White Dwarfs: Cosmological and Galactic Probes

Book Description

The emphasis on white dwarf stars and cosmology arises from the most recent advances in cosmological and galactic structure research in which white dwarf stars are playing a very prominent role. Examples are Type Ia supernovae (i.e. white dwarf supernovae), the origin and evolution of the universe, the age of the galactic disk, cosmochronology using white dwarfs in globular clusters and galactic clusters, and the physics of accretion onto compact (very dense) stars. As an assisting guide to the reader, we have included, by invitation, comprehensive review articles in each of the four major areas of the book, white dwarf supernovae, cosmology, accretion physics and galactic structure. The reviews include introductory material that they build upon. The book is suitable and most useful to advanced undergraduates, graduate students and scientific professionals (e.g. astronomers, astrophysicists, cosmologists, physicists).

White Dwarfs as Probes of Fundamental Physics (IAU S357)

Book Description

White dwarfs are the most numerous members of the stellar graveyard. More than ninety percent of all stars will end their lives as white dwarfs. Research on these objects is fascinating in its own right, requiring developments in atomic data and the study of properties of matter under extreme conditions. However, these studies also have enormous impact on other areas of astrophysics, including: cosmology, the composition of extrasolar planets and fundamental physics. The proceedings of IAU Symposium 357 bring together experts from different branches of science working on white dwarfs, but also astronomers with expertise in a wide range of relevant disciplines. The resulting papers are organized around several key themes: SN Ia progenitors, debris from extrasolar planetary systems, fundamental physics, precision studies of white dwarf structure and stellar physics and Galactic evolution. They provide a framework for guiding the direction of white dwarf research for the next decade.

The Astronomy Revolution

Book Description

Some 400 years after the first known patent application for a telescope by Hans Lipperhey, The Astronomy Revolution: 400 Years of Exploring the Cosmos surveys the effects of this instrument and explores the questions that have arisen out of scientific research in astronomy and cosmology. Inspired by the international New Vision 400 conference held

An Introduction to Distance Measurement in Astronomy

Book Description

Distance determination is an essential technique in astronomy, and is briefly covered in most textbooks on astrophysics and cosmology. It is rarely covered as a coherent topic in its own right. When it is discussed the approach is frequently very dry, splitting the teaching into, for example, stars, galaxies and cosmologies, and as a consequence, books lack depth and are rarely comprehensive. Adopting a unique and engaging approach to the subject An Introduction to distance Measurement in Astronomy will take the reader on a journey from the solar neighbourhood to the edge of the Universe, discussing the range of distance measurements methods on the way. The book will focus on the physical processes discussing properties that underlie each method, rather than just presenting a collection of techniques. As well as providing the most compressive account of distance measurements to date, the book will use the common theme of distance measurement to impart basic concepts relevant to a wide variety of areas in astronomy/astrophysics. The book will provide an updated account of the progress made in a large number of subfields in astrophysics, leading to improved distance estimates particularly focusing on the underlying physics. Additionally it will illustrate the pitfalls in these areas and discuss the impact of the remaining uncertainties in the complete understanding of the Universes at large. As a result the book will not only provide a comprehensive study of distance measurement, but also include many recent advances in astrophysics.

Accreting White Dwarfs

Book Description

The astrophysical process of accretion onto compact central objects is ubiquitous across the universe. The study of white dwarf stars has greatly expanded in recent years, and this book presents, from first principles, the physics of the accretion process onto white dwarfs. Among the resulting phenomena are isolated white dwarfs accreting interstellar gas and dust as they orbit the galactic center, white dwarfs accreting from the debris disks of tidally disrupted asteroids, comets and exoplanets in other exoplanetary systems, white dwarfs accreting from red giant winds in symbiotic variable stars, white dwarfs accreting from Roche lobe-detached main sequence stars, white dwarfs accreting in cataclysmic variables, helium accreting white dwarfs in the ultra-compact AM CVn binaries, accreting white dwarf explosions in classical novae and Type Ia supernovae, the cosmologically critical white dwarf supernovae that led to the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe and the existence of dark energy. This book is intended for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, astrophysicists who specialize in white dwarf studies as well as non-specialist scientists.

