What Evidence Shows that DNA Was Created by the God?

Book Description

Where do we come from? Who are we? Where are we going? These three questions continue to haunt human beings since ancient times and they are questions without any explanations. The important conclusions from the human genome test of the DNA coding sequence: The autosomes are not different between men and women. These conclusions irreversibly refute the traditional theory of evolution. We have raised this simple question to seven M.D./Ph.D. (including three professors) who specialize in biology: “Why are autosomes not different between men and women?” Invariably, their answer was either: “I cannot explain” or "I don't know". To me, as a computer engineer, the human genome is equivalent to a software package. If we are certain that the 2.9 billion codes of autosomes are not different between men and women, then the autosomes must be from the same source sequence of coding. I am sure that such a huge coding sequence must have a maker. He made the human genome. Now we can reach another conclusion: the first woman came from the first man by the fact that the 2.9 billion codes of autosomes are not different between men and women. The next conclusion is that the first man never came from a woman and he must have neither physical parents nor a regular physiological birth. This is a key to open the origins of mankind. DNA reveals to us the truth that God created life.

What Evidence Shows that DNA was created by GOD? (Chinese Version)

Book Description

The conclusions from human genome test of the DNA: the 2.9 billion codes of autosomes are not different between men and women. It was impossible to generate at random. The next conclusion is the autosomes must be from the same source sequence of coding and the first woman came from the first man. DNA reveals to us the truth that God created life.

The Language of God

Book Description

Dr Francis S. Collins, head of the Human Genome Project, is one of the world's leading scientists, working at the cutting edge of the study of DNA, the code of life. Yet he is also a man of unshakable faith in God. How does he reconcile the seemingly unreconcilable? In THE LANGUAGE OF GOD he explains his own journey from atheism to faith, and then takes the reader on a stunning tour of modern science to show that physics, chemistry and biology -- indeed, reason itself -- are not incompatible with belief. His book is essential reading for anyone who wonders about the deepest questions of all: why are we here? How did we get here? And what does life mean?

The Ultimate Proof of Creation

Book Description

It's a bold title: The Ultimate Proof of Creation - But is there such a thing? There are many books that contain seemingly powerful arguments for biblical creation. But is there an ultimate proof of creation? There is an argument for creation that is powerful, conclusive, and has no true rebuttal. As such, it is an irrefutable argument - an "ultimate proof " of the Christian worldview biblical creation. Master the method outlined in the following chapters, and you will be able to defend Christianity against all opposition. Learn how to apply the ultimate proof in dialogues with evolutionists, how to spot logical fallacies, and biblical examples of defending the faith Discover the nature of scientific evidence and its proper role in the origins debate Details how to address theistic evolution, "day age" creationism, and other compromised positions of biblical creationism An exceptional book for pastors, ministry leaders, seminary attendees, and students of religion and philosophy This book is a complete guide to defending the Christian faith, emphasizing the defense of the Genesis account of creation, built on techniques that have been developed over many years and presentations. They are not difficult to apply when you learn how to do it properly. Ready to move beyond the circular arguments? It is time to get to the real heart of the issue and rationally resolve the origins debate. It is time to discover The Ultimate Proof of Creation.

Discovering God and His Creation

Book Description

Is there evidence for the existence of God? Is evolution true and if so, is evolution compatible with Christianity? These questions face not only students each year but also our modern society as a whole. The answers to these questions are important because they will determine our understanding of nature and our relationship with God. Dr. Turner in his book, Discovering God and His Creation, focuses on these two questions. He tells of his lifelong journey in the worlds of faith, science and evolution and what he has discovered as he searched for answers. He outlines the overwhelming evidence for both the existence of God and evolution and explains how nature cannot be understood without evolution. He reveals that the solution to the faith and science dilemma lies in a deeper understanding of the Christian belief that God is a father. Dr. Turner's journey began with the influence of a father and, after completion of graduate studies in evolutionary biology and medical school, ended with his realization that evolution is more compatible with Christianity than any other explanation for nature. The reasons behind Dr. Turner's conclusion are enlightening and will provide a long sought for answer to the standoff between faith and science.

What Scientific Evidence Proves God Created & Designed the Universe?

