Western Europe In Soviet Global Strategy

Book Description

Soviet global strategy, long established and well understood by the Kremlin leaders, is to intimidate weak and fearful governments, exploit indigenous difficulties, disrupt social order, and promote communist revolutions. In this volume, European and American scholars describe the USSR's land and sea targets on and surrounding West Europe, where t

Soviet Strategy Toward Western Europe

Book Description

This book, first published in 1984, carefully examine the political debate surrounding nuclear weapons and superpower polices in Cold War Western Europe. It seeks to analyse a distinctly European view in Soviet policy, as opposed to a superpower view. It examines Soviet domestic and foreign policy, economic and military practice, with the aim of understanding and countering the Soviet threat to Western Europe.

Asia In Soviet Global Strategy

Book Description

This book, the final report of the Soviet Global Strategy Project, describes the USSR's basic approach to the many states in Asia and the Pacific Basin, including nations stretching from Japan to Australia.

Soviet Strategy in Europe

Book Description

Enkeltafsnit: Détente, Moscow's View - Dedision making in the USSR - Soviet Policy and the Domestic Politics of Western Europe - Soviet-East European Relations - Soviet Military Capabilities and Intentions in Europe - Soviet Military Posture and Policy in Europe - Soviet Economic Relations with Western Europe - West European Economic Relations with the Soviet Union

America, Europe, and the Soviet Union

Book Description

Bringing together for the first time his many penetrating and influential essays on U.S. foreign policy, Europe, and the Soviet Union, Laqueur focuses here on the absence of a U.S. global strategy. He shows that this vacuum has its counterpart in Western European politics. Both the United States and Europe exhibit a weakening of political will and Laqueur reveals how the media and the academic community have been unwilling to accept the fact of diminished U.S. stature in the Western world.

Soviet Policy in Eastern Europe

Book Description

A comprehensive look at both the diversity of Eastern Europe and the multiplicity of Soviet concerns in the region.

Labor in Soviet Global Strategy

Book Description

SCOTT (copy 1): from the John Holmes Library collection.

Russia & World Order

Book Description

Professor Liska argumenterer for en medinddragning af Rusland - selv et sovjetiseret Rusland - i et udvidet "Vesten", som efter de Gaulle og Vietnam trues mere og mere af indre forfald end af ydre farer og mere af økonomisk aggression fra det såkaldte "Syd" end af østlandenes militærmagt