
Book Description

Representing Congress

Book Description

INTRODUCTIONRepresenting Congress presents a selection of politicalcartoons by Clifford K. Berryman to engage studentsin a discussion of what Congress is, how it works,and what it does. It features the masterful work of one ofAmerica's preeminent political cartoonists and showcases hisability to use portraits, representative symbols and figures,and iconic personifications to convey thought-provokinginsights into the institutions and issues of civic life. The Houseof Representatives and Senate take center stage as nationalelected officials work to realize the ideals of the Founders.This eBook is designed to teach students to analyze history as conveyed in visual media.The cartoons offer comments about various moments in history, and they challenge thereader to evaluate their perspective and objectivity. Viewed outside their original journalisticcontext, the cartoons engage and amuse as comic art, but they can also puzzlea reader with references to little-remembered events and people. This eBook providescontextual information on each cartoon to help dispel the historical mysteries.Berryman's cartoons were originally published as illustrations for the front page of theWashington Post and the Washington Evening Star at various dates spanning the years from 1896to 1949. Thirty-nine cartoons selected from the more than 2,400 original Berryman drawingspreserved at the Center for Legislative Archives convey thumbnail sketches of Congress inaction to reveal some of the enduring features of our national representative government.For more than 50 years, Berryman's cartoons engaged readers of Washington's newspapers,illustrating everyday political events as they related to larger issues of civic life.These cartoons promise to engage students in similar ways today. The cartoons intrigueand inform, puzzle and inspire. Like Congress itself, Berryman's cartoons seem familiarat first glance. Closer study reveals nuances and design features that invite in-depthanalysis and discussion. Using these cartoons, students engage in fun and substantivechallenges to unlock each cartoons' meaning and better understand Congress. As theydo so, students will develop the critical thinking skills so important to academic successand the future health and longevity of our democratic republic.2 | R E P R E S E N T I N G C O N G R E S SHOW THIS eBOOK IS ORGANIZEDThis eBook presents 39 cartoons by Clifford K. Berryman,organized in six chapters that illustrate how Congress works.Each page features one cartoon accompanied by links toadditional information and questions.TEACHING WITH THIS eBOOKRepresenting Congress is designed to teach students aboutCongress-its history, procedures, and constitutional roles-through the analysis of political cartoons.Students will study these cartoons in three steps:* Analyze each cartoon using the NARA Cartoon Analysis Worksheet* Analyze several cartoons to discuss how art illustrates civic life using Worksheet 2* Analyze each cartoon in its historic context using Worksheet 3 (optional)Directions:1. Divide the class into small groups, and assign each group to study one or more cartoonsin the chapter "Congress and the Constitution."2. Instruct each group to complete Worksheet 1: Analyzing Cartoons. Direct each groupto share their analysis with the whole-class.3. Instruct each group to complete Worksheet 2: Discussing Cartoons. Students shouldapply the questions to all of the cartoons in the chapter. Direct each group to sharetheir analysis in a whole class discussion of the chapter.4. Repeat the above steps with each succeeding chapter.5. Direct each group to share what they have learned in the preceding activities in awhole-class discussion of Congress and the Constitution.6. Optional Activity: Assign each group to read the Historical Context Informationstatement for their cartoon. The students should then use the Historical Context

200 Notable Days

Book Description

Comprised of 200 readable and informative historic vignettes reflecting all areas of Senate activities, from the well known and notorious to the unusual and whimsical. Prepared by Richard A. Baker, the Senates Historian, these brief sketches, each with an accompanying illustration and references for further reading, provide striking insights into the colorful and momentous history of The World's Greatest Deliberative Body. Review from Goodreads: "Jason" rated this book with 3 stars and had this to say "This coffee table book on Senate History comes from none other than the U.S. Senate Historian, Richard Baker. The House of Representatives recently acquired noted historian of the Jacksonian era, Robert Remini as the official House Historian. He recently wrote a pretty impressive tomb on the House of Representatives. The Senate already has a 4 volume history written by US Senator, Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia, so the Senate could not reply in that manner. So, I think the coffee table book was the best that we could muster. I think this is the first time I have actually read a coffee table book from cover to cover. It is a chatty little story book filled with useful cocktail-party-history of the US Senate. That's useful knowledge to me, as I never know what to say at Washington cocktail parties. Perhaps anecdotes about Thomas Hart Benton will help break the ice. The most striking thing to me about the book was the number of attacks on the Capitol. I had heard about all the incidents individually, but it is more jolting to see them sequentially. 3 bombings, 2 gun attacks and then the attempt on September 11th. In a way, its remarkable that the Capitol complex remained so open for so long. Note, I use the past tense here. As any of you who have visited the capitol recently will have noted, it is increasingly difficult to get in. And once the Capitol Visitor Center is completed, I expect it will be very much a controlled experience like the White House. In any case, Baker's prose is breezy and he is dutifully reverent to the institution without missing the absurdities of Senate life. You also get a sense of the breakdown in lawfulness that preceded the Civil War. Its not just the canning of Charles Sumner, its also the Mississippi Senator pulling a gun on Missouri Senator Thomas Hart Benton in the Senate chamber. Then there is the case of California Senator David Broderick (an anti-slavery Democrat) being killed in a duel by the pro-slavery Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court. Apparently, back in those days, California was a lot more like modern Texas. In any case, the slide toward anarchy can definitely be found long before Fort Sumter. Another interesting aside that I really never knew concerns the order of succession. All of us learn in school that it is the President, then the Vice President, then the Speaker of the House and then President Pro Tempore of the Senate. After that, you get the members of the Cabinet, and I was aware that as new departments were created, they have been shuffled up a bit. What I did not know, is that Congress was not always in the order of succession at all. For a long time, it devolved from the President to the VP and then directly to the Secretary of State. Furthermore, when they first inserted Congress, it was the President Pro Tempore of the Senate who was third in line over the Speaker of the House. The structure we all know and love was only finalized in 1947 after some hard thinking in light of FDR's demise and the Constitutional Amendments on succession that followed. Anyway, this is a book for government geeks. If you are one, its a nice read and about as pleasant a way to introduce yourself to Senate history as I have found. If not, there are prettier coffee table books to be had."