Welcome to Poetryland

Book Description

Welcome to Poetryland: Teaching Poetry Writing to Young Children draws from Shelley Savren’s forty years of teaching poetry writing in grades pre-K–6 and to focus populations, including gifted and special education students, students in after school programs and at art museums, and homeless, abused, or neglected students. Each chapter begins with a student quote and an original poem, followed by heartfelt stories of working with that particular group, and concludes with lesson plans, complete with introductions of poetic concepts, model poems by professionals, open-ended writing assignments, methods for sharing and critiquing, and one or two student poems. Designed for use in a classroom, this book features thirty-eight lesson plans and twenty-three additional poetry-writing workshop ideas. It provides guidance and inspiration for anyone who wants to teach poetry writing to children. “I wish Shelley would teach the whole world poetry.” –1st grade student. “I want to be a poetry writer when I grow up.” –2nd grade student. “What I found out about myself was that I have an imagination. And a good one.” –6th grade student.

Welcome to Poetry Land

Book Description

This book is a labyrinth of fun, A treasure chest of happiness, A wonderland of discovery and mystery. Where the imagination Walks hand in hand To Poetry Land.

Welcome ... . Do Come In

Book Description

Have you ever felt sad, lonely, heartbroken, judged, completely fed up? I have for as long as I can remember. To be able to relieve some of the pain I started writing down my feelings. Genuine everyday emotion feeds my thought process. From finding out I might never have kids or a friends death are some feelings that I had to put on paper. Having low self-esteem and trying to find yourself in a world where no matter what you do or say you will never be accepted. Finding the love of your life and not realizeing it until it's too late. Thse are a few experiences that you will read about. There are no titles on any of these poems. Titiles aren't always inviting to the reader. In my opinion the mystery of the unknown is quite intriguing. In order to identify with one of these poems dive in head firest and dissect it. Analyze the symbolism to see if you can relate. We have all needed to feel accepted but that one foot always gets stuck in the door. By reading this collection I hope that you will feel connectd to atleast one person.

Welcome to My World

Book Description

LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH Live, love, laugh and linger a while Let the sun lead your life while you’re young Ignore rainy days, thunder and lightning When things go wrong just break out in song Feel your heart beat and push out a smile Now hold that pose for a little while The world will smile with you, a happy day You’ll find that things are going your way. Live, love, laugh and wonder a while How do the seasons change without our help? The moon and the sun complement their style Flowers and leaves, come back by themselves The earth turns, seasons change, secret unknown So live, love, laugh, mind the seeds you have sown.

In the Land of Words

Book Description

The words can come from a memory, or a dream, or something I see or hear or wonder about or imagine. . . . Maybe there's a place where words live, where our minds and hearts can go and find them when we want to write or read. I like to imagine that there is such a place. I call it "The Land of Words." In this collection of twenty-one poems, National Council of Teachers of English Excellence in Poetry for Children Award winner Eloise Greenfield journeys to a place where words, creativity, and imagination abound. Featuring the poems "In the Land of Words," "Books," and "Poem," as well as favorites such as "Nathaniel's Rap" and "Way Down in the Music," this tribute to the written word invites readers to look within themselves and discover what inspires them.

Welcome to My World

Book Description

This is my poetry book I created. In it will be a collection of about sixty of my poems that I have put together. I hope you guys enjoy my poems and I hope I can inspire other poets to publish their writings.

The Forms of Things Unknown

Book Description

A college student writes: “These words I write/ open their mouths wide/ screaming the most intimate secrets.” An inmate in a maximum-security men’s prison writes: “Within my writing, I am able to break down my prison walls and escape, leave the gangster façade behind.” The Forms of Things Unknown: Teaching Poetry Writing to Teens and Adults draws from Shelley Savren’s forty years of teaching poetry writing to a diverse array of students, from teens with mental health issues to seniors to adults with developmental disabilities, and in a wide variety of settings, which include middle schools, high schools, colleges, juvenile halls, women’s centers, and a men’s prison. Each chapter includes an original poem from Savren, heartfelt stories, and lesson plans that introduce poetic concepts through model poems by professionals, open-ended writing assignments, methods for sharing and critiquing, and student poems. Designed for use in a classroom or community setting, this book features forty-one lesson plans and nineteen more poetry-writing workshop ideas and provides guidance and inspiration for teaching poetry writing to teens and adults.

Welcome to the Wonder House

Book Description

This collection of poems, creatively presented in the format of an allegorical house, will engage anyone who has ever wondered “why?” as it shows young readers that wonder is everywhere—in yourself and in the world around you. Welcome to the Wonder House, a place to explore the cornerstone of every great thinker—a sense of wonder. This Wonder House has many rooms—one for nature, one for quiet, and one for mystery, among others. Each room is filled with poems and objects covering a wide variety of STEAM topics, including geology, paleontology, physics, astronomy, creative writing, and drawing, that will inspire curiosity in young readers. This enchanting book written by award-winning poets Rebecca Kai Dotlich and Georgia Heard both sparks wonder and shows readers how to kindle it in themselves.

Welcome to the Wasteland

Book Description

A debut chapbook of poems that span the three stages of the poet's life so far: perdition, transition, and absolution. They are an exploration of the depth of despair, determination to rejoin the living, and the union of the earthly and the celestial. We are, after all, made of the debris of supernovae; in the depths of our souls, we have not forgotten our violent birth.

Outside the Box

Book Description

A collection of over one hundred poems includes such amusing entries as "Balloonaphobia" and "Aliens Under My Bed."