Helminthosporium blights of wheat: Spot blotch and Tan spot

Book Description

Helminthosporium diseases of wheat: summary of group discussions and recommendations; Evolution of the nomenclature used for Helminthosporium spp. causing leaf blight of wheat; Crop management and breeding for control of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis causing yellow spot of wheat in Australia; Constraints on the integrated management of spot blotch of wheat; Components of the spot disease cycle; Leaf blight diseases and associated soilborne fungal pathogens of wheat in South and Southeast Asia; Foliar blights of wheat in India: germplasm improvement and future challenges for sustainable, high yelding wheat production; Distribution of pathogens causing foliar blight of wheat in India and neighboring countries; Occurrence and significance of spot blotch in Bangladesch; Disease incidence and yield loss due to foliar blight of wheat in nepal; Tan spot in Western Canada; Diseases caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana and Drechslera tritici-repentis in Hungary; Population structure and epidemiology of Bipolaris sorokiniana in the Rice-wheat cropping pattern of Nepal; Tan spot in Central Asia; Breeding for foliar blight resistance in heilongjiang province, China; Incidence and current management of spot blotch of wheat in China; Spot bloch and tan spot of wheat in Paraguay; Research on Pyrenophora tritici-repentis tan spot of wheat in Uruguay; Improving control of tan spot caused by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis in the Mixteca Alta of Oaxaca, Mexico; Importance of spot blotch caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana in Bolivia; Major foliar diseases of triticale in Morocco; Effect of crop rotation and straw mulch inoculation on tan spot and root rot in bread and durum wheat; Breeding for resistance to spot blotch in wheat: global perspective; Evaluating spot blotch resistance of wheat: improving disease assessment under controlled conditions and in the field; Results of the South Asia regional Helminthosporium leaf blight and yield experiment, 1993-94; Breeding for resistance to Helminthosporium blights in Nepal: strategies and genetic gains; Resistance to spot blotch in spring wheat: breeding and genetic studies; Effect of single D-Genome chromosome substitutions from bread wheat on spot blotch resistance of hexaploid triticale; Repeatability of tan spot resistance evaluation in wheat; New approach for clustering breedings genotypes using production variables, yield losses and a double-digit disease scale; Screening wheat for Bipolaris sorokiniana resistance in Vietnan; Ran spot resiatance in tetraploid and hexaploid wheat; Novel genetic diversity for stress tolerance in the triticease: strategic avenues and applied potentials; Evaluating Southern cone wheat germoplasm for spot blotch and ta spot; Variation in resistance to Bipolaris sorokiana and Magnaporthe grisea in wheat grisea in wheat plants regenerated throught embryogenesis; Evaluating spot blotch resistance traits in wheat and related species; In vitro selection for spot blotch resistance in wheat; Identification and inheritance of resistance to foliar blight of wheat; Root rot of wheat: inoculation and screening techniques, yield loss assessment, and germplasm evaluation; Transformation technologies available for enhamcing fungal resistance in wheat; Molecular analyses of toxin (s) produced by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis; Role of host metabolism in action of necrosis toxin from Pyrenophora tritici-repentis; Fungi associated with foliar blight of wheat in warm areas; Characterization of the Pyrenophora tritici-repentis necrosis toxin and a folding precursor; Diversity of Pyrephora tritici-repentis isolates from warm wheat growing areas: pathogenicity, toxin production, and RAPD analysis; Role of root exudates and toxins in susceptibility of yemeni wheat varieties to Cochliobolus sativus; Characterization od Cochliobolus sativuis isolates from the UK and yemen; A xylanase gene from Cochliobolus sativus; Leaf spot diseases of wheat in a conservation tillage study; Control of leaf blights of wheat by elimination of the inoculum source; Incidence and severity of leaf-spotting diseases of spring wheat in Southern Manitoba; Tan spot of wheat in Argentina: importance and disease management strategies; Influence of agronomic practice on foliar blight, and identification of alternate host in the rice-wheat cropping system; Evaluation of tan spot research in Morocco; Controlling leaf spot of wheat throught nutrient management; Phytosanitary effect of the combined application on green manure and antaginistic bacterium Bacillus subtilis on Bipolaris sorokiniana; Seed pathology of tan spot; Wheat reaction to kernel infection by Pyrenophora tritici-repentis and effect on the subsequent crop; List of participants.

Wheat in Heat-stressed Environments

Book Description

Wheat in hot, dry, irrigated environments, wad medani, sudam; progress of wheat cultivation in the hot environments; breeding for tolerance to heat stress; wheat management and transfer of technology; crop protection in the warm environments; the physiology of heat stress; wheat in warm area, rice-wheat farming systems, Dinajpur, Bangladesh; agronomy; pathology.

Mycotoxin Reduction in Grain Chains

Book Description

Cereal grain safety from farm to table Mycotoxin Reduction in Grain Chains examines the ways in which food producers, inspectors, and processors can keep our food supply safe. Providing guidance on identification, eradication, and prevention at each stop on the "grain chain, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone who works with cereal grains. Discussions include breeding and crop management, chemical control, contamination prediction, and more for maize, wheat, sorghum, rice, and other major grains. Relevant and practical in the field, the lab, and on the production floor, this book features critical guidance for every point from farm to table.