Whistling Wings

Book Description

Marcel, a young tundra swan, tires halfway through the winter migration and stays behind while his parents and the flock continue south. He asks for advice from other animals about how to survive the winter, but their ways of living are not right for the swan. "For Creative Minds" section includes fun facts about tundra swans, migration, and an animal adaptation matching activity.

Whistling Wings

Book Description

Whistling Wings

Book Description

Marcel the swan stays behind when his family migrates for the winter, but soon finds he cannot find food and shelter the way other animals do in the winter.

Whistling Wings

Book Description

Whistling Wings

Book Description

A lavishly illustrated pictorial of birds in flight. Not a survey or ID guide, but an asthetic experience of moods and moments of ducks in their element, the air.

Home Movies

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Book Description

Have you ever asked yourself what is the purpose of the created universe? As we traverse field, woods, pond, creek, lake, and woods, our surroundings call out to us about the meaning of the universe. The stars, clouds, sun, trees, scrubs, ponds, lakes, seas, bays, creeks, rivers, and grasses overwhelm our senses as they were created to do. We see ourselves as infinitely small in relation to the universe. It puts us in our place as it was created to do. We feel overwhelmed with the scope of nature that surrounds us. It makes us insignificant. That is our place in creation. It pushes, points, and calls us to look beyond the creature we are and the creation in which we live. There is a huge learning curve in becoming an effective hunter, fisherman, conservationist, or water-fowler. The time it takes to learn the game sought, habitat, instinctual behavior, seasons, and movement requires much time afield. Imagine the creator of the universe is pursing you; he knows your every move, he knows where you are going to go, and what you are going to do before you do it. He purses you to love you! Psalm 8:3 says, "When I view and consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon, and the stars, which you have ordained and establish. What is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of earthborn man that you care for him?" This planet earth cries out every day what this universe it about: the glory and greatness of God. It is not crying out the significance of man. All of creation cries out wise, beautiful, masterful, powerful, unfathomable God. The scope and depth and breadth and height of creation is the understatement of God. It demands us to take humble ourselves before the creator and redeemer of humanity. Our place is not as God of the universe but to recognize and glorify the creator and our redeemer.

Western Out-of-doors

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Dutch Courage and Other Stories

Book Description