Welcoming the Stranger Among Us

Book Description

Designed for both ordained and lay ministers at the diocesan and parish levels, this document challenges us to prepare to receive newcomers with a genuine spirit of welcome.

Welcoming the Stranger

Book Description

World Relief staffers Matthew Soerens and Jenny Yang move beyond the rhetoric to offer a Christian response to immigration. With careful historical understanding and thoughtful policy analysis, they debunk myths about immigration, show the limits of the current immigration system, and offer concrete ways for you to welcome and minister to your immigrant neighbors.

Loving the Stranger

Book Description

Most American Christians think that helping immigrants is a good idea in theory, but few actually get involved in the ministry of welcome because they feel afraid, concerned, or overwhelmed by busyness. Loving the Stranger addresses these fears in an understanding way, answers these concerns in a way that will resonate regardless of people's political convictions, and lays out simple ways to begin welcoming immigrants in the midst of our busy lives by simply welcoming them into our lives.

Welcoming the Stranger

Book Description

This book is an astute rethinking of theology and pastoral ministry that overcomes sentimental notions of hospitality.

Welcoming the Stranger Among Us

Book Description

Welcoming the Stranger Parish Guide

Book Description

The resources in this parish guide offer practical guidance for building more welcoming and inclusive parishes. Contains copies of published documents and related resources.

Seeking Refuge

Book Description

Recipient of Christianity Today's Award of Merit in Politics and Public Life, 2016 ------ What will rule our hearts: fear or compassion? We can’t ignore the refugee crisis—arguably the greatest geo-political issue of our time—but how do we even begin to respond to something so massive and complex? In Seeking Refuge, three experts from World Relief, a global organization serving refugees, offer a practical, well-rounded, well-researched guide to the issue. Who are refugees and other displaced peoples? What are the real risks and benefits of receiving them? How do we balance compassion and security? Drawing from history, public policy, psychology, many personal stories, and their own unique Christian worldview, the authors offer a nuanced and compelling portrayal of the plight of refugees and the extraordinary opportunity we have to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Strangers Next Door

Book Description

Christians in the West are living among some of the least-reached people groups in the world and have the unprecedented opportunity to share the gospel with them. Here J. D. Payne introduces the phenomenon of human migration to the West and discusses how the Western church ought to respond.

Strangers Among Us

Book Description

Timely and controversial, this cliche-shattering examination of recent Latino immigration and the ways it is transforming America proposes solutions while condemning both incoherent government policies and the failures of ethnic advocacy.