Why I Believe

Book Description

In this powerful declaration of what Christians believe and why, Kennedy explores the foundations of the Christian faith. For new believers and seasoned Christians alike, this book will strengthen their faith by answering that all consuming question, "Why?"

What I Believe

Book Description

Hans Kung is one of the most celebrated theologians of the present day. His audience, which is strong within his own Roman Catholic Church, is equally solid among Christians of other denominations, among those outside the churches and indeed among those at the frontiers of organised religion. From the start, he has been a rebel, being Swiss and a lover of personal freedom. Many of his books such as Infallible? and On Being a Christian have rocked the Papal boat. Now after publishing two magnificent and acclaimed volumes of memoirs, Kung has written a much shorter and more personal book to explain his own beliefs. If one sets aside all scientific knowledge and learning, all formal theological language and the skilful construction of theories, what remains as the core of faith? What do we need for our lives? What is indispensable to us? Kung writes of trust in life, joy in life and suffering in life and in so doing gives us a summa of his own faith - and life.

I Believe in the Creator

Book Description

I Believe in Jesus

Book Description

A wonderful tool to assist parents in leading their children to accept Christ. Tells the story of God's plan of salvation from creation through the life, death and resurrection of Christ. Helps children see God's plan for their lives. Includes a salvation prayer and page for child and parent to sign and date regarding their decision.

How to Believe in God

Book Description

In How to Believe in God, Clark Strand, an accomplished master of both Eastern and Western mystical practices, takes on the most troublesome and provocative passages from Judeo-Christian scripture, transforming the Bible into a manual of spiritual liberation for the twenty-first-century seeker. Offering a revolutionary new model of approaching the Bible, he frees those sacred scriptures from superstition, dogma, and tribalism, and in the process recovers their universal teaching on salvation and belief. Drawing on his personal experiences, including his Bible Belt upbringing, his years as a Buddhist monk, and his life as a father and husband in a small rural community, Strand makes even the most subtle spiritual teaching heartfelt and accessible. How to Believe in God illuminates a clear path to reclaiming a God that leaves nothing out and leaves no one behind. His open, gentle, pioneering approach to faith allows everyone—from churchgoing Christians to those with no religious affiliation at all—to experience the Bible in new and exciting ways.

The Desert of Love

Book Description

Why We Believe What We Believe

Book Description

Draws on neurobiological and societal research to present a scientific analysis of how the brain perceives and transforms reality into a wide range of personal, moral, creative, and spiritual beliefs.

What We Believe and Why

Book Description

An insightful, accessible, plain-spoken (and a little bit feisty) look at the Christian faith from its Jewish roots to its future hope beyond denominational struggles and doctrinal war. For individuals, small groups and congregations seeking deeper knowledge of the faith and greater maturity in Christ. Includes an exhaustive Glossary Plus of Christian and Jewish terms, an extensive Bibliography, a detailed Index, and a little Humor in the back. The Christian faith the basics and much more. In this sweeping and careful account of the essentials and non-essentials of the faith, Dr. George Koch lays out the foundation of what Christians believe, why they believe it, and how the Bible calls them to live with each other and the world. This begins with understanding being saved, through learning to live and love like Jesus (it s hard!), and the content of eternal life with Him. The profound Jewish roots of the faith are revealed and explained, along with the deep meaning of the Hebrew and Greek behind the words of the Old and New Testaments. The true purpose of prayer is explored in some surprising ways, across denominations and history. Then the nature of God s love is looked at with its ability to burst open prisons of the heart and mind. And obedience: What does God expect from us, and how can we fulfill it? Next is covenant the very way of God with Abraham, Moses, Jesus and us like a marriage: intimate, caring, protected. Then on through issues of the Holy Spirit, peace, mercy, heresy (it s probably not what you think!), the Trinity, and Bible authority. Koch then examines how competing religious concepts arose in the Church, and how these are often used against the explicit commands of Jesus to drive apart believers. He sets forth several specific and biblical steps that opposing Christian groups and individuals can take to begin to embody the unity that Jesus desired of His followers to find true reconciliation with God and with each other. The journey of this book is a challenging one, but can help Christians learn to refocus on the love of God, neighbor and enemy that Jesus taught, rather than differences over concepts about God and the Church. The true purpose of the Christian life is not merely to know more about God, but to know God more. About the author: The Reverend Doctor George Byron Koch (pronounced coke) is Pastor and teacher at Resurrection Anglican Church in West Chicago, Illinois (USA), though this book is intentionally neither Anglican nor denominational in content. He is also a former Senior Vice President of Oracle Corporation, author of a best-selling book on database design (Oracle: The Complete Reference), another book on Christian discipleship and small groups (The Country Parson s Advice to His Parishioners, brought into modern English from an anonymous 1680 text), and numerous articles in magazines and newspapers, ranging from The Wall Street Journal to Christianity Today. His first degree is in Physics, and science is an ongoing a field of interest for him. His doctoral studies focused on healing and reconciliation, and he continues to teach on these subjects.

