What an Awesome God We Serve

Book Description

Awesome God

Book Description

My book, Awesome God, tells of the many miracles in my life. I was born on an old farm in Vivian, Louisiana. We were very poor and had no running water, gas, or electricity. We lived in an old three-room house with a fireplace in the living room as our only source of heat for the house. God healed me instantly of polio when I was five years old and in 1944, there was NO treatment or vaccines at that time for polio it was a death sentence. Awesome God is full of such miracles in my life. He is a can-do anything God can and will do the same for you provided you put your hand in his hand and ask him to "Lead on, King Jesus." An Awesome God that can simply speak the world into existence hangs it on nothing, yet it still hangs in space. He created the Sun for the earth to orbit around and He created the moon to orbit around the earth as it orbits around the sun. He lets the earth make a rotation every twenty-four hours making it appear the sun rises in the east and sets in the west! Tilting back and forth as it orbits, the Sun giving us Summer, Spring, Fall and Winter in the Northern Hemisphere and just the exact opposite in the Southern Hemisphere. He is a can-do-anything God.

Hard Times Tough Churches Awesome God!

Book Description

hard times tough churches awesome god! 13 Churches that faced losing almost...Everything! Miami Detroit Orlando San Diego Jacksonville New Orleans Mobile Springfield Oklahoma City Birmingham

God’s Best Plan

Book Description

God only wants the best for us. After all, any parent only wants the best for their children, so why would it be different when it comes to our relationship with God? God’s intentions towards His children have always been good, pure, glorious and wonderful. Only the best says God for His children. God’s plan and purpose for us are the BEST, and this transcends every aspect of our lives, be it our spiritual journey or our journey through life. The VERY BEST God has in store for us will glorify God, exalt His Kingdom, and it will give meaning to our existence. It is the best that will prosper us in spirit, soul and body. If we truly seek God and His plan above all, we then seek His Kingdom and righteousness. And for those who seek His Kingdom with devotion, will be rewarded for the rest shall be added (Matthew 6:33 – spiritual and physical blessings and favour). As we love God, His plan for our lives shall unfold, be revealed and shine as a glorious light in the darkness. And the good news is that it is never too late to come into alignment with God’s plan. Never.


Book Description

Dr. Littlejohn captures the essence of true worship in the hearts of those searching for the depths of God. This book may be best described as a "how to" guide on leading a life of true worship, in passionate pursuit of God for an intimate encounter. It uncovers truths about worship that every Christian should know. Dr. Littlejohn addresses a life-style of worship, capturing the innocence of worship yet the intensity of it, and the privacy of worship yet the necessity for public corporate worship. Dr. Littlejohn believes worship to be the highest, purest form of relationship that a believer can enter with God. This book may also be used as a text book, complete with exam questions suitable for use in Bible or small group studies, church schools, Bible colleges and seminaries. This is the hour in which the Father seeks to be worshipped in spirit and truth. As you read this life-changing book, expect to be transformed! "Judy's writing is that of an efficient and effective communicator. We found her work to be thoroughly Biblical and doctrinally sound. As a professional educator, I was looking for a text that would do more than scratch the surface. Judy successfully demonstrated her ability to view a given subject from a variety of perspectives and without diminishing her primary focus, dig deep into that subject area and draw out truth and substance. This book has become a valued addition to our curriculum and we are privileged to be able to offer this text to our students. The feedback we have received from students who have completed the course Worship Leading has been 100% positive. I believe Judy's work ethic and integrity to be without question." Brian Raynor, Director/Principal Moriah School of Ministry (MSM), South Australia Dr. Judy A. Littlejohn

My Lovely Golden Rose

Book Description

My Lovely Golden Rose is a delightful collection of the authors personal experiences and life lessons. Let yourself be transported into this exciting new world. Carrolyn Pichet paints vivid images of memorable interactions, sharing special moments with family and friends. Take time to enjoy a myriad of delicious tidbits as the author pours her heart into the most intimately precious memories of people who have touched her life. Youll follow life events such as friendship, love, marriage and at the same time get a glimpse of the authors vision for the future. Observe how she uses poetry to express her eternal optimism. Youll savor writings from special guests poets as budding artists test the waters within the realm of poetry. Through her poetry, youll share the spiritual and physical beauty that is ever present in her relationships with others. Transforming her life experiences into poetry, the author creates an atmosphere of pure enchantment. As you read, poetic imagery lures you into another world through elaborate stories, flashbacks and the bits and pieces set in her living mosaic. You are invited to share her rich experiences and enter a marvelous world of beauty and wonder. The welcome mat has been placed before you.

