White Dwarfs as Probes of Fundamental Physics (IAU S357)

Book Description

White dwarfs are the most numerous members of the stellar graveyard. More than ninety percent of all stars will end their lives as white dwarfs. Research on these objects is fascinating in its own right, requiring developments in atomic data and the study of properties of matter under extreme conditions. However, these studies also have enormous impact on other areas of astrophysics, including: cosmology, the composition of extrasolar planets and fundamental physics. The proceedings of IAU Symposium 357 bring together experts from different branches of science working on white dwarfs, but also astronomers with expertise in a wide range of relevant disciplines. The resulting papers are organized around several key themes: SN Ia progenitors, debris from extrasolar planetary systems, fundamental physics, precision studies of white dwarf structure and stellar physics and Galactic evolution. They provide a framework for guiding the direction of white dwarf research for the next decade.

White Dwarfs: Cosmological and Galactic Probes

Book Description

The emphasis on white dwarf stars and cosmology arises from the most recent advances in cosmological and galactic structure research in which white dwarf stars are playing a very prominent role. Examples are Type Ia supernovae (i.e. white dwarf supernovae), the origin and evolution of the universe, the age of the galactic disk, cosmochronology using white dwarfs in globular clusters and galactic clusters, and the physics of accretion onto compact (very dense) stars. As an assisting guide to the reader, we have included, by invitation, comprehensive review articles in each of the four major areas of the book, white dwarf supernovae, cosmology, accretion physics and galactic structure. The reviews include introductory material that they build upon. The book is suitable and most useful to advanced undergraduates, graduate students and scientific professionals (e.g. astronomers, astrophysicists, cosmologists, physicists).

White Dwarfs

Book Description

When the Executive Committee of the International Astronomical Union asked me, in 1968, to organize a Symposium on White Dwarfs it became evident that members of at least four Commissions of the IAU should participate, and that the most oppor tune place, and time to hold such a Symposium would be somewhere in the British Isles and just preceding the Fourteenth General Assembly at Brighton in August, 1970. After a preliminary correspondence with Dr. D. W. N. Stibbs it was decided to accept his invitation to hold the Symposium at St. Andrews University, Scotland, while the dates 11-13 August 1970 were selected. I am sure I speak for all the partici pants of the Symposium when I express our deep gratitude to Dr. Stibbs for the admirable way in which he planned and organized this meeting down to the smallest details - the success of the conference is due in no small measure to his continuous and painstaking efforts. An organizing committee was formed, consisting of O. J. Eggen (Photometry), J. L. Greenstein (Spectroscopy), A. G. Masevitch (Stellar Interiors), V. Weidemann (Stellar Atmospheres), D. W. N. Stibbs (local chairman), with myself (Proper Motions and Parallaxes) as overall chairman.

White Dwarfs

Book Description

This book contains the contributed papers and reviews from IAU Colloquium Number 114 on White Dwarfs held at Dartmouth College in August 1988. All the current fields of research in this area are covered including the evolution of white dwarfs, links to progenitors, luminosity functions of white dwarfs, evolution of white dwarfs in binaries, spectroscopy and atmospheric abundances, diffusion, accretion and convective mixing, the mass-radius relation, gravitational redshifts, masses of white dwarfs, and magnetic white dwarfs. Special emphasis has been placed on the intrinsic properties of single white dwarfs. All the articles are by internationally known authorities and contain the most up-to-date information available at the time of writing.

White Dwarfs

Book Description

This book contains the contributed papers and reviews from IAU Colloquium Number 114 on White Dwarfs held at Dartmouth College in August 1988. All the current fields of research in this area are covered including the evolution of white dwarfs, links to progenitors, luminosity functions of white dwarfs, evolution of white dwarfs in binaries, spectroscopy and atmospheric abundances, diffusion, accretion and convective mixing, the mass-radius relation, gravitational redshifts, masses of white dwarfs, and magnetic white dwarfs. Special emphasis has been placed on the intrinsic properties of single white dwarfs. All the articles are by internationally known authorities and contain the most up-to-date information available at the time of writing.