Why Do You Believe That

Book Description

Join Mary Jo in a practical 7-session study and gain understanding and skill to share Jesus effectively with others, and you'll better understand your own faith. Answer your doubts, build your confidence, and start changing lives.

I Believe in Christmas (Pack Of 25)

Book Description

I Believe in Christmas It's the first Christmas I can remember. It arrived just seven weeks after the deaths of my father and baby sister. To make matters worse, it was in the heart of the Great Depression. Things were tough. All of us children who were older made what income contributions we could, but the truth was my mother had eight of her eleven remaining children still living at home, and six were too young to work. Understandably, the Ziglar kids were concerned about what kind of Christmas it would be! The good news is that though our grief was fresh, we still celebrated Christmas. We received no toys that year, but much to my delight in my gift box I found three English walnuts and something I had never tasted before--raisins! They were absolutely delicious. Mama prepared her wonderful molasses candy, and we had a small cedar tree. And my mother read the Christmas story, like she always did. My sixth Christmas will always have great meaning to me. We celebrated the birth of Christ even in hard times because we believed in Christmas. A Change in Celebrating the Season Unfortunately, over the years things have changed. The cheerful "Merry Christmas" of yesteryear has been replaced by the politically correct "Happy Holidays!" In the minds of many people, we celebrate "holidays." Not only is Christ not at the center of the celebration, he isn't even considered to be a reason for the season! If I seem upset about the changes that I see taking place in regard to Christmas, it is because I am! It's not because an old tradition is being changed. No, I'm upset that the event that made it possible for me to have a life I could never have imagined is being hidden from view with decorations, wrapping paper, parties, and political correctness! Christmas! A Reason to Celebrate You see, I believe it's worth celebrating that Jesus came to earth--his birth signaled hope for all mankind. I believe that as he lived a perfect life before God and mankind, he showed that he truly was God's Son. And I believe that by giving his life up on a cross, he completely paid the penalty that my sins--and yours--deserve before a holy God. And it was made possible because of that first Christmas. How could I not believe in Christmas? Because Christ was born as a baby in a manger, that's more than enough reason to celebrate Christmas for what it is--a joyful occasion. I've experienced forgiveness of my sins, and have the assurance of eternity in heaven! If you don't know Jesus Christ, let me say that he tells us in John 14:6, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." How do you do that? First, understand that I'm talking about a relationship, not a religion. All the world's major religions emphasize that you qualify for heaven by your good works--the things that you do. Such "religion" is spelled "d-o." Christianity is spelled "d-o-n-e." Christ already paid for our sins when he died on the cross. "God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). And he rose from the grave proving that the punishment for our sins was fully paid. Nothing we could ever "do" could qualify us for God's forgiveness and reserve our place in heaven. That's why Christ himself said, "This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent" (John 6:29). Celebrate Like Never Before! God forgives us, saves us from our sins, and gives us eternal life based on our belief in what Jesus did for us. Why? Because God is gracious beyond measure! The Bible says that it is "by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works" (Ephesians 2:8-9). Though "the wages of sin is death" (eternal separation from God), the greatest Christmas gift we could ever have is "the free gift of God ... eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23). With gift-giving like that from God, I don't want to lose the significance of Christmas. I believe in Christmas! I urge you to accept the greatest "Christmas gift" you'll ever receive: If you're convinced that God's way is the only way to meaningful life now and eternal life in heaven, you can tell him in words like these: Dear God, I do believe Jesus died for me and took the punishment my sins deserved. I want to receive your free gift of salvation and eternal life. Thank you for making this possible! Then join me this year in celebrating Christmas like you've never celebrated it before! Merry Christmas! Zig