What Shall We Do & Why Do Men Stupify Themselves

Book Description

Leo Tolstoy became very interested in love and relationships. He saw the world around him, much like it is now, as the world is, filled with emptiness (if you pardon the ironic phrase). And yet he felt within him a draw and yearning, and, yes, an inner knowledge that there is more, and that there are answers to our questions. "Let us be diligent," that inner light says, as if together within ourselves, we have all we need, or ever would need to find the way forward. This is a paraphrase in my own words of the attitude of these later works by Leo Tolstoy, the great Russian novelist -- and great thinker -- regardless of region. The volume includes two works, the first 100,000 words of which is the treatise, What Shall We Do, perhaps a more accessible work to be acquainted with Tolstoy's soul-searching and concerns of systematic contemporary life. The second work is a shorter yet worthy essay, providing insights as the title suggests. This edition has been lovingly and carefully edited by Alan Lewis Silva.

Mikhail Bakhtin

Book Description

Books about thinkers require a kind of unity that their thought may not possess. This cautionary statement is especially applicable to Mikhail Bakhtin, whose intellectual development displays a diversity of insights that cannot be easily integrated or accurately described in terms of a single overriding concern. Indeed, in a career spanning some sixty years, he experienced both dramatic and gradual changes in his thinking, returned to abandoned insights that he then developed in unexpected ways, and worked through new ideas only loosely related to his earlier concerns Small wonder, then, that Bakhtin should have speculated on the relations among received notions of biography, unity, innovation, and the creative process. Unity--with respect not only to individuals but also to art, culture, and the world generally--is usually understood as conformity to an underlying structure or an overarching scheme. Bakhtin believed that this idea of unity contradicts the possibility of true creativity. For if everything conforms to a preexisting pattern, then genuine development is reduced to mere discovery, to a mere uncovering of something that, in a strong sense, is already there. And yet Bakhtin accepted that some concept of unity was essential. Without it, the world ceases to make sense and creativity again disappears, this time replaced by the purely aleatory. There would again be no possibility of anything meaningfully new. The grim truth of these two extremes was expressed well by Borges: an inescapable labyrinth could consist of an infinite number of turns or of no turns at all. Bakhtin attempted to rethink the concept of unity in order to allow for the possibility of genuine creativity. The goal, in his words, was a "nonmonologic unity," in which real change (or "surprisingness") is an essential component of the creative process. As it happens, such change was characteristic of Bakhtin's own thought, which seems to have developed by continually diverging from his initial intentions. Although it would not necessarily follow that the development of Bakhtin's thought corresponded to his ideas about unity and creativity, we believe that in this case his ideas on nonmonologic unity are useful in understanding his own thought--as well as that of other thinkers whose careers are comparably varied and productive.

Revolution and Non-Violence in Tolstoy, Gandhi, and Mandela

Book Description

The dangers of political violence and the possibilities of non-violence were the central themes of three lives which changed the twentieth century—Leo Tolstoy, writer and aristocrat who turned against his class, Mohandas Gandhi who corresponded with Tolstoy and considered him the most important person of the time, and Nelson Mandela, prisoner and statesman, who read War and Peace on Robben Island and who, despite having led a campaign of sabotage, saw himself as a successor to Gandhi. Tolstoy, Gandhi, and Mandela tried to create transformed societies to replace the dying forms of colony and empire. They found the inequalities of Russia, India, and South Africa intolerable yet they questioned the wisdom of seizing the power of the state, creating new kinds of political organisation and imagination to replace the old promises of revolution. Their views, along with their ways of leading others, are closely connected, from their insistence on working with their own hands and reforming their individual selves to their acceptance of death. On three continents, in a century of mass mobilization and conflict, they promoted strains of nationalism devoid of antagonism, prepared to take part in a general peace. Looking at Tolstoy, Gandhi, and Mandela in sequence, taking into account their letters and conversations as well as the institutions they created or subverted, placing at the centre their treatment of the primal fantasy of political violence, this volume reveals a vital radical tradition which stands outside the conventional categories of twentieth-century history and politics.

