Model de aprendizaje WebQuest

Book Description

El propósito de esta obra es la presentación de una técnica en el uso de internet dirigida a facilitar su integración en el ambiente educativo, a través de la adopción de una estrategia constructivista y complementaria con mecanismos que permitan incorporar técnicas de aprendizaje cooperativo. Con esa filosofía se pretende exponer una práctica concreta sobre un modelo de aprendizaje cooperativo en las distintas áreas educativas. El modelo de aprendizaje WebQuest utiliza la realidad inmediata, cercana y significativa de los educandos, además de tareas auténticas para motivarlos; su estructura es constructivista y por tanto los motiva a transformar la información y entenderla; sus estrategias de aprendizaje cooperativo los ayudan a desarrollar habilidades y destrezas, pues es un modelo que contribuye en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje de una manera nueva. Las autoras presentan una técnica educativa dirigida a facilitar la integración del uso de internet en el currículum escolar. Ellas lo orientarán -a usted, padre de familia o maestro- en la realización de trabajos de investigación en la escuela o en el hogar, con el fin de evitar que los educandos sólo copien y peguen la información obtenida de una o varias páginas electrónicas, sin el más mínimo sentido crítico, pues algunas contienen datos incorrectos.

Digital Literacies

Book Description

This book brings together a group of internationally-reputed authors in the field of digital literacy. Their essays explore a diverse range of the concepts, policies and practices of digital literacy, and discuss how digital literacy is related to similar ideas: information literacy, computer literacy, media literacy, functional literacy and digital competence. It is argued that in light of this diversity and complexity, it is useful to think of digital literacies - the plural as well the singular. The first part of the book presents a rich mix of conceptual and policy perspectives; in the second part contributors explore social practices of digital remixing, blogging, online trading and social networking, and consider some legal issues associated with digital media.

New perspectives on teaching and working with languages in the digital era

Book Description

This volume offers a comprehensive, empirical and methodological view over new scenarios recently emerged in language teaching and learning, such as blended learning, e-learning, ubiquitous, social, autonomous or lifelong learning, and also over some new (ICT-based) approaches that can support them (CALL, MALL, CLIL, LMOOCs).


Book Description

Organizations are facing an engagement crisis. Regardless if they are customers, employees, patients, students, citizens, stakeholders, organizations struggle to meaningfully engage their key constituent groups who have a precious and limited resource: their time. Not surprisingly, these stakeholders have developed deflector shields to protect themselves. Only a privileged few organizations are allowed to penetrate the shield, and even less will meaningfully engage. To penetrate the shield, and engage the audience, organizations need an edge. Gamification has emerged as a way to gain that edge and organizations are beginning to see it as a key tool in their digital engagement strategy. While gamification has tremendous potential to break through, most companies will get it wrong. Gartner predicts that by 2014, 80% of current gamified applications will fail to meet business objectives primarily due to poor design. As a trend, gamification is at the peak of the hype cycle; it has been oversold and it is broadly misunderstood. We are heading for the inevitable fall. Too many organizations have been led to believe that gamification is a magic elixir for indoctrinating the masses and manipulating them to do their bidding. These organizations are mistaking people for puppets, and these transparently cynical efforts are doomed to fail. This book goes beyond the hype and focuses on the 20% that are getting it right. We have spoken to hundreds of leaders in organizations around the world about their gamification strategies and we have seen some spectacular successes. The book examines some of these successes and identifies the common characteristics of these initiatives to define the solution space for success. It is a guide written for leaders of gamification initiatives to help them avoid the pitfalls and employ the best practices, to ensure they join the 20% that gets it right. Gamify shows gamification in action: as a powerful approach to engaging and motivating people to achieving their goals, while at the same time achieving organizational objectives. It can be used to motivate people to change behaviors, develop skills, and drive innovation. The sweet spot for gamification objectives is the space where the business objectives and player objectives are aligned. Like two sides of the same coin, player and business goals may outwardly appear different, but they are often the same thing, expressed different ways. The key to gamification success is to engage people on an emotional level and motivating them to achieve their goals.

