolution

Book Description

This book contains refereed and improved papers presented at the 8th IAPR Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC 2009), held in La Rochelle, France, July 22–23, 2009. The GREC workshops provide an excellent opportunity for researchersand practitionersat all levels of experience to meet colleaguesand to share new ideas and knowledge about graphics recognition methods. Graphics recognition is a sub?eld of document image analysis that deals with graphical entities in engineering drawings, sketches, maps, architectural plans, musical scores, mathematical notation, tables, diagrams, etc. GREC 2009 continued the tradition of past workshops held in the Penn State University, USA (GREC 1995, LNCS Volume 1072, Springer Verlag, 1996); Nancy, France (GREC 1997, LNCS Volume 1389, Springer Verlag, 1998); Jaipur, India (GREC 1999, LNCS Volume 1941, Springer Verlag, 2000); Kingston, Canada (GREC 2001, LNCS Volume 2390, Springer Verlag, 2002); Barcelona, Spain (GREC 2003, LNCS Volume 3088, Springer Verlag, 2004); Hong Kong, China (GREC 2005, LNCS Volume 3926, Springer Verlag, 2006); and (GREC 2007, LNCS Volume 5046, Springer Verlag, 2008). The programof GREC 2009 was organized in a single-track 2-day workshop. It comprised several sessions dedicated to speci?c topics. For each session, there was an invited presentation describing the state of the art and stating the open questions for the session’s topic, followed by a number of short presentations thatcontributedbyproposingsolutionstosomeofthequestionsorbypresenting results ofthe speaker’swork. Eachsessionwas then concludedby a paneldisc- sion.

Graph-theoretic Techniques For Web Content Mining

Book Description

This book describes exciting new opportunities for utilizing robust graph representations of data with common machine learning algorithms. Graphs can model additional information which is often not present in commonly used data representations, such as vectors. Through the use of graph distance — a relatively new approach for determining graph similarity — the authors show how well-known algorithms, such as k-means clustering and k-nearest neighbors classification, can be easily extended to work with graphs instead of vectors. This allows for the utilization of additional information found in graph representations, while at the same time employing well-known, proven algorithms.To demonstrate and investigate these novel techniques, the authors have selected the domain of web content mining, which involves the clustering and classification of web documents based on their textual substance. Several methods of representing web document content by graphs are introduced; an interesting feature of these representations is that they allow for a polynomial time distance computation, something which is typically an NP-complete problem when using graphs. Experimental results are reported for both clustering and classification in three web document collections using a variety of graph representations, distance measures, and algorithm parameters.In addition, this book describes several other related topics, many of which provide excellent starting points for researchers and students interested in exploring this new area of machine learning further. These topics include creating graph-based multiple classifier ensembles through random node selection and visualization of graph-based data using multidimensional scaling.

Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition

Book Description

This volume contains all papers presented at SSPR 2004 and SPR 2004, hosted by the Instituto de Telecomunicac ̃ ̧oes/Instituto Superior T ́ ecnico, Lisbon, Portugal, August 18-20, 2004. This was the fourth time that the two workshops were held back-to-back. The SSPR was the tenth International Workshop on Structural and Synt- tic Pattern Recognition, and the SPR was the ?fth International Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition. These workshops have traditi- ally been held in conjunction with ICPR (International Conference on Pattern Recognition), and are the major events for technical committees TC2 and TC1, respectively, of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). The workshops were closely coordinated, being held in parallel, with plenary talks and a common session on hybrid systems. This was an attempt to resolve thedilemmaofhowto dealwiththeneedfornarrow-focusspecializedworkshops yet accommodate the presentation of new theories and techniques that blur the distinction between the statistical and the structural approaches. A total of 219 papers were received from many countries, with the subm- sion and reviewing processes being carried out separately for each workshop. A total of 59 papers were accepted for oral presentation and 64 for posters. In - dition, four invited speakers presented informative talks and overviews of their research. They were: Alberto Sanfeliu, from the Technical University of Cata- nia, Spain; Marco Gori, from the University of Siena, Italy; Nello Cristianini, from the University of California, USA; and Erkki Oja, from Helsinki University of Technology, Finland, winner of the 2004 Pierre Devijver Award.

Image Pattern Recognition: Synthesis And Analysis In Biometrics

Book Description

The field of biometrics utilizes computer models of the physical and behavioral characteristics of human beings with a view to reliable personal identification. The human characteristics of interest include visual images, speech, and indeed anything which might help to uniquely identify the individual.The other side of the biometrics coin is biometric synthesis — rendering biometric phenomena from their corresponding computer models. For example, we could generate a synthetic face from its corresponding computer model. Such a model could include muscular dynamics to model the full gamut of human emotions conveyed by facial expressions.This book is a collection of carefully selected papers presenting the fundamental theory and practice of various aspects of biometric data processing in the context of pattern recognition. The traditional task of biometric technologies — human identification by analysis of biometric data — is extended to include the new discipline of biometric synthesis.

Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition

Book Description

TheInternationalConferenceonMachineLearningandDataMining(MLDM)is the third meeting in a series of biennial events, which started in 1999, organized by the Institute of Computer Vision and Applied Computer Sciences (IBaI) in Leipzig. MLDM began as a workshop and is now a conference, and has brought the topic of machine learning and data mining to the attention of the research community. Seventy-?ve papers were submitted to the conference this year. The program committeeworkedhardtoselectthemostprogressiveresearchinafairandc- petent review process which led to the acceptance of 33 papers for presentation at the conference. The 33 papers in these proceedings cover a wide variety of topics related to machine learning and data mining. The two invited talks deal with learning in case-based reasoning and with mining for structural data. The contributed papers can be grouped into nine areas: support vector machines; pattern dis- very; decision trees; clustering; classi?cation and retrieval; case-based reasoning; Bayesian models and methods; association rules; and applications. We would like to express our appreciation to the reviewers for their precise andhighlyprofessionalwork.WearegratefultotheGermanScienceFoundation for its support of the Eastern European researchers. We appreciate the help and understanding of the editorial sta? at Springer Verlag, and in particular Alfred Hofmann,whosupportedthepublicationoftheseproceedingsintheLNAIseries. Last, but not least, we wish to thank all the speakers and participants who contributed to the success of the conference.

Graph Based Representations in Pattern Recognition

Book Description

The refereed proceedings of the 4th IAPR International Workshop on Graph-Based Representation in Pattern Recognition, GbRPR 2003, held in York, UK in June/July 2003. The 23 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The papers are organized in topical sections on data structures and representation, segmentation, graph edit distance, graph matching, matrix methods, and graph clustering.

Character Recognition

Book Description

Character recognition is one of the pattern recognition technologies that are most widely used in practical applications. This book presents recent advances that are relevant to character recognition, from technical topics such as image processing, feature extraction or classification, to new applications including human-computer interfaces. The goal of this book is to provide a reference source for academic research and for professionals working in the character recognition field.