The First 10 Years of WIPO Re:Search

Book Description

This publication celebrates the first 10 years of WIPO Re:Search, a public-private partnership now spanning over 40 countries to catalyze innovative early-stage research and development (R&D) for neglected tropical diseases, malaria and tuberculosis. It looks back at the accomplishments of the partnership and its scientific network of over 150 members, which by sharing resources and expertise is collaborating to improve the global health landscape. WIPO Re:Search is administered by WIPO in collaboration with BIO Ventures for Global Health (BVGH).

WIPO Re:Search Strategic Plan 2017–2021

Book Description

WIPO Re:Search has come a long way over the past five years since its inception. Initially, it was intended to demonstrate that IP could help facilitate innovation in health and catalyze new research and development. This demonstration has been achieved. Based on the recommendations of an external strategic review of WIPO Re:Search, this Strategic Plan, developed in a collaborative manner with all WIPO Re:Search Members, charts the way forward based on several principles: the positive value of IP; the need for a proactive partnering mechanism; a long-term perspective of potential contribution to product development; the importance of capacity building for IP management and for research; the importance of mobilizing additional resources for partnering and for collaborations; and the value of broader understanding of IP, research and WIPO Re:Search itself.

WIPO Re:Search Partnership Stories 2016-2019: Driving R&D for Neglected Infectious Diseases Through Global Cross-Sector Collaborations

Book Description

WIPO Re:Search is a global public-private consortium that accelerates drug, vaccine, and diagnostic research and development (R&D) to address unmet medical needs for neglected infectious diseases and drive progress toward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Established in 2011, WIPO Re:Search catalyzes royalty-free sharing of intellectual property—including compounds, data, clinical samples, technology, and expertise—among Consortium Members in targeted, mutually beneficial R&D collaborations. This publication contain stories of collaborations established through WIPO Re:Search from 2016 to 2019.