Leo Tolstoy

Book Description

Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 18: 1872

Book Description

Charles Spurgeon was one of the most evangelical and puritan of protestant minister's in the 19th century. In the eighteenth volume of these series of sermons: these charismatic and inspiring sermons are enough to encourage, convict and inspire anyone who seeks a closer and more intimate relationship with God.

Leo Tolstoy

Book Description

Biographical, sociological, advice for good government and fiscal policy.

The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories

Book Description

Here are some of Tolstoy?s extraordinary short stories, from ?The Death of Ivan Ilyich??in a masterly new translation?to ?The Raid,? ?The Wood-felling,? ?Three Deaths,? ?Polikushka,? ?After the Ball,? and ?The Forged Coupon,? all gripping and eloquent lessons on two of Tolstoy?s most persistent themes: life and death. More experimental than his novels, Tolstoy?s stories are essential reading for anyone interested in his development as one of the major writers and thinkers of his time.

Love, Drugs, Art, Religion

Book Description

In this original and far-reaching contribution to the philosophy of religion, Brian R. Clack examines the manner in which religious belief emerges from the turbulence and anxiety of human existence. Taking his cue from Freud's suggestion that human life is so hard to bear that it requires nothing short of cultural and psychological palliative care, Clack explores each of the 'palliative measures' Freud catalogues - intoxicants, religion, art and love - and evaluates their role in the mitigation of suffering and the provision of the assistance required for an endurable life. This examination provides the context for an investigation into the meaning and function of religious belief when considered as a palliative. Clack initially subjects religion to ferocious critique, defending the psychoanalytic judgment that religious beliefs operate as wish-fulfilling illusions, but then elaborates a revised understanding of religion, one in which comforting illusions are banished and in which religious belief faces up to reality and reconciles us both to the pains and disappointments of existence and to our nullity and inevitable annihilation. in this genuinely interdisciplinary work, Clack breaks new ground by using detailed explorations of the phenomena of drug-use, romantic love and the enjoyment of art in order to throw light on the meaning and nature of religion. This book will be vital reading for anyone concerned with the fundamental questions of religious belief, the psychoanalytic approach to culture, or simply the unavoidable existential problems lying at the very heart of human life.

Love, Drugs, Art, Religion

Book Description

In this genuinely interdisciplinary work, Clack breaks new ground by using detailed explorations of the phenomena of drug-use, romantic love and the enjoyment of art in order to throw light on the meaning and nature of religion. This book will be vital reading for anyone concerned with the fundamental questions of religious belief, the psychoanalytic approach to culture, or simply the unavoidable existential problems lying at the very heart of human life.

Commentary on Isaiah

Book Description

[This is the full commentary on Isaiah 1-66.] For hundreds of years John Calvin's Commentaries have been admired and relied upon for their deep insights into Scripture. Charles Spurgeon told his students, "It would not be possible for me too earnestly to press upon you the importance of reading the expositions of that prince among men, John Calvin! Of all commentators I believe John Calvin to be the most candid. He was no trimmer and pruner of texts. He gave their meaning as far as he knew it. His honest intention was to translate the Hebrew and the Greek originals as accurately as he possibly could, and then to give the meaning which would naturally be conveyed by such Greek and Hebrew words: he laboured, in fact, to declare, not his own mind upon the Spirit's words, but the mind of the Spirit as couched in those words." And even Arminius himself admitted, "Next to the perusal of the Scriptures, which I earnestly inculcate, I exhort my pupils to peruse Calvin's commentaries, for I affirm that he excels beyond comparison in the interpretation of Scripture, and that his commentaries ought to be more highly valued than all that is handed down to us by the Library of the Fathers; so that I acknowledge him to have possessed above most others, or rather above all other men, what may be called an eminent gift of prophecy."