Understanding Dropouts

Book Description

The role played by testing in the nation's public school system has been increasing steadily-and growing more complicated-for more than 20 years. The Committee on Educational Excellence and Testing Equity (CEETE) was formed to monitor the effects of education reform, particularly testing, on students at risk for academic failure because of poverty, lack of proficiency in English, disability, or membership in population subgroups that have been educationally disadvantaged. The committee recognizes the important potential benefits of standards-based reforms and of test results in revealing the impact of reform efforts on these students. The committee also recognizes the valuable role graduation tests can potentially play in making requirements concrete, in increasing the value of a diploma, and in motivating students and educators alike to work to higher standards. At the same time, educational testing is a complicated endeavor, that reality can fall far short of the model, and that testing cannot by itself provide the desired benefits. If testing is improperly used, it can have negative effects, such as encouraging school leaving, that can hit disadvantaged students hardest. The committee was concerned that the recent proliferation of high school exit examinations could have the unintended effect of increasing dropout rates among students whose rates are already far higher than the average, and has taken a close look at what is known about influences on dropout behavior and at the available data on dropouts and school completion.

High School Dropout, Graduation, and Completion Rates

Book Description

High school graduation and dropout rates have long been used as indicators of educational system productivity and effectiveness and of social and economic well being. While determining these rates may seem like a straightforward task, their calculation is in fact quite complicated. How does one count a student who leaves a regular high school but later completes a GED? How does one count a student who spends most of his/her high school years at one school and then transfers to another? If the student graduates, which school should receive credit? If the student drops out, which school should take responsibility? High School Dropout, Graduation, and Completion Rates addresses these issues and to examine (1) the strengths, limitations, accuracy, and utility of the available dropout and completion measures; (2) the state of the art with respect to longitudinal data systems; and (3) ways that dropout and completion rates can be used to improve policy and practice.

Strategies to Help Solve Our School Dropout Problem

Book Description

This book will help you reduce the number of young adults who leave school without completing a high school program. These successfully proven strategies were identified through research conducted by The National Dropout Prevention Center at Clemson University. The strategies are: - EARLY INTERVENTIONS - Family Involvement... reach out to all families - Early Childhood Education... begin positive learning environments early - Reading and Writing Programs... establish this foundation to all learning THE BASIC CORE STRATEGIES - Mentoring/Tutoring... increase competency with a supportive adult or peer - Service Learning... implement academic learning connected to service - Alternative Schooling... provide options beyond the traditional setting - Out-of-School Enhancement... develop after-care, summer school, and extended hours MAKING THE MOST OF INSTRUCTION - Professional Development... provide resources & training for innovative, research-based techniques - Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences... implement proven methods for a diverse student population - Instructional Technologies... integrate technology into daily curriculum - Individualized Learning... provide customized work plans for each student MAKING THE MOST OF THE WIDER COMMUNITY - Systemic Renewal... change rules, roles, and relationships to effect school improvement - Community Collaboration... engage businesses and organizations - Career Education and Workforce Readiness... provide applied training and instruction for today's workplace - Conflict Resolution and Violence Prevention... teach the strategies of fair engagement and safety

School Dropouts

Book Description

Over the last decade, up to 544,000 10th- through 12th-grade students dropped out of school each year w/o completing a high school program. In Oct. 2000, about 11% of 16-through 24-year-olds who were not enrolled in a HS program had neither a high school diploma nor an equivalent credential. This report addresses these questions: what are the national and regional dropout rate trends?; what does the research say about factors assoc. with dropping out?; what state, local, or private efforts have been implemented to address the factors associated with dropping out?; and what Fed. efforts exist to reduce dropout rates and what is known about their effectiveness? Charts and tables.

School Dropout and Completion

Book Description

School dropout remains a persistent and critical issue in many school systems, so much so that it is sometimes referred to as a crisis. Populations across the globe have come to depend on success at school for establishing careers and gaining access to post-school qualifications. Yet large numbers of young people are excluded from the advantages that successful completion of school brings and as a result are subjected to consequences such as higher likelihood of unemployment, lower earnings, greater dependence on welfare and poorer physical health and well-being. Over recent decades, most western nations have stepped up their efforts to reduce drop out and raise school completion rates while maintaining high standards. How school systems have approached this, and how successful they are, varies. This book compares the various approaches by evaluating their impact on rates of dropout and completion. Case studies of national systems are used to highlight the different approaches including institutional arrangements and the various alternative secondary school programs and their outcomes. The evaluation is based on several key questions: What are the main approaches? How do they work? For whom do they work? And, how successful are they in promoting high rates of completion and equivalent outcomes for all? This book examines the nature of the dropout problem in advanced industrialized countries with the goal of developing a broader, international understanding that can feed into public policy to help improve completion rates worldwide.

"Why We Drop Out"

Book Description

These engaging narratives and unique insights will help readers to better understand the interplay of school-related and personal factors that lead students to drop out of school. It is essential reading for K12 educators, school principals, counselors, psychologists, and everyone concerned with our nations dropout crisis.

Dropping Out

Book Description

The vast majority of kids in the developed world finish high school—but not in the United States. More than a million kids drop out every year, around 7,000 a day, and the numbers are rising. Dropping Out offers a comprehensive overview by one of the country’s leading experts, and provides answers to fundamental questions: Who drops out, and why? What happens to them when they do? How can we prevent at-risk kids from short-circuiting their futures? Students start disengaging long before they get to high school, and the consequences are severe—not just for individuals but for the larger society and economy. Dropouts never catch up with high school graduates on any measure. They are less likely to find work at all, and more likely to live in poverty, commit crimes, and suffer health problems. Even life expectancy for dropouts is shorter by seven years than for those who earn a diploma. Rumberger advocates targeting the most vulnerable students as far back as the early elementary grades. And he levels sharp criticism at the conventional definition of success as readiness for college. He argues that high schools must offer all students what they need to succeed in the workplace and independent adult life. A more flexible and practical definition of achievement—one in which a high school education does not simply qualify you for more school—can make school make sense to young people. And maybe keep them there.

The School Dropout

Book Description

Dropouts From Schools

Book Description

The authors examine the major groups within the dropout population, the myriad of factors within schools that lead to dropping out, and the larger social and economic context within which dropping out occurs. The resulting synthesis of knowledge and perspectives provided here will enhance our understanding of an important topic that has, to this time, been given too little attention.