Book Description
On behalf of the Western Hemisphere Drug Policy Commission, and pursuant to Public Law114-323, we are pleased to submit the following report with our review of US foreign policy inthe Americas to reduce the flow of illicit drugs and the damage associated with drug trafficking.Our recommendations provide a roadmap for cost-effective, evidence-based drug controlpolicies that will address their fundamental objective: reducing the number of American liveslost to drugabuse.Drug trafficking is a complex, constantly evolving threat that requires a comprehensive butflexible approach. We believe our recommendations will enable the US government toimplement a long-term, inter-agency strategy that can be adapted to the needs of our LatinAmerican partners. It also provides for an evidence-based approach based on relevantindicators and periodic assessments.Over the past year and a half, the Western Hemisphere Drug Policy (WHDPC) has heldmeetings and workshops with US officials, foreign diplomats, and independent experts in thefields of drug control and foreign assistance. Commissioners and staff members also traveledto Colombia, Mexico, and Central America to assess US policies in the field.The findings and recommendations in this report have been agreed to unanimously by the eightMembers of the Commission. We call on Congress and the President to consider this reportfully and take action to address the ongoing tragedy of illegal drug abuse and trafficking