Technological Innovation in the Teaching and Processing of Lsps: Proceedings of Tislid'10

Book Description

The present book is a compilation of articles corresponding to the papers presented at TISLID ?10, the First International Workshop on Technological Innovations for Specialised Linguistic Domains, which took place in Spain on October 21-22, 2010. The program of TISLID?10 was established to offer the research and teaching community an opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences and promote face-to-face academic debate on effective and innovative ways to design and develop CALL systems and NLP systems for sublanguages or specialized linguistic domains. The inclusion of basic research undertaken in educational institutions and research centers, together with the applied research and commercial development undertaken by publishers, e-Learning companies, etc. was considered a priority.

Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in Higher Education

Book Description

This book addresses computer-supported collaborative learning (also known as CSCL) particularly within a tertiary education environment. It includes articles on theory and practice in this area including topics such as: how can groups with shared goals work collaboratively using the new technologies? What problems can be expected, and what are the benefits? In what ways does online group work differ from face-to-face group work? And what implications are there for both educators and students seeking to work in this area?

EBOOK: Meaning Making in Secondary Science Classroomsaa

Book Description

This book focuses on the talk of science classrooms and in particular on the ways in which the different kinds of interactions between teachers and students contribute to meaning making and learning. Central to the text is a new analytical framework for characterising the key features of the talk of school science classrooms. This framework is based on sociocultural principles and links the work of theorists such as Vygotsky and Bakhtin to the day-to-day interactions of contemporary science classrooms. *presents a framework, based on sociocultural theory, for analysing the language of teaching and learning interactions in science classrooms *provides detailed examples and illustrations of insights gained from applying the framework to real science lessons in Brazil and the UK. *demonstrates how these ways of thinking about classroom talk can be drawn upon to inform the professional development of science teachers. *offers an innovative research methodology, based on sociocultural theory, for analysing classroom talk. *expands upon the ways in which sociocultural theory has been systematically applied to analysing classroom contexts. This book offers a powerful set of tools for thinking and talking about the day-to-day practices of contemporary science classrooms. It contains messages of fundamental importance and insight for all of those who are interested in reflecting on the interactions of science teaching and learning, whether in the context of teaching, higher degree study, or research.

Making Sense of Secondary Science

Book Description

When children begin secondary school they already have knowledge and ideas about many aspects of the natural world from their experiences both in primary classes and outside school. These ideas, right or wrong, form the basis of all they subsequently learn. Research has shown that teaching is unlikely to be effective unless it takes into account the position from which the learner starts. Making Sense of Secondary Science provides a concise and accessible summary of the research that has been done internationally in this area. The research findings are arranged in three main sections: * life and living processes * materials and their properties * physical processes. Full bibliographies in each section allow interested readers to pursue the themes further. Much of this material has hitherto been available only in limited circulation specialist journals or in unpublished research. Its publication in this convenient form will be welcomed by all researchers in science education and by practicing science teachers continuing their professional development, who want to deepen their understanding of how their children think and learn.

Dimensions of Learning Teacher's Manual, 2nd ed.

Book Description

The premise of Dimensions of Learning an instructional framework founded on the best of what researchers and theorists know about learning is that five types, or dimensions, of thinking are essential to successful learning. These are (1) positive attitudes and perceptions about learning, (2) thinking involved in acquiring and integrating knowledge, (3) thinking involved in extending and refining knowledge, (4) thinking involved in using knowledge meaningfully, and (5) productive habits of mind. Dimensions of Learning is a valuable tool for reorganizing curriculum, instruction, and assessment. The authors discuss each of the five dimensions in detail and describe hundreds of teaching strategies that support them for example, how to help students construct meaning for declarative knowledge, internalize procedural knowledge, and see the relevance of what they are expected to learn. The authors provide many examples at the elementary and secondary classroom levels. Teachers of grades K-12 can use this information to improve teaching and learning in any content area. Note: This product listing is for the Adobe Acrobat (PDF) version of the book.