Book Description

The Big Bang was the most intelligently controlled and exquisitely designed phenomena science has ever discovered. The latest scientific discoveries can shed light on some theological questions: How can God hear an answer the prayers of billions of people all at the same time? Why we cannot understand the Trinity. How can Jesus pay for everybody's sin in just a few hours while on the cross?

The God Code

Book Description

“One of our great visionaries.” —Dr. Wayne W. Dyer “A rare blend of scientist, visionary, and scholar.” —Deepak Chopra A scholar and New York Times–bestselling author shares his shocking theory of an ancient language—found in the decoded elements of our DNA—that shines new light on the mysteries of existence. What would it mean to discover an ancient language—a literal message—hidden within the DNA of life itself? What we once believed of our past is about to change. A coded message has been found within the molecules of life, deep within the DNA in each cell of our bodies. Through a remarkable discovery linking Biblical alphabets to our genetic code, the “language of life” may now be read as the ancient letters of a timeless message. Regardless of race, religion, heritage, or lifestyle, the message is the same in each cell of every woman, child, and man, past and present. Sharing all-new, fascinating research, Gregg Braden discusses the life-changing discovery that led him from a successful career in the aerospace and defense industries to an extensive 12-year study of the most sacred and honored traditions of humankind.

Scientific Evidence of the Christian Faith, DNA — the Starting Point

Book Description

Does the Christian faith have scientific evidence? This is difficult to believe. However, since DNA was discovered, we now understand the entire DNA coding sequence of humans is consistent and the difference is only one-thousandth. The theory of mathematics-probability tells us that it could not be the result of spontaneous generation. Therefore, the molecular biologist put forward that people of the whole world have the common grandfather- Y chromosome Adam theory; and the common grandmother-Eve theory. Do you agree? What is amazing is that there is no difference between man’s and woman’s 2.9 billion chromosomal DNA coding sequence, meaning that human DNA coding is from one individual. Only men have the complete set of the chromosome, so the source individual must be a man and the first woman was from the man. The first man had no carnal parents and it only could be Adam created by God. Due to the constancy of biological genome DNA coding, it is impossible for any species to have an evolution connection, not even microevolution. This is what is recorded in the Bible as “all living from each category”. It, therefore, can be seen that life’s DNA coding sequence is from God’s Creation. From our DNA, we could see that all the substances and lives in the universe are created by God. These scientific facts are totally consistent with the Biblical record and are objective evidence of the Christian faith.


Book Description

This book explores the powerful new evidence discovered in the last few decades by scientific research in astronomy, the nature of the atom and DNA. These discoveries have caused a revolution in the world view of thousands of scientists as they were confronted with compelling new evidence that our universe must have been created by a Supernatural Mind. Grant Jeffrey’s latest book, Creation, will challenge readers with fascinating new information that confirms the Bible’s claim that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. Content Includes: ·Deep space reveals mysteries of the first moments of creation ·Wonders of the universe point to a Supernatural Creator ·A revolution in our understanding of the universe’s beginning ·Astonishing evidence of the universe’s intelligent design ·Remarkable discoveries about the nature of the atom ·The collapse of the Theory of Evolution ·DNA- The language of God ·Modern science discovers God

Who We Are and How We Got Here

Book Description

The past few years have witnessed a revolution in our ability to obtain DNA from ancient humans. This important new data has added to our knowledge from archaeology and anthropology, helped resolve long-existing controversies, challenged long-held views, and thrown up remarkable surprises. The emerging picture is one of many waves of ancient human migrations, so that all populations living today are mixes of ancient ones, and often carry a genetic component from archaic humans. David Reich, whose team has been at the forefront of these discoveries, explains what genetics is telling us about ourselves and our complex and often surprising ancestry. Gone are old ideas of any kind of racial âpurity.' Instead, we are finding a rich variety of mixtures. Reich describes the cutting-edge findings from the past few years, and also considers the sensitivities involved in tracing ancestry, with science sometimes jostling with politics and tradition. He brings an important wider message: that we should recognize that every one of us is the result of a long history of migration and intermixing of ancient peoples, which we carry as ghosts in our DNA. What will we discover next?