What Your Girl Don't Know

Book Description

Tamyra and Nick have a complicated relationship. Coming off of a bad break up, Tamyra is apprehensive about starting a new relationship with Nick. This prompts him to fall into the arms of Calandra, who is only after Nick because of his street status. Unable to let go of Tamyra, Nick continues to see her behind Calandra's back; or so he thinks. Calandra soon finds out about Nick and Tamyra's escapades and forms a plan of revenge that will leave the city of Charlotte reeling and someone fighting for their life.

What Your Girl Don't Know 2

Book Description

While recovering from his gun shot wounds, Nick and Tamyra are still battling through the drama with Calandra. Even though she is pregnant, Calandra is going to stop at nothing to ruin Nick and Cesar's life for their betrayal. She has even gotten help from one of their most trusted employees and the Charlotte Police Department unbeknownst to Nick. In the midst of all of the legal drama, skeletons from Tamyra's past surface and turn her world upside down threatening to tear her and Nick apart. Will Nick and Tamyra be able to survive the turmoil or will they fall under pressure?

What Your Girl Don't Know 3

Book Description

After her attack, Tamyra reveals who was in the house the night she and Ericka were ambushed. Her attack also triggers her insecurities and suspicions about Nick possibly cheating on her which is not helped by his erratic behavior. Tamyra reaches out to Ericka about how she feels and Ericka makes a revelation of her own. Calandra is still fighting her demons as well as her dislike of Peanut. She still has not embraced her impending motherhood and does not seem as if she ever will. Peanut tries to have a firmer hand with Calandra, but is slowly cracking under pressure. He hopes that his next business move is what he needs to take over. Nick and Cesar are seriously considering retiring from the game. With new relationships and impending fatherhood, they feel the streets are no longer where they need to be. They each see bringing down Peanut and Calandra as their way out. Will Tamyra and Nick get their happy ending? Peanut and Calandra are on a mission to make sure that they don’t. They have so many obstacles along the way that it looks like they may not survive their storm.

What My Mother Doesn't Know

Book Description

My name is Sophie. This book is about me. It tells the heart-stoppingly riveting story of my first love. And also of my second. And, okay, my third love, too. It's not that I'm boy crazy. It's just that even though I'm almost fifteen I've been having sort of a hard time trying to figure out the difference between love and lust. It's like my mind and my body and my heart just don't seem to be able to agree on anything.

The Illicit Narcotics Traffic

Book Description

Illicit Narcotics Traffic

Book Description

The Heart of a Poet

Book Description

Short stories put in a poetic format. We're supposed to learn from our own mistakes and experiences, but for the most part that's not the case. We can find self-growth in someone else's mistakes as well as their experiences. This is the main reason that I wrote this book. Also I'd like to mention that I have a unique style about my writing, but I'll let you be the judge of that (Check out "This Is on the One," "I Lie Awake at Night," and "Although You've Just Arrived.")

If I Was Your Girl

Book Description

Amanda Hardy is the new girl at school. Like everyone else, all she wants is to make friends and fit in. But Amanda is holding back. Even from Grant, the guy she's falling in love with. Amanda has a secret. At her old school, she used to be called Andrew. And secrets always have a way of getting out... A book about loving yourself and being loved for who you really are.

If I Was Your Girl

Book Description

Amanda Hardy only wants to fit in at her new school, but she is keeping a big secret, so when she falls for Grant, guarded Amanda finds herself yearning to share with him everything about herself, including her previous life as Andrew.