Our Awesome God

Book Description

A bestselling author lifts the blinders from our eyes, allowing us to focus on our Creator's face. Packed with Scripture references and day-to-day applications, this fascinating book can help readers in their pursuit of perceiving, recognizing, and understanding the wonders of God's person more strongly and clearly.

My God Favored Me with My Twelve-Step Recovery Wishes

Book Description

I am truly blessed and honored that my God breathed on me, that my Christ Jesus spoke through me, that my Holy Spirit inspired me, and that I was chosen by the Trinity to be their disciple to write, My God Favored Me with My Twelve-Step Recovery Wishes. However, I boast not in myself but entirely in my Heavenly Father, in my Christ Jesus, and in my Holy Spirit, who all favored me and will favor you also if you will allow yourself to be their servant. I am a born-again Christian, and I thank my Heavenly Father for never giving up on me when I was living in the world because the lifestyle I was living could have killed me, but my God had other plans for my life. Thank you Heavenly Father for your unconditional love for me, for never giving up on me, and for giving me a second chance in life.

In Awesome Wonder

Book Description

For through Him God created everything in heaven and on earth, the seen and the unseen things, including spiritual powers, lords, rulers, and authorities. God created the whole universe through Him and for Him. Colossians 1:16 The Mighty Hand of God With one divine decision, history began. Existence became measurable. Because God spoke out, out of nothing came light. Out of this light came day. Then, in obedience to His command came the sky and earth. And on this earth we call home, His mighty hand went to work. Canyons were carved deep into the face of the earth, oceans were dug, mountains erupted out of flat land, stars were flung into the heavens, and a new universe sparkled simply because Almighty God spoke and willed it so! All we must do is look at the Grand Canyons splendor and touch the gentle fragrant petals of a flower and we see His loving delicate work. We but have to listen to thunder and see the storm to stand in awe of His mighty power. As you travel through each day, you will encounter Gods creation. As you see the beauty around you, allow each detail to remind you to bow down before Him and lift up your hands in praise. We should daily express our appreciation for Gods creations around us. As parents, we must encourage our children to see the beauty of His love. Anonymous

The Bride & Bridegroom

Book Description

The Lord is our Bridegroom, and those who belong to Jesus Christ are His Bride. Those who believe have been included in Christ when they heard the message of truth, the gospel of our salvation. The moment we hear the message of the gospel and receive salvation we are betrothed to Christ. Such a Bride is sold out for the Bridegroom, seeking to be with Him and to love him for all eternity. This church—the Bride of Christ—is not one specific local church or denomination but the entire body of believers throughout the ages. All who have trusted the Lord and received salvation by grace through faith are collectively His Bride. As the Bride, we are called to have only one true eternal love – Christ. The Lord Jesus is our Bridegroom, the Lover of my soul. It means that we share His love. It means we bear His Name. We are called to uphold the name of Jesus. Through our actions, words, behaviour and conduct, we must bring honour to the name of our Bridegroom! We are His Bride, and as such, we must bring honour to our Bridegroom. We must not put Him to shame. What He loves we must love. He must be ours and captivate our attention day and night. In any true marriage, the bridegroom and the bride give themselves to each other, unreservedly and forever; and in this holy relationship of the saved sinner and the Saviour, it is the same. We are called to shine the light of the Bridegroom, to be ready for His coming, and to be without spot or wrinkle when it happens. We must make every effort to be found pleasing unto the Bridegroom, for the marriage feast in heaven will outshine any grand wedding that has ever been held on earth! The Bridegroom is indeed glorious, so let us prepare and remain consecrated unto holiness. May the Bridegroom find a pure and faithful Bride at His blessed coming!