White Dwarfs

Book Description

The European Workshop on White Dwarfs was initiated by Prof. V. Weidemann, with the first meeting organized in Kiel (FRG) in 1974. Almost every two years, an increasing number of astronomers met to share their results and projects in the subsequent workshops: Frascati (1976), Tel Aviv (1978), Paris (1981), Kiel (1984), Frascati (1986). In the mean time, two major IAU colloquia (No. 53 in Rochester, NY, 1979; and No. 114 in Hanover, NH, 1988) emphasized the importance of these stars for our understanding of stellar evolution. The informal organization of the white dwarf community has been the starting point for large cooperative projects of which the Hubble Space Telescope "White Dwarf Consortium" and the "Whole Earth Telescope" are the most spectacular examples. But many other successful collaborations have also been born during the very exciting discussions conducted in the last 16 years on the occasion of our regular meetings. The 7th European Workshop on White Dwarfs took place the year of the seventieth birthday of Prof. Evry Schatzman, whose pioneering work has been the inspiration for many of the new ideas in the white dwarf community. The Scientific Organizing Committee has agreed to dedicate the workshop to him on this occasion. We are pleased to publish as an introduction to the workshop, the text of the talk delivered by Prof. Schatzman at the workshop's banquet.

Dark Side of the Universe

Book Description

Once we thought the universe was filled with shining stars, dust, planets, and galaxies. We now know that more than 98 percent of all matter in the universe is dark. It emits absolutely nothing yet bends space and time; keeps stars speeding around galaxies; and determines the fate of the universe. But dark matter is only part of the story. Scientists have recently discovered that the expansion of the universe is speeding up, driven by a mysterious commodity called dark energy. Depending on what dark matter and energy happen to be, our seemingly quiet universe could end its days in a Big Rip, tearing itself apart, or a Big Crunch, collapsing down to a universe the size of nothing, ready to be reincarnated in a Big Bang once again. For the general reader and armchair astronomer alike, Iain Nicolson’s fascinating account shows how our ideas about the nature and the content of the universe have developed. He highlights key discoveries, explains underlying concepts, and examines current thinking on dark matter and dark energy. He describes techniques that astronomers use to explore the remote recesses of the cosmos in their quest to understand its composition, evolution, and ultimate fate.

Unlocking the Secrets of White Dwarf Stars

Book Description

White dwarfs, each containing about as much mass as our Sun but packed into a volume about the size of Earth, are the endpoints of evolution for most stars. Thousands of these faint objects have now been discovered, though only a century ago only three were known. They are among the most common stars in the Milky Way Galaxy, and they have become important tools in understanding the universe. Yet a century ago only three white dwarfs were known. The existence of these stars completely baffled the scientists of the day, and solving the mysteries of these strange objects required revolutionary advances in science and technology, including the development of quantum physics, the construction and utilization of large telescopes, the invention of the digital computer, and the ability to make astronomical observations from space. This book tells the story of the growth in our understanding of white dwarf stars, set within the context of the relevant scientific and technological advances. Part popular science, part historical narrative, this book is authored by one of the astrophysicists who participated directly in uncovering some of the secrets of white dwarf stars.

Development and Testing of a New Method for Velocity-selecting White Dwarfs from Gaia by Galactic Population

Book Description

The detailed processes by which spiral galaxies form remains an open question in modern cosmology. Observations of the current configuration of spiral galaxies including the Milky Way reveal thin and thick disk and halo populations which must all be accounted for in formation theories and likely have distinct ages. Using the Milky Way as an example to probe this question, we are studying the formation history of these structures.

Chasing Hubble's Shadows

Book Description

Chasing Hubble's Shadows is an account of the continuing efforts of astronomers to probe the outermost limits of the observable universe. The book derives its title from something the great American astronomer Edwin Hubble once wrote: "Eventually, we reach the dim boundary—the utmost limits of our telescopes. There, we measure shadows, and we search among ghostly errors of measurement for landmarks that are scarcely more substantial." The quest for Hubble's "shadows"—those unimaginably distant, wispy traces of stars and galaxies that formed within the first few hundred million years after the Big Bang—takes us back, in effect, to the beginning of time as we are able to perceive it, when the first discrete stellar objects appeared out of what has lately come to be known as the "cosmic dark age." The information that is being gleaned from these dim sources—chiefly with the aid of Hubble's namesake, the Hubble Space Telescope—promises to yield clues to many cosmic puzzles, including the nature of the mysterious "dark energy" that is now believed to pervade all of space.