Wisdom and Law in the Reign of Solomon

Book Description

This study uses recent literary theory in an attempt to reconcile apparent contradictions and discrepancies in the narrative concerning Solomon (I Kings 1-11) into an internally coherent statement about wisdom and law. After a survey of various historical-critical approaches, it moves to a literary perspective to show literary criticism's convergence and divergence with historical criticism. In addition, it outlines an appropriate methodology to begin a holistic study. This book also examines the deep structure and, drawing upon the structural analysis, pulls together the themes embedded in the narrative, especially Solomon's volatile relationship to wisdom and Torah.

The Wisdom of Solomon

Book Description

The Wisdom of Solomon

Book Description

Wisdom from King Solomon

Book Description

WISDOM FROM KING SOLOMON (208 pages) is an enjoyable and easy to read reference book of King Solomon's invaluable wisdom. Proverbs of King Solomon, derived from the Holy Bible, have been organized into 150 different subjects making the wisdom inherent in each proverb much more easily accessed and assimilated. Also included is a description of King Solomon given by Tamrin the Merchant who was sent to Jerusalem by the Queen of Sheba, Queen of Ethiopia, original poetry, an essay and a glossary of uncommonly used words. Given in Wisdom From King Solomon are simple guidelines for living a happy and prosperous life, and enabling those around us to do the same. It is practical wisdom to be used in every day life, in all our dealings and interactions. It is a wonderful reference book which covers just about every subject. The wisdom shared within the pages of this book is important in these times especially. King Solomon's words, sweeter than honey and smoother than oil, express truths about natural laws of creation, based on patterns the natural world runs by, of which we are also a part of. When we, in our own lives, and in the lives of our communities and tribes, consider and live in accordance with these natural laws, then we become so very strong as a people, with the power of all creation backing us. It is only when we do not live within the laws of creation, that destruction starts to set in. The wisdom within this book has the power to create unconquerable people, tribes and communities. It basically outlines the ABCs of living in perfect and divine love with one another, which is truly the only law of creation. Happy is the man that finds wisdom, and the man that gets understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies: and all the things the I can desire are not to be compared unto her. Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retains her. Over 150 different subjects, arranged alphabetically which include: Animals, Balance, Beauty, Brothers, Children, Diligence, The Faithful, Friends, Giving, Happiness, The Heart, Humility, Life, Love, The Most High, Prosperity, The Soul, Speaking, Truth, Understanding, Wisdom, & Youth.

Wisdom and Law in the Old Testament

Book Description

A completely new, expanded edition of this classic college text book about two key kinds of writing in the Old Testament: wisdom and law. Completely revised and updated, the book also includes much more on literary interpretation.

National Geographic Who's Who in the Bible

Book Description

Presents a family guide to the Bible that, told through historic art and artifacts, tells the stories of biblical characters and highlights their greater meaning for mankind.

Wisdom of Solomon

Book Description

Originally published as part of the acclaimed Sheffield Guides series, this helpful study-guide is designed to meet the needs of students and general readers in a concise, accessible and affordable format. The complete set of books will offer a comprehensive introduction to the Bible and related writings. Each study-guide comprises -An Introduction to the content and message of the particular book -A survey of the significant critical issues -An assesment of recent scholarship -Signposts towards major critical works in the area -Annotated bibliographies T & T Clark Study Guides are written by some of the world's greatest biblical scholars, each of whom draws on their extensive teaching experience to make their subject come alive for all who are approaching biblical studies for the first time.

The Wisdom of Solomon

Book Description

Job and Solomon

Book Description