Wisconsin's Model Academic Standards for Business

Book Description

This document, which is intended for teachers of high school-level business education courses, contains both the academic standards for business education in Wisconsin secondary schools that were disseminated in 1998 and learning activities to enable students to meet the standards. The activities were developed for students completing grade 12 and were designed in the Wisconsin Instructional Design System format. All activities reflect state-of-the-art technology and concepts and are intended to serve as examples and a catalyst for instruction. Although some activities are specific for courses, others may be integrated into a variety of courses. All standards are cross-referenced to Wisconsin's standards for English language arts, mathematics, and social studies. The document is divided into 11 sections that include the following components: content standards; performance standards; and learning activities. The learning activities include some or all of the following elements: standard addressed; directions for completing the activity; scenarios; scoring standard; rating scale; scoring guide; and directions to the teacher. The section topics are as follows: communications; information systems/technology; financial procedures; economics; entrepreneurship; marketing; international business; principles of management; principles of law; interpersonal and leadership skills; and career development. (MN)

Planning Curriculum in Social Studies

Book Description

The goal of the Wisconsin "Model Academic Standards for Social Studies" is to design a social studies program that develops knowledgeable, active citizens who are able to recognize, analyze, and act on personal and public problems or decisions that affect the well-being of an individual, group, a nation, or the world. Following an introduction, the guide is divided into 14 chapters: (1) "Organizing the Social Studies Curriculum: Recommended Scope and Sequence in Wisconsin's Schools for Social Studies"; (2) "Social Studies Skills: Skills Related to Processes in Social Studies"; (3) "Curriculum Connections: Curriculum Connections Take Time and Teacher Knowledge"; (4) "Geography: People, Places, and Environments"; (5) "History: Time, Continuity, and Change"; (6) "Political Science and Citizenship: Power, Authority, Governance, and Responsibility"; (7) "Economics: Production, Distribution, Exchange, and Consumption"; (8) "The Behavioral Sciences: Individuals, Institutions, and Society (Culture)"; (9) "Additional Studies within the Scope of Social Studies"; (10) "Student Assessment in Social Studies"; (11) "Technology in the Social Studies"; (12) "Evaluating Programs and Resources"; (13) "Professional Development"; and (14) "Teaching and Learning Strategies." Includes an appendix and a resources list. (BT)

Wisconsin's Model Academic Standards for Family and Consumer Education

Book Description

To assist parents and educators in preparing students for the twenty-first century, Wisconsin citizens have become involved in the development of challenging academic standards in 12 curricular areas. Having clear standards for students and teachers makes it possible to develop rigorous local curricula and valid, reliable assessments. This model of academic standards is for the area of family and consumer education. The introduction defines the academic standards, explains how they were developed, and suggests how to use and apply them across the curriculum. An overview of family and consumer education contains sections on the following topics: continuing concerns of the family; practical reasoning; family action; personal and social responsibility; work of family; and learning to learn. Sample proficiency standards are also included. (BT)

Wisconsin's Model Academic Standards for Agricultural Education

Book Description

Standards address both Agricultural Literacy and Agricultural Education. Content and performance standards are identified for grades 4, 8, and 12. Organized into six strands: Global Agricultural Systems, Technology / Information, Leadership, Agriscience / Production, Ecology / Environment, Business Management and Marketing. Also lists performance standards for middle and high school agriculture students. Cross-referenced to standards for English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.

Wisconsin's Model Academic Standards for Art and Design Education

Book Description

This Wisconsin academic standards guide for art and design explains what is meant by academic standards. The guide declares that academic standards specify what students should know and be able to do; what students might be asked to do to give evidence of standards; how well students must perform; and that content, performance, and proficiency standards are included. The guide also states that standards are benchmarked to the end of grades 4, 8, and 12. The guide notes that students learn to approach art and design from a variety of disciplines because art and design include not only the traditional fine arts but also design arts, media arts, visual learning skills, and the understanding of art and society. It points out that the arts are a result of the unique ability of the modern human mind to make connections among the basic skills in social relations, natural science, technology, and language, and that students learn to integrate knowledge and processes from many subjects to create and understand this more advanced form of human activity known as art. Following the general information part of the guide, the volume is divided into the following sections: Knowing (A. Visual Memory and Knowledge; B. Art and Design History, Citizenship, and Environment); Doing (C. Visual Design and Production; D. Practical Applications); Communicating (E. Visual Communication and Expression; F. Visual Media and Technology); Thinking (G. Art and Design Criticism; H. Visual Thinking); Understanding (I. Personal and Social Development; J. Cultural and Aesthetic Understanding); and Creating (K. Making Connections; L. Visual Imagination and Creativity). Sample proficiency standards conclude the guide. (BT)