WebGPU Voxel Terrains

Book Description

WebGPU Voxel Terrains: Create Volumetric Landscapes Using Compute Shaders Learn how to create stunning voxel terrains for your web applications with this concise guide. This book covers the entire process of voxel terrain creation, from the basics of marching cubes to advanced techniques like crafting voxel volcanoes. With practical code examples, you'll have hands-on guidance throughout. Explore real-time voxel terrain creation with WebGPU and compute shaders. By reading and practicing with the included examples, you'll gain a deep understanding and the ability to implement these techniques in your own projects. Discover practical projects to solidify your skills in voxel terrain generation. This book is suitable for web developers, game developers, and anyone interested in procedural voxel terrain creation.

WebGPU by Examples - Learn and Explore Next-Generation Web Graphics and Compute API

Book Description

Are you ready to take your web graphics to the next level? Look no further than "WebGPU by Examples". This comprehensive guide equips you with all the tools you need to create stunning 3D graphics in your web applications with the help of GPU acceleration. With this book, you will discover how to design an array of 3D graphics, from basic shapes like cubes, spheres, cylinders, and tori to intricate 3D graphics like wireframes, simple and parametric surfaces, supershapes, implicit surfaces, procedural terrains, volcanoes, Minecraft, voxel terrains, text rendering, and complex function visualization, as well as particle systems made using compute shaders. The author has simplified the learning process by breaking down the concepts of WebGPU, the cutting-edge graphics API for the Web, so even those with minimal experience can grasp the fundamentals of advanced graphics development. This book includes: - Introduce a starter template for graphics programming with WebGPU. - Create basic 3D shapes like cube, sphere, cylinder, torus, etc. - Design intricate 3D surface graphics such as wireframes, simple and parametric 3D surfaces, and procedural terrains. - Simulate light and shadow using different models, including point, directional, and spot light. - Implement physical-based rendering lighting methods to create realistic graphics. - Apply colormap and texture techniques to 3D surfaces. - Generate 3D surfaces and super shapes using compute shaders for improving performance. - Construct marching cubes for generating 3D implicit surfaces, metaballs, and voxel terrains. - Visualize complex functions using 3D plots and domain coloring. - Create particle systems for 3D graphics applications. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this book is the ideal resource to help you design a wide range of graphics applications in WebGPU. So, are you ready to explore next-generation web graphics and compute API? Start your journey with "WebGPU by Examples" today!

Rust wgpu Voxel Terrains

Book Description

Rust wgpu Voxel Terrains: Create Volumetric Landscapes Using Compute Shaders Learn how to create stunning voxel terrains for your Rust applications with this concise guide. This book covers the entire process of voxel terrain creation, from the basics of marching cubes to advanced techniques like crafting voxel volcanoes. With practical code examples, you'll have hands-on guidance throughout. Explore real-time voxel terrain creation with wgpu and compute shaders. By reading and practicing with the included examples, you'll gain a deep understanding and the ability to implement these techniques in your own projects. Discover practical projects to solidify your skills in voxel terrain generation. This book is suitable for Rust programmers, game developers, and anyone interested in procedural voxel terrain creation.

WebGPU Procedural Terrains

Book Description

WebGPU Procedural Terrains - Create Stunning Landscapes for Your Games Unlock the secrets of procedural landscape generation and create awe-inspiring, dynamic terrains for your games with WebGPU. This comprehensive eBook covers everything you need to know to create procedural terrains, from basic techniques to advanced methods. You'll learn how to: · Master Perlin noise mapping and basic terrain generation techniques. · Explore advanced methods, including terrain chunking and water level control. · Harness the power of Level of Detail (LOD) to optimize performance. · Create vast, immersive landscapes with ease by stitching together multiple terrain chunks. · Bring your terrains to life with smooth animations using compute shaders. · Craft realistic, Minecraft-inspired landscapes using compute shaders. Even if you're a beginner with minimal experience in graphics programming, you'll be able to follow this book's step-by-step guidance and hands-on examples to quickly grasp the fundamentals of procedural terrain generation. Whether you're an aspiring indie developer or a seasoned pro, WebGPU Procedural Terrains is the essential guide to creating stunning, dynamic landscapes that will captivate players and enhance your game development portfolio. Get ready to embark on a creative journey that will redefine your game worlds. Start crafting your masterpiece today!

Voxel-based Terrain for Real-time Virtual Simulations

Book Description

This dissertation provides the theoretical basis and implementation details for a complete and practical real-time voxel-based terrain rendering system. We first present a modified Marching Cubes algorithm designed to eliminate choices arising from ambiguities in the original algorithm and its successors in order to facilitate a faster implementation and to simplify the design of a level-of-detail algorithm. The modified Marching Cubes algorithm is extended to operate on voxel data at multiple resolutions in such a way that triangle meshes produced at all levels of detail correctly match geometrical features. We introduce a robust method for seamlessly joining voxel-based terrain meshes of different levels of detail and establish a transition structure that both simplifies the triangulation problem and eliminates the potential for shading artifacts. Finally, we discuss methods for applying texture maps and advanced shading techniques to voxel-based terrain meshes. These methods are designed to be fast and compatible with the widest possible range of graphics hardware across multiple platforms.

GPU Terrain Generation and Voxel Engines in Haskell

Book Description

[ANGLÈS] In this thesis, a voxel engine is developed in Haskell and several terrain generation algorithms in Accelerate, a Haskell EDSL for array-based, GPGPU programming. The benefits of this approach are then examined.