White Dwarfs: Advances in Observation and Theory

Book Description

The European Workshop on White Dwarfs was initiated by Prof. V. Weidemann, with the first meeting held in Kiel (FRG) in 1974. Since then a similar workshop has been held almost every two years: Frascati (1976), Tel Aviv (1978), Paris (1981), Kiel (1984), Frascati (1986) and Toulouse (1990). Two major IAU colloquia have also been devoted to the study of white dwarfs (No. 53, Rochester NY, 1979; No. 114, Hanover, NH, 1988). Our most recent meeting, the 8th Workshop, marks a number of important advances in both observational and theoretical studies of white dwarfs. This coincides with a significant expansion in the size of the community active in the field, as was clear from an increase in the number of participants between this workshop (77) and that in Toulouse (46), just two years ago. Key parts of any workshop are the discussion sessions following the pa pers. However, these are difficult to record and, very often, the 'live' flavour of the debates is lost. During this workshop we carried out an experiment, recording the discussion sessions on video tape and then transcribing these later for the proceedings. Although the recordings were made in non-studio conditions with regard to lighting and noise, only a very small part was unin telligible. All participants were given an opportunity to check their questions and answers for scientific accuracy and to correct any errors arising in the transcription process.

Catalogue of White Dwarfs

Book Description

White Dwarfs

Book Description

1-Pre-White Dwarf Evolution and White Dwarf Cooling.- New pre-white dwarf evolutionary tracks.- Influence of the phase diagram in the cooling of white dwarfs.- PG1159 stars and the PNN-white dwarf connection.- Analysis of the soft X-ray data from the central star of NGC 7293.- Planetary Nebulae Nuclei with white dwarf spectra.- Atmospheric parameters of subluminous B stars.- White dwarf space densities and birth rates reconsidered.- A spectroscopic determination of the mass distribution of DA white dwarfs.- The age and formation of the Galaxy: clues from the white dwarf luminosity function.- Early results from the ROSAT Wide Field Camera.- The stellar component of the Hamburg Schmidt Survey.- White dwarfs in the Hamburg Schmidt Survey.- 2-Asteroseismology of White Dwarfs.- Asteroseismology of white dwarf stars with the Whole Earth Telescope.- A measurement of the evolutionary timescale of the cool white dwarf G117-B15A with WET.- On the interpretation of the dP/dt measurement in G117-B15A.- The boundaries of the ZZ Ceti instability strip.- Long term variations in ZZ Cetis: G191-16 and HL Tau 76.- Predicting the white dwarf light curves.- A wavelet analysis of the ZZ Ceti star G191 16.- An adiabatic survey for ZZ Ceti stars based on a finite element code.- A study of period change rates in post-AGB stars I. PG 1159-035.- Nonadiabatic nonradial pulsations for DAV white dwarf stars.- 3-Atmospheres and Envelopes.- NLTE Analysis of four PG1159 stars.- A search for trace amounts of hydrogen in DB stars.- Abundances of trace heavy elements in hot DA white dwarfs.- New results on radiative forces on iron in hot white dwarfs.- The effective temperature of the DBV's, and the sensitivity of DB model atmospheres to input physics.- The modified hydrostatic equilibrium equations for stratified high gravity stellar atmospheres.- The DBAQ G35-26.- LP 790-29: preliminary model atmospheres for this strongly polarized carbon white dwarf.- Some effect of the UV radiation from white dwarfs on the accretion of interstellar hydrogen.- Convection in white dwarfs: application of CM theory to helium envelope WDs.- Abundances in cool DZA and DAZ white dwarfs: new results using laboratory damping constants.- Evidence for fractionated accretion of metals on cool white dwarfs.- A new look at old friends: 40 Eri B and GD 323.- The Lyman Alpha line wing in hydrogen-rich white dwarf atmospheres.- Atmospheric parameters for DA white dwarfs in the vicinity of the ZZ Ceti instability strip.- Space Telescope observations of white dwarf stars.- 4-White Dwarfs in Binaries.- A deep spectroscopic survey of white dwarfs in common proper motion binaries.- Double degenerate common proper motion binaries.- Close binary white dwarfs.- New results on cataclysmic variable white dwarfs.- Whole Earth Telescope observations of the interacting white dwarf binary system AM CVn: first results.- IUE observations of V803 Cen in high and low states.- Whole Earth Telescope observations of PG1346+082.- On the origin of LMXRBS: the ONEMG case.

White Dwarfs

Book Description