An Introduction to Ray Tracing

Book Description

The creation of ever more realistic 3-D images is central to the development of computer graphics. The ray tracing technique has become one of the most popular and powerful means by which photo-realistic images can now be created. The simplicity, elegance and ease of implementation makes ray tracing an essential part of understanding and exploiting state-of-the-art computer graphics.An Introduction to Ray Tracing develops from fundamental principles to advanced applications, providing "how-to" procedures as well as a detailed understanding of the scientific foundations of ray tracing. It is also richly illustrated with four-color and black-and-white plates. This is a book which will be welcomed by all concerned with modern computer graphics, image processing, and computer-aided design. Provides practical "how-to" information Contains high quality color plates of images created using ray tracing techniques Progresses from a basic understanding to the advanced science and application of ray tracing

Practical PayPal Integration in ASP.NET Core

Book Description

Welcome to "Practical PayPal Integration in ASP.NET Core". This book will provide useful resources on PayPal Checkout and Subscriptions APIs and SDKs, as well as their applications in ASP.NET Core projects. I hope that this book will be useful for .NET programmers, software developers, and students of all skill levels, who are interested in integrating the PayPal REST APIs into their ASP.NET applications. You may often get confused with PayPal because there are so many frameworks and options to do the same thing. In fact, there are over 50 PayPal services, APIs, and SDKs out there – you just do not know which one is suitable for your applications. In this book, I will choose the latest PayPal products, services, APIs, and SDKs, and integrate them into your ASP.NET Core applications. Here are PayPal technologies that I plan to use: •PayPal Smart Payment Buttons – These new buttons, introduced in June 2018, provide a simplified and secure check out experience. They intelligently present the most relevant payment types to your shoppers automatically. •PayPal JavaScript SDK – This SDK integrates Smart Payment Buttons into your web site and renders them to a container DOM element. •PayPal Checkout .NET SDK – To simplify integrations, PayPal provides a .NET SDK for their Version 2 REST Payment API. Using the SDK over a direct integration allows the SDK to handle authentication on the server side for you. •PayPal Subscriptions API – I will implement a Subscriptions .NET SDK based on PayPal Version 1 Subscriptions REST API. This SDK allows you to easily integrate PayPal Subscriptions into .NET applications. In the first part of this book, I will explain how to use the PayPal Checkout .NET SDK to get start with the PayPal Version 2 Payments and Orders REST APIs. I will use various examples to demonstrate the procedures to complete a PayPal checkout transaction, including how to set up the development environment, how to integrate and render Smart Payment Buttons, how to create and manage orders, and how to capture and verify the transaction. In the second part of this book, I will switch to PayPal Subscriptions API. This API has not been ported to Version 2 yet, so we have to use Version 1 API for subscription. To make matters even worse, PayPal has never released a stable Subscriptions .NET SDK, which makes it difficult for .NET developers to integrate PayPal Subscriptions API into .NET and .NET Core applications. Therefore, I decide to implement a simple PayPal Subscriptions .NET SDK, which simply exposes various static methods that can be used to integrate PayPal Subscriptions API into .NET applications. I will use several examples to illustrate how to use this SDK to complete subscription transactions.

3D Scientific Visualization with Blender

Book Description

This is the first book written on using Blender (an open-source visualization suite widely used in the entertainment and gaming industries) for scientific visualization. It is a practical and interesting introduction to Blender for understanding key parts of 3D rendering that pertain to the sciences via step-by-step guided tutorials. Any time you see an awesome science animation in the news, you will now know how to develop exciting visualizations and animations with your own data. 3D Scientific Visualization with Blender takes you through an understanding of 3D graphics and modeling for different visualization scenarios in the physical sciences. This includes guides and tutorials for: understanding and manipulating the interface; generating 3D models; understanding lighting, animation, and camera control; and scripting data import with the Python API. The agility of Blender and its well organized Python API make it an exciting and unique visualization suite every modern scientific/engineering workbench should include. Blender provides multiple scientific visualizations including: solid models/surfaces/rigid body simulations; data cubes/transparent/translucent rendering; 3D catalogs; N-body simulations; soft body simulations; surface/terrain maps; and phenomenological models. The possibilities for generating visualizations are considerable via this ever growing software package replete with a vast community of users providing support and ideas.

Practical Quantitative Finance with ASP.NET Core and Angular

Book Description

This book provides comprehensive details of developing ultra-modern, responsive single-page applications (SPA) for quantitative finance using ASP.NET Core and Angular. It pays special attention to create distributed web SPA applications and reusable libraries that can be directly used to solve real-world problems in quantitative finance. The book contains: Overview of ASP.NET Core and Angular, which is necessary to create SPA for quantitative finance. Step-by-step approaches to create a variety of Angular compatible real-time stock charts and technical indicators using ECharts and TA-Lib. Introduction to access market data from online data sources using .NET Web API and Angular service, including EOD, intraday, real-time stock quotes, interest rates. Detailed procedures to price equity options and fixed-income instruments using QuantLib, including European/American/Barrier/Bermudan options, bonds, CDS, as well as related topics such as cash flows, term structures, yield curves, discount factors, and zero-coupon bonds. Detailed explanation to linear analysis and machine learning in finance, which covers linear regression, PCA, KNN, SVM, and neural networks. In-depth descriptions of trading strategy development and back-testing for crossover and z-score